Wei Nai had no appetite, so she simply picked an egg, kelp and radish, and then stopped.

Hua Ye said, "I'll get it for you."

Wei Nai said with a pretty face, "No, I'll take it myself."

Jing Keai turned her head and looked over: "Tsk, it turns out there is a conflict."

Chapter 1300 Wei Nai's Choice

"Teacher Jing, you misunderstood." Wei Nai said with a straight face, "I have no relationship with him, and there is no problem of being awkward."

Jing Keai blinked her eyes, "That's my misunderstanding."

As he said that, he gave Hua Ye a look, "So you also overturned the car?"


"Does Wei Nai know that you haven't even let Teacher Igarashi go?"


Hua Ye suddenly felt that he shouldn't eat with this older unmarried young woman.

After choosing the ingredients, the three of them sat down at an unoccupied table.

Jing Keai picked up the kombu roll with chopsticks, that is, kelp, and ate it, then exhaled softly, "It's been so many years, and the taste hasn't changed much. This is the first time you two eat oden?"

Wei Nai nodded: "We... it's my first time eating."

Hua Ye said, "It's also my first time eating."

Wei Nai pursed her lips and said nothing.

Jing Keai folded her left leg on top of her right leg, switched to a big guy sitting position, and then lightly kicked Hua Ye under the table.


Hua Ye looked puzzled.


The phone suddenly vibrated.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone, and it was a message from Jing Kei who was sitting opposite.

"Do you want me to help?" Wei Nai chatted calmly on the surface, but secretly sent a message to Hua Ye, "You can't do this, some girls are not suitable for stalking."

Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of his mouth: "So?"

"So the teacher can give you an assist." Jing Keai took another bite of beef tendon, "However, the teacher has no shikigami until today."

Hua Ye said with disgust, "Where's that mouse demon?"

"Don't mention that guy to me." Jing Keai raised her eyebrows and knocked on the table.

"Teacher Jing?" Wei Nai was startled.

"Well, it's nothing, I suddenly thought of something just now." Jing Keai waved her hand.

That day I went out with Igarashi to gain knowledge, but was entangled by a mouse monster with a sharp mouth and a monkey cheek, who was only [-] meters tall. He actually wanted to marry him as his wife. Even if there was only one man left on the earth, he would not agree. It's not like this world can't do without men, there are a lot of sex toys on the Internet!

Two nights ago, I met that sneaky rat demon downstairs in the apartment. After realizing that I became an onmyoji, I turned around and ran away. No wonder it is called a mouse gall, smaller than a sesame mung bean, and I failed to beat that bitch. Super upset.

Jing Keai turned her eyes and looked at Wei Nai: "Do you know why I haven't gotten married for so long?"

"Huh?" Wei Nai was taken aback, she didn't expect Jing Keai to suddenly bring up this taboo topic that no one dared to talk about, subconsciously sat upright, and answered seriously, "I don't know."

Teacher Jing is [-] years old and a few months old. She has a good figure and looks. It stands to reason that at this age, she has already been married and her children can go to elementary school. But not only is she not married, she doesn't even have a boyfriend. .

Regarding the issue of Jing Ke being single, when the girls gossip in private, they often discuss the reasons.

At present, there are mainly two kinds of gossip. One is that Jing Keai has someone in her heart, such as her first love who died when she was studying, so she rejects so many blind dates.

The second type of gossip is that Jing Keai actually doesn't like men, but likes women, but due to family pressure, she dare not disclose the fact that she came out of the closet, so she can only procrastinate.

Girls have a natural interest in gossip. Although Wei Nai has never published the topic, she can't help but listen to it when others discuss it.

"Could it be that Teacher Jing is going to reveal the real reason for not getting married now?"

Wei Nai opened her eyes wide and held her breath.

Jing Keai ate a piece of radish unhurriedly, winning the first blow.

"I have a cousin named Jiazi, whose family conditions are not bad. When she graduated from high school, my uncle planned to marry her."

Wei Nai pursed her lips, and always felt that the marriage regulations in Japan were very strange. Girls can get married at the age of sixteen, take a driver's license test at the age of eighteen, and drink alcohol at the age of twenty... When they get married, should the bride and groom Don't you need a toast?

"It's just that Cousin Jiazi had already dated a boyfriend at that time. He was a boy from Akita Prefecture. His parents were farmers and the living conditions were very poor, but Cousin Jiazi liked him very much."

"and after?"

Wei Nai asked subconsciously.

Jing Keai pursed her lips, "Later Cousin Jiazi eloped with his boyfriend."

"Eh?" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, "Elope?"

"Otherwise?" Jing Keai spread her hands, "If Cousin Jiazi succumbs to Uncle and casually marries someone she doesn't like, I would be married by now."

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