"What do you want to do?"

Hua Ye said, "I won't let you do stupid things."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip: "I didn't."

Hua Ye said, "I like Wei Nai."

Wei Nai was unmoved: "It is useless to say this now."

"Your heart is beating faster."



Wei Nai turned her face away, there was nothing she could do about Hua Ye's thick skin, if someone else had said that, she would have already covered her face in shame and left, why did you say the word 'like' without changing your face? , like this kind of thing, can you share so many copies?

Hua Ye said: "After this Christmas, there will be no problem."

"Eh?" Wei Nai turned her head to look, hesitated, and couldn't help saying, "Don't do strange things."

Hua Ye didn't speak.

"Don't worry about it at all, okay?" Wei Nai took a deep breath, closed her eyes and remained silent for a moment, then said, "Let's go back to the apartment."


"You let me go first."

"Don't let go." Hua Ye shook his head, "Hands are cold."

Wei Nai gritted her teeth: "I have gloves."

"That won't let me go either."


Wei Nai had no choice but to say, "This is the last time, don't make an exception."

Hua Ye did not speak, and the strength on his palm did not waver in the slightest.

Walking on this extremely familiar road home, Wei Nai was in a daze for a while.

In early summer, when it rained heavily one day, the two hid in front of a nearby jewelry store, listening to the seashells hanging on the door swaying gently in the wind, making the sound of the sea breeze, although they knew it was not the sound of the sea, But it sounds good.

Next to the wall of the convenience store in front is a row of claw grabbing machines. They have to be pulled every day when they pass by, otherwise they always like to grab claws. The shop owner has a good temper and has never rushed anyone.

In the alley in front, there used to be a lonely stray cat. A cat lived alone in the cracks of the wall. Later, it gave birth to a litter of kittens. She took the kittens away and gave them to the grandmother to raise them. The stray cat lived alone. Then he left here, and Shi Chang appeared near the apartment.

I once exchanged knee pillows in the park in front, and saw someone doing that kind of thing in the dark.

Soon after, I will pass a very long step ramp, and I am a little tired from walking. When I came home that night, a pregnant woman accidentally rolled a watermelon out of the bag and rolled down. I wanted to catch it, but the result But it exploded with a 'bang', splashing watermelon juice all over the body, back to the apartment, Hua Ye helped cook ginger soup, and took advantage of it before leaving...

We walked through spring, summer, autumn and winter together on this road, and before we knew it, it was already full of memories.

Although she has the habit of keeping a diary every day, Wei Nai's memory today is extremely clear, like a little girl picking up shells by the sea, who can see those precious things shining on the road.

Vaina closed her eyes.

"It is agreed that everyone will be happy, but this kind of thing is really impossible, right?"

While walking, Wei Nai suddenly noticed that Hua Ye had stopped, opened his eyes and saw a familiar teacher standing in front of her.

"Hey, Teacher Jing?"

Wei Nai was taken aback, then her pretty face flushed, and she felt a sense of guilt of 'secretly dating, and then being caught by the teacher'. She hurriedly pulled her hand out, and then... Hua Ye held it even tighter. .

"You, you let go!" Wei Nai was anxious, "Teacher Jing saw it!"

Hua Ye said: "When you see it, you see it. The school does not prohibit socializing."

"Who's dating you?" Wei Nai bit her lower lip, blushing and said, "Go find Xiaojia and Lafite!"

"Hey, don't ignore me, teacher." Jing Keai crossed her arms and complained.

She is currently wearing a light blue sportswear, a white cap on her head, and flat sneakers on her feet. She is obviously out for a night run to keep fit. She is twenty-nine years and a few months old. Women, not only did not get fatter, but they had abdominal muscles that ordinary girls couldn't see. This persistence and perseverance did not know how many people were outnumbered.

Wei Nai blushed and said, "Teacher Jing, don't get me wrong..."

"Well, the school doesn't prohibit socializing." Jing Keai waved her hand and said with a half-smile, "You go your own way, I just come out to run and eat, just pretend that I don't exist."

Wei Nai blushed even more, she couldn't help pinching Hua Ye with puffed cheeks, and then she broke free.

"I'm going to eat some oden." Jing Keai pointed forward, "Do you two want to eat?"

Wei Nai hesitated to refuse, but Hua Ye had already said, "I want to eat."

"Then let's eat a little together."

On the streets in winter, in addition to roasted chestnuts and roasted sweet potatoes, the aroma of oden also permeates the streets and alleys. Anyway, there is no such thing as oden in summer.

Kanto cooking is sold in some izakayas and restaurants, and there are also special shops, but it is generally a roadside stall, mainly using special utensils to cook soup, and then put the ingredients in it and cook it all the time. In fact, it is similar to Malatang, boiled inside The ingredients are similar, including radishes, eggs, beef tendon, kelp, konjac, fish rolls, dough, fried tofu, etc. There are more oden seafood bought in convenience stores.

"Well, this is the shop." Jing Keai took Hua Ye and Wei Nai to an oden shop outside, "Many roadside stalls have disappeared, only this kind of shop can survive... When I was in high school , this oden restaurant has already opened, and I come here a few times every winter, the taste is very good."

The three walked into the shop, and Jing Keai said, "You can take whatever you want."

"Understood, Teacher Jing."

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