
time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it's afternoon school time.

The melon-eating girls in the class left the classroom in groups of three or five.

Hua Ye turned to look at Gabriel, the useless angel picked up the scarf and wrapped it up slowly, with both hands in the pockets, and a lazy face: "Don't follow me, I will go with Wei Nai, Go reflect on it."


Wei Nai also turned a blind eye to Hua Ye, and said solemnly, "Xiao Jia, let's go."

"Brave and brave." Liuhua raised her hand, the hair on her head swayed, "I, I, I..."

"Liuhua, do you want to have fried green peppers with tomatoes for dinner?"


Chapter 1313 Christmas Script

Hua Ye walked into the bookstore he frequented, and soon found the silver-haired girl reading in front of the bookshelf.

The bright sunlight came in from the window and fell on half of the silver-haired girl's side face, like a lady drawn by the master of Chinese painting with the most delicate strokes. Many customers in the bookstore were secretly looking at it, but unfortunately these people soon heard their own The sound of heartbreak, because the super beautiful young lady has already hugged a boy's arm.

"My lord." The sweet voice sounded so sweet that it could make flowers and plants sprout in spring, "Why do you come to see me when you have time?"

Don't talk like that mountain god Shi Changji, let her be someone else's lackey next time!

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "I'll read the book."

"Hey, Mr. Facial Paralyzed is too much." Lafite puffed up his pink cheeks, "It's a pity that I came to collect materials for you."

"What material?"

"Didn't you ask us to help write a script yesterday?" Lafite said, "I don't have any inspiration, of course I have to come to the bookstore to get materials."

Hua Ye glanced at the book in the hands of this black-bellied girl, "Human Diet Is Too Deep", a story about a revived vampire exploring the mysteries of human diet. He said it was a food story. Why is that vampire's chest so big? !

"Vampires don't eat human food," Hua Ye said.

"It's okay." Lafite hugged Hua Ye, walked to a nearby sofa and sat down, "It's just a setting. The comic book author said that vampires can eat human food, so they can eat it. It's okay to eat garlic."

"There's nothing wrong with eating garlic."

"Well, I suddenly remembered that when I first started school, I seemed to scare classmate Hua Ye with garlic?"

Not just garlic, but also Bibles, crosses, and gossip plates, but unfortunately they are all fake, and none of them are useful.

"Has student Hua Ye been frightened at that time?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "There is no fluctuation in my heart."

"It's too much, it obviously cost me so much pocket money..."

The black-bellied girl opened the book, "Hey, cream stew, I want to eat it."

"do it yourself."

"It's generally accepted that the dishes that girlfriends most want boys to cook for them are at the top of the list." The bookstore was very quiet, and even if the two of them were sitting in the corner, they whispered quietly, "Your boyfriend doesn't like me, right?"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and looked at this troublesome girl. Creamy stew is obviously the dish that Japanese boys most want their girlfriends to cook for them, okay?Your ability to turn black and white and point a deer into a horse is getting stronger and stronger!


Lafite opened his eyes wide, and there was sparkle in the amber pupils, and he signaled with his eyes, "Send the proposition, if you answer wrong, I will cry for you."

Hua Ye said, "I like it."

"Then make it for me." Lafite rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Hua Ye said, "Go back and do it."

"Hey, no." Lafite sighed, "I can't go to your apartment for a short time."


"Mr. Facial Paralyzed suddenly said such exaggerated words, and he felt comfortable, didn't he consider our feelings at all?" Lafite stretched out his finger and poked Hua Ye's waist, "It's just that everyone knew it before, It must be very embarrassing to suddenly become a competitor when it is stabbed in the open, so I launched the campaign of 'Counter Attacking the Facially Paralyzed King'..."

The dark-bellied girl's eyes flickered: "It's not like we can have whatever you want, we have agreed to implement pl/ay, and fight back against the paralyzed gentleman."

Lafite blinked and glanced over quietly: "Hey, isn't your boyfriend angry?"

"Don't be angry." Hua Ye shook his head, "I already know."

"Hey, Genghis Khan barbecue? It's actually the most popular specialty food in Hokkaido." Lafite brought the book in front of Hua Ye, "It's scary to have such a terrible dish."

Where is it scary? Actually, this dish has nothing to do with Genghis Khan. The method is to use a hat-like pot, put the mutton brushed with special seasoning and various vegetables on it and roast until the delicious soup overflows, similar to There is also Xi Shi's milk, how big Xi Shi's breasts are, enough for thousands of years of literati and poets to eat!

Hua Ye said, "If you want to eat, let's eat at night."

Lafite closed the book, pressed his chin, and looked over with wide eyes, "Your boyfriend suddenly became enlightened?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Then don't eat it."

"No, you can't go back on what you promised."

After reading a few more pages of comics, the dark-bellied girl's eyes suddenly lit up, "I have an inspiration."

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