Hua Ye turned his head to look, "What inspiration?"

"It's a story about Prince Charming and the seven dwarf princesses." Lafite hugged Hua Ye's arm and whispered to his ear, "The story happened a long, long time ago, on a sunny afternoon."

With such a clichéd opening line, the story must be terrible!

"Because of the kingdom's rebellion, Prince Charming was exiled in the forest, and was picked up by the dwarf princesses."

"As they get along day and night, the seven dwarf princesses gradually fall in love with Prince Charming."

"It's time to make a choice. Prince Charming said, 'Marry me all of you'. The seven dwarf princesses were very moved and agreed to the prince's request. But on the wedding day, everyone died. May I ask why?"

Hua Ye was speechless: "You will be beaten for doing this."

The black-bellied girl shook her finger: "Because the quilt is too small and not big enough to sleep together, everyone was frozen to death at night."

"Not pass." Hua Ye vetoed it with one vote.

How could it be possible to perform such a thing in a performance program in a nursing home!


When I got home at night, Hua Ye turned on the computer and received a lot of scripts. Although they were in storage, the scripts did not fall behind.

Hua Ye glanced at it, and found that almost everyone had written a copy, even that idiot, Satania, and there was no Gabriel's script.

Turning his head to look at Gabriel, who was sitting in the kotatsu, with the words "waste meow" written on his head, Hua Ye looked away, completely disappointed.

First click on the script sent by Satania. The content is very short, less than one page, and there are only hundreds of words in total. After a quick glance, the content is that the devil snatches a blonde princess and bullies her all day long. , Let the princess kiss her toes, sweep the floor, wash the dishes and do housework.

After reading the story, Hua Ye silently closed the page, and then sent a review result to Satania: "Not passed."

"Why." Satania quickly sent a dissatisfied emoji, "It is obviously a script written with great care! Dissatisfied! Protest!"

"Christmas programs in nursing homes must conform to harmonious, friendly, and positive values, and violence and bloody content are prohibited."


Hua Ye continued to click on the script written by Liuhua. The content is about a young girl with a powerful seal walking on the edge of light and darkness, silently maintaining world peace. Attack moves... the reason why I clicked on it first was because I didn't have expectations.

Chapter 1314 Thor Version Facial Cleanser

Hua Ye read the scripts written by Wei Nai and the others again, the contents were different, then he took out his mobile phone and called Thor.

The call was connected quickly.

"Hello, Xiaoye?" Thor's energetic voice rang out, "What can I do on the phone?"

Hua Ye said: "I'll send you the script, you can see which one is suitable first."

"Eh?" Thor was shocked, "Xiao Ye is so fast?"

"It's just the first draft. I asked Wei Nai and the others to write it. There is a general outline of the story." Hua Ye said blankly.

"That's right." Thor nodded, and then said pitifully, "But I accidentally broke the computer just now, what should I do if I can't receive it?"

Hua Ye said, "I'll pass it on to you first, and I'll watch it after I fix it."

Thor was wronged: "I don't know how to fix computers."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and was about to speak when the Dragon Maid on the opposite side made a request first: "Xiao Ye, can you help me fix the computer?"

Hello sir!For things like computer repairs, call the maintenance personnel to come to the door for repairs. The division of labor is so clear, don't want to do everything by yourself!

"I just learned how to be a maid on the Internet, and then the computer suddenly broke down." Thor said aggrievedly, "I don't know what went wrong, and Kobayashi might be angry when he comes back."

You think too much, when you first became a maid, you didn't get angry after all the troubles, Xiao Lin is no longer angry now!

"I remember Xiao Lin said that there are very important materials in the computer, and Xiao Lin will definitely be very angry if they are damaged." Thor's worried voice came from the other end of the phone, "Anyway, please Xiao Ye."


Hua Ye sighed, took a USB flash drive, copied the script by the way, then stood up and said, "I'll go out for a while."

Gabriel sat on the kotatsu, crackling and playing games, and waved her hands without looking back—there was a warm kotatsu, fun games, oranges and snacks by her side, and this useless angel seemed to have arrived At the pinnacle of life, even if a world war broke out outside the door, he would not move his nest.

Liuhua lay on the kotatsu, the hairs on the top of her head were all wilted, "Brave, I was sealed by the hateful kotatsu monster, you go out on the mission alone."

"Remember to be safe."

"If you encounter an enemy you can't beat, you can break the seal and use the evil king's flame to kill... ouch!"

With a straight face, Hua Ye turned and went out.

Speechless all the way.

Soon after arriving outside the door of Xiaolin's apartment, the doorbell rang, and the door opened with a 'click', and the trembling sound of 'puyo puyo' came to my ears.

"Come in quickly." Thor stretched out his hand and pulled Hua Ye into the room, then clasped his hands in front of his chest, opened his eyes wide, and there were sparkling lights inside, and said pitifully, "Please, Xiao Ye!"

Enough is enough for you, other people's eyes are wide open to show cuteness, and your golden vertical pupils can only look at you in shock, okay!

Hua Ye walked into the entrance, and a blue-eyed baby dragon was lying on the sofa, looking over with wide-eyed eyes.

"No snacks."

Hua Ye spread out his hands.


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