Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "That's called a mosaic."

"Mosaic... I seem to have heard of it, um, I remembered, Fafner said that this kind of thing often appears when he watches dramas."

So besides playing games all day, what else is that cursed dragon watching!

Thor blinked, "Xiaoye, can you remove that mosaic? It's so blurry and uncomfortable."


"Forget it, let's watch it like this." Thor leaned on Hua Ye's back and muttered to himself, "Human beings are so strange, they have made this kind of movie, and they refuse to show it to others... Strange shame, isn't it [beep——]?"

As a giant dragon that has lived for an unknown number of years, it is strange that he has never seen it. Thor said that he is well-informed and does not need a mosaic to cover it up.

"Is that maid cleaning the male master's body?" The dragon maid was puzzled. "It's fine to go to the bathroom after cleaning. You haven't taken off your clothes. It will stain the floor."

"Xiao Lin is a girl, this trick is useless at all."

"Hey, did that maid clean her hands first and then eat it?" Thor was shocked. "Is that kind of thing edible? Even if you eat it, you should cook it first like a geoduck and then cut it into pieces." In flakes?"

You are enough, this maid is just hesitating, she doesn't want to slice and eat!

Hua Ye's face turned black and he said, "Don't press me down."

Thor said aggrievedly, "But there's only one chair in the room."

Hua Ye said, "Don't watch if you're shy."

"Shy?" Thor blinked, "I'm not shy, why should I be shy?"


Obviously, just half a year of human life can't reverse Thor's outlook on life for a dragon formed over tens of thousands of years. It is estimated that in Thor's view, except for Kobayashi who is special, other people are no different from cats and dogs on the side of the road, let alone just In the video, even if someone applauds Ai in front of her, she probably won't blush at all!

As it turns out, not only Thor isn't shy about this sort of thing, but even Connor is too.

blah blah blah.

In came a blue-eyed drake wearing rabbit slippers.

"Master Thor, the TV series is over."

Thor waved his hand: "Then you go take a shower first."

Kang Na responded, and looked at the computer with her eyes wide open. She neither covered her face shyly nor scolded hentai. She just tilted her head, looking curiously like a cat finding a new toy.

Hua Ye paused, then turned to look at the blue-eyed young dragon: "Go out and take a bath."

Although it is a thousand-year-old giant dragon, whether it is calculated by the age of the dragon clan or the human form, it is a young loli. Thor doesn't care, it is already an adult dragon, and the three views of the dragon have already Mature, but not Kang Na, if one day I tell Wei Nai that I watched a movie where two people fight without clothes on, Wei Nai will definitely be furious.

"Go," said Thor, "I have yet to learn how to be a handmaid."

"Understood, Lord Thor."

Kang Na turned around, her tail swayed like a ball of yarn, and walked out of the bedroom.

"Xiaoye, let's continue watching."

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye clicked to play.

time flies.

Thor became more and more disappointed, and he muttered and complained: "What, as a maid, after the master finishes eating, she should clean up the table and wash the dishes. What are these two doing?"

"She even took off her maid outfit. As a maid, she can only take off her maid outfit when she is taking a bath."

"It's so boring." Thor sighed, "Isn't it all going to be doing this kind of thing in the future?"

Hua Ye picked up the mouse and dragged it backwards. Facts have proved that the content behind it is indeed nothing new.

"Don't watch it." Thor stood up, his face not blushing and his heart beating. It is estimated that watching this kind of film is similar to humans watching cats and dogs mating, and he doesn't care at all. "What about the perfect maid service? After doing the housework, she even took off her maid outfit, it’s a lie.”

Enough of you, it's a problem to find the way of the maid in this kind of movie!If I really want to study, I go to a special maid academy to study!

"The maid's expression just now seemed very comfortable..."

Do you know what acting is?

Just because it looks comfortable doesn't mean it's really comfortable. Those two people just took money to act in a play, so it doesn't matter whether they are comfortable or not!

"Does Xiaoye know what it feels like?" Thor looked curiously.

Hua Ye shook his head: "I don't know."

"Well, Xiaoye doesn't even know." Thor blinked, "That's not as good as us..."

Hey, what are you trying to say, you unscrupulous dragon maid?As promised, I only like Kobayashi!

"Why don't we trick Alma into coming here?" Thor smashed his fist, "That idiot is easy to cheat, as long as there is food, Xiaoye will tell me how it feels when the time comes, this is called... cheating Snapped?"


Hua Ye silently closed the webpage, stood up and said, "I'm going back."

Thor finally didn't hold back this time, "Won't the computer break down?"

Hua Ye said with disgust: "Don't click on strange links and you'll be fine."

"I didn't know there was something like this behind that link..." Thor puffed up his cheeks.

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