"Oh." The blue-eyed young dragon nodded earnestly, "Maji dumb Kunai."


Hua Ye and Kang Na returned to the house.

The little loli Chiba Hyuga came up to her and said, "Kangna-chan, look, look, this is the apple pudding I made myself."

Connor blinked, raised her hand to hold her small face, "Oh, Maggie's dumb Kone."

"Eh? Thank you for the compliment." Xiao Hinata grinned, obviously enjoying it, and turned around to bring two dolls, "Kangna-chan, this is the Merlu I caught this afternoon, and I'll give it to you."

Connor: "Machi dumb Kunai."


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, always feeling that this sentence seemed to have magic power, so he turned and went into the kitchen.

The kitchen has a large area, even if there are so many people coming in, it will not look crowded. In addition, with the cooperation of everyone, the pre-cleaning work of the ingredients has been roughly completed, and even some meat that takes time has been put into the pot and started to stew boiled.

"Vina, I'm going to make omelet rice!" Satania raised her hand.

At the moment, Wei Nai was wearing a bear apron, cutting vegetables in an orderly manner, and said without raising her head when she heard the words: "Yes, but we will wait until we finish cooking."

"Eh? Why!"

Gabriel: "Tch, I don't need to ask, I must be afraid that everyone will go to the hospital after eating your omelet rice."

Satania: "Baga!"

Grilled steak, ginger pork, mushroom stew, salmon sashimi, and grilled saury are not to be mentioned, in addition to fresh shrimp and octopus dumplings, sea urchin rice bowl and seaweed tofu.

"By the way, I also learned a dish of hot and sour potato shreds recently, and the taste is also very good."

In order to balance the nutrition of picky eaters such as Liuhua and others, Wei Nai was heartbroken. Not only did she teach herself green pepper shredded pork, but now she also learned hot and sour potato shreds.

After all, the combination of meat and vegetables is the correct way of eating. Eating only meat and no vegetables, or only vegetables and no pork, is not good for your health.

Shred the potatoes quickly, soak in water and set aside.

Then heat the oil in the pan, put the chopped green onion and dried chili into the pan, after a brief stir-fry, wait for the aroma to permeate, pour in the shredded potatoes, then add the appropriate amount of salt, pepper noodles, and balsamic vinegar , simply stir-fry for two minutes, and the pot is ready to serve.

A plate of appetizing and refreshing hot and sour potato shreds is complete.

Xiaoniao Youliuhua sniffed his nose, and looked at him as if he was facing an enemy.

"smells good……"

"It looks good too..."

"However, such a horrible chili was added...is it really edible?"

Wei Nai nodded confidently: "You will know later!"

Miss Miko made a Japanese mapo tofu.

It is worth mentioning that the dish of mapo tofu is very famous in Japan, and even once won the title of the most popular Chinese cuisine among Japanese.

However, the taste of the Japanese tends to be light, and the aroma, numbness, and spicyness are all discounted, and the main material used is Japanese tofu.

The so-called Japanese tofu is not made from soybeans, but made from fresh soup made from eggs, dried fish or mushrooms. Compared with ordinary tofu made from soy products, the taste is more delicious, smooth and tender.However, this dish is a test of the chef's skill, because Japanese tofu is very soft, and it will break if you don't pay attention... Broken tofu, even if it is delicious, does not get a high score.

After being busy for nearly an hour, Wei Nai brought the last miso soup to the table, and all the dishes were finally ready.

As for the dark cooking confrontation between Gabriel and Satania... we will talk about it later.

"It's so rich!" Xiao Hinata exclaimed in a low voice.

On the other hand, Kang Na was holding her small face, her eyes were shining brightly: "Maji Dumb Kone."


The air was silent for a moment.

From just now, this blue-eyed young dragon has been talking about "Maji Dumb Kunei". Under the brainwashing of this magical "terrible", everyone is about to form a neurological reflex...

After washing their hands, everyone sat around the dining table and said in unison:

"I'm gonna start now!"

Because there are too many people, it is too troublesome to share meals with small plates, so serving chopsticks are used instead.

Rafael picked up a piece of saury and praised: "It's delicious!"

Wei Nai pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "When grilling saury, a few drops of lemon juice will enhance the taste a lot. These are just common sense."

Satania also picked up a piece of saury, and said curiously while eating, "It's so strange..."

"Hey, what's the matter? Is it not delicious?"

"No." Satania shook her head, "I just suddenly remembered a fish-related joke I saw a few days ago."

Satania blinked and said with a confused expression:

"The joke goes like this - the bull and the cow get divorced after a year of marriage, the cow marries the elephant, gets divorced a year later, then remarries the bull again. The day after the remarriage, the bull sits Smoking a cigarette on the balcony and singing a song called 'I'm like a fish in your lotus pond'..."

Satania puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, "What, what does this have to do with fish!"

The air suddenly became quiet.

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