"Damn it! I want you to compete with you with omelet rice!"

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua put one hand on the blindfold, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I am quite confident about omelet rice..."

Don't talk like a coffee shop manager!

And besides a little sewing, don't you get zero points for other life skills!

I used to cook and almost burn the kitchen down.

"Cooking duel?" Raphael blinked, "Then I'll join too, it looks very interesting."

Hello!That's not a cooking showdown, but a dark cooking showdown!

Except for Wei Nai and Miss Miko, the cooking made by you four idiots must be super scary!

A man will be silent after eating it, and a woman will cry after eating it!

As for Hua Ye...of course he was waiting to eat.

But taking advantage of this time, he planned to go to the hot spring for a while.

Chapter 125

Hua Ye came to the backyard alone.

Before you know it, twilight has darkened.

The moonlight is cold, and a piece of silver is sprinkled under the steps.

Above the hot spring, there is a faint mist.

The area of ​​this hot spring pool is about the same size as a general family pool, with a cobbled ground next to it, and in the surrounding corners, there are scattered hollow stones, and there are faint lights like fireflies flickering inside.

The evening wind blows, bringing a little bit of coolness, the surrounding green bamboos are whirling, and a few delicate flowers are swaying gently, which looks both real and illusory, and it is too beautiful to behold.

Unexpectedly, after dark, this place is even more beautiful than during the day.

Taking a brief bath next to it, Hua Ye entered the hot spring.

The spring water is warm and soothing.

Hua Ye closed his eyes, savoring the tranquility silently.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was the sound of "slapping" footsteps, which was very clear in the quiet night.

Hua Ye opened his eyes and looked curiously through the hazy water vapor.

Strange, I greeted them before coming, who would come here at this time?

As a result, a cute and expressionless loli came over.

It is the blue-eyed dragonling.

"What are you doing here?" Hua Ye twitched his lips.

Even if you are distorted by Thor's maid dragon, the three views of human beings are distorted, but the most basic common sense between men and women is different!


Hey, have you seen enough?

I know your eyes are very good, even at night or the mist of the hot spring will not hinder you, but you should at least look away, and what is that disgusting expression!

In addition, the script is wrong!

It would be understandable if someone else came over, but why are you here!

Connor blinked and said calmly, "Master Thor asked me to call her at this time."

Hua Ye suddenly realized and remembered.

Thor did say this before parting at the subway station in the morning, but because of being too busy, did Wei Nai also forget about it?

"I see, you go back first, and I'll get you the phone right now."

"Yeah." Kang Na nodded and walked aside.

Hua Ye got up, changed his clothes, dialed the phone, and handed it to Kang Na.

"Master Thor."

"It's Kang Na," came Thor's energetic voice, which Hua Ye could even hear clearly, "Did you have a good time today?"

"Happy." Kang Na nodded, hesitated for a moment, "I ate a lot of delicious food, and met a little girl, and then..."

As expected, Thor came from the same place as Kang Na. He noticed the hesitation in Kang Na's voice, and guessed: "Well, when the other party is talking, you don't know how to answer, and you don't want to be rude?"


"That's it." Thor pondered for a moment, and said, "When I came back at noon today, I saw a young man on the phone with his companion. No matter what the other party said, he kept praising him as 'Maji Dumb Kune', And they seemed to have a good time chatting…”

"So oh, Kanna! When you don't know how to answer the other party, just say 'Machi Dumb Kune', and you can continue the conversation perfectly."

Shut up!

What an embarrassing scene it is that needs to use "terrible" to continue the topic!

How crooked your common sense is!

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