Hua Ye said, "Who sent you the link?"

"I don't know." Thor shook his head. "I left a message below the forum, and then someone added me and invited me out for coffee. Xiao Lin said that people who casually invite girls to eat and drink are not allowed to go."

"It's good to know." Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "In the future, this kind of chat will not exceed three days, so don't click on the link sent by the person who asked you to go out to dinner or watch a movie."

"I wrote it down." Thor put his hands on his chest, nodded earnestly, blinked his eyes suddenly, and asked curiously, "What about the link sent by someone more than three days old? Can you click on it?"


When Hua Ye returned to the apartment, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and Liuhua had already fallen asleep in the kotatsu in a daze.

"Get up." Hua Ye called Liuhua to wake him up, "Take off the blindfold and colored contact lenses, and then go to the bedroom to sleep."

"Hmm..." Liuhua opened her eyes and muttered, "I haven't replenished my demons today."

Hua Ye said, "Go get the eye drops."

"Help me, the brave man." Liuhua acted like a baby, the hair on the top of her head swaying from side to side, "I've been sealed, I can't get up."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes, took the eye drops, and instilled Liuhua's eyes, then turned to look at the useless angel beside him, "Sleeping here at night?"

Gabriel was playing games with headphones on, when she heard this, she took off the headphones silently, and said with a stern face, "I'll go back to sleep, even if I freeze to death and die outside, I won't sleep here."

Gabriel originally thought that the only thing she needed for winter was a computer, WiFi, and an air conditioner. Now there is another essential item on the list, the kotatsu. This hentai personally said that his current interest is to overthrow, if he really does that kind of thing, he will definitely not be able to return to the heaven!

The useless angel climbed out of the kotatsu, picked up the computer, turned around and left.

The living room quickly fell silent.

Hua Ye was not interested in watching TV, so he turned off the TV and the lights, and lay down on the sofa to go to bed.

Just as he closed his eyes, there was a knock on the door.

Hua Ye walked over to open the door, and outside the door was a shivering useless angel with his arms folded.

Chapter 1317 The correct way to keep warm is of course to hug her

"Let me in, it's freezing to death." The crippled angel sneaked into the room directly under Hua Ye's arm without bowing his head. It suddenly broke down and almost froze to death... Hey, where's the kotatsu?"

Hua Ye closed the door and sat back on the sofa: "The kotatsu has been put away."

This useless angel and Liuhua like to sleep on the kotatsu, Hua Ye has no such need at all.


A gust of cold wind blew in from the outside, and Gabriel shivered again, a little hair on the top of her head stood up, "It's such a cold day, why don't you close the balcony door?"


"It will freeze!"

"not cold."


Gabriel rolled Hua Ye's eyes, and said with disgust: "Isn't it really rough and thick?"

The crippled angel turned around and ran towards the bedroom. The door of the bedroom was unlocked, and he pushed it open. Liuhua was already asleep, and then... Gabriel silently backed out.

There is no way, Liuhua likes to wrap herself up like a silkworm baby when she sleeps, and Gabriel feels that she must not have a quilt at night.

Back in the living room, the useless angel looked at Hua Ye, "Bring the kotatsu, I'll sleep on the kotatsu at night."

There is no air-conditioning room in winter, and it is impossible to treat people at all.

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.


You guys made such a big mistake in principle, now you are asked to take the kotatsu, but you don't even want to take it?

Gabriel ground her teeth, and was about to go get the kotatsu by herself, when Hua Ye suddenly grabbed her and hugged her in her arms.

"You, what are you doing?" The useless angel suddenly became nervous. Could it be that this paralyzed man suddenly became animalistic and wanted to do that kind of thing?

The moon outside is so beautiful, it must be true that you have absorbed too much moonlight and want to transform?

"What kind of kotatsu?" Hua Ye hugged the crippled angel and lay down, "Is it still cold?"

Gabriel felt it for a while, and found a warm feeling flowing all over her body, the tingling chill in her hands and feet just now had disappeared, and it was more comfortable than sleeping on a kotatsu.

The familiar and warm embrace made Gabriel rub subconsciously, and soon came to her senses: "hentai, let me go, or I will break your legs."

"Don't let go." Hua Ye said, "Just sleep like this at night."

"No, I want to sleep on the kotatsu."

"It is cold outside."

"So who doesn't close the balcony door in winter!"

The warm embrace and the familiar smell made the crippled angel quickly give up struggling, but he never forgot to warn: "If you dare to mess around, just cut open your stomach and apologize."

I'm sorry, even if I have a caesarean section, nothing will happen at all!

"I won't mess around." Hua Ye lowered his head and said, "It's just helping you warm up."

"Is there something like this for you to keep warm?"

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