Jing Keai walked behind, temporarily lost the intention to talk to Hua Ye, and after a while, suddenly saw clusters of flowers blooming in front of him, lilies, roses, hydrangeas, etc., in the park in autumn and winter Blooming in bright colors.

"Is it winter now?" Jing Keai was surprised, "Why are there so many flowers?"

Although it is also possible to plant flowers in the greenhouse in winter, but it is winter now, and at night, the temperature is close to zero, so why are there so many flowers blooming outside?

"The mountain god likes flowers." Yatengu said calmly, "This park is located on the edge of the mountain range. Within the range of the mountain god's power, every plant and tree can be freely controlled."

Jing Keai took a light breath, suddenly felt a little guilty, this mountain god is so powerful, so powerful, can he be willing to be his shikigami?

"Fake." Hua Ye said calmly, "She can only control a small area around her body to promote the growth of the surrounding vegetation. She only has a vague sense of other areas of the mountain range, and she can't control every plant and tree at all."

Jing Keai twitched the corners of her mouth, and suddenly thought of a question, she couldn't help asking: "Wait, that is to say... you have controlled this park? What method did you use?"

Chapter 1320 The Fake Lolita Mountain God Who Reads the Book

Jing Keai was a little worried.

This amusement park seems to have become a new base camp for monsters, and it will naturally be closed indefinitely. The question is what is the situation of the staff in the amusement park?

Is it to drive away directly by coercion or lure, or to scare the other party away secretly?

The worst case is to kill the opponent directly, and then bury it in the ground to make flower fertilizer...

"Don't worry." Yatengu said calmly, "We have fully acquired this amusement park."

"Eh, acquisition?" Jing Keai looked over in surprise.

Even if such a large amusement park is a bit dilapidated, the amount of acquisition is astronomical, right?

Yatengou said: "We have hired the most professional team of lawyers, and the acquisition process is completely reasonable and legal..."

"Wait a minute." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, "Where did you get the money?"

A group of monsters who haven't come out of the mountain for hundreds of years, they don't look like rich monsters, maybe they used "robbing other people's wealth and helping their own poor"?Recently, there seems to be no news about which bank has been robbed... No, these monsters don't need to rob themselves at all. They use their ability to control people's hearts to control those rich people, and the other party will obediently hand over the money, right?

The more Jing Kei thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

As the saying goes, horses can’t get fat without night grass, and people can’t get rich without windfalls. It’s impossible to work part-time, and it’s impossible to start a business. If you want to get rich, you can only get rich.

"Please rest assured." Yatengu said calmly in a low voice, "We are law-abiding citizens, and all our income comes from legitimate sources and is completely legal."

Hua Ye was speechless, "Don't you think the painting style is wrong?"

You are monsters, the law protects human rights, excluding demon rights, okay?

"We have carried out multilateral and friendly business cooperation with the Onmyoji families in this city, and the contents of the cooperation include 'Shikigami Hiring', 'Spiritual Object Trading', 'Physical Practice', etc., quickly accumulated original funds, and established a long-term and A stable cooperative relationship." Yatengu said in a calm and flat tone, "In addition, I taught myself "Securities Fundamentals" and "Securities Trading", and obtained the securities industry qualification certificate online, and I am currently buying stocks. , and investing in p2p..."

Hey, hey, the monsters you promised are all brainless idiots, and they fight the world with their fists. How long has it been since they even passed the qualification certificate?

Jing Keai squinted her eyes, only felt that in just a short moment, the three views had been refreshed many times, and she couldn't help asking: "So you made a lot of money by investing in stocks? You just bought this amusement park?"

Yatengu calmly said: "I lost it."

"Then why are you talking so much!" A row of black lines fell on Jing Keai's head.

"I've lost it temporarily, but I believe I can make money soon." Ya Tiangou's voice was low, obviously very confident in himself.

Jing Keai sighed: "Those who committed suicide by jumping off the building have the same thoughts as you, I hope you don't jump off the building then."

"Sorry, I can fly, I can't commit suicide by jumping off a building."


As we went deeper into the amusement park, the surrounding scenery became more and more beautiful, with verdant vegetation and colorful flowers. If it weren't for the cold north wind blowing from time to time to remind us that it was winter, it would be no problem to say that it was spring and summer.

Jing Keai even saw many maids in maid outfits cleaning, taking care of flowers and plants, and maintaining the facilities of the amusement park, but these maids almost all have furry animal ears and a tail sticking out from under the maid skirt, giving people A feeling of walking into a beast girl zoo. As her horizons get wider and wider, Jingai Keai is not afraid to see so many monster maids, but feels quite fresh.

"Master Shanshen is inside." Yatengu stopped, stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.


Hua Ye responded, and walked into it calmly.

This is a magical castle. If the amusement park is still open, there should be children coming to play here. At this moment, it has been decorated into a spacious hall full of modern atmosphere, with a fireplace, crystal chandeliers, and velvet on the floor. Blankets, a sofa wide enough to be used as a bed, and a huge wall-mounted LCD TV, all in all, full of pride.

"Please follow me to the second floor." Ya Tiangou led Hua Ye up to the second floor, stood still at the door of a room, then raised his hand and knocked on the door, and the door quickly opened a gap.

A cute maid with big eyes poked out half of her small face and said timidly, "Master Yatengu?"

"I have already notified Lord Mountain God about the visit of a distinguished guest." Yatengu bowed to Huaye, "Please come in, my lord."

Hua Ye walked into the room first, and Jing Keai naturally followed behind.

After entering the room, Jing Kei was stunned. The last time she followed her to learn more, she failed to see the mountain god. She had guessed the appearance of the mountain god in her heart along the way. After all, in ancient myths and legends, the mountain god Shi Chang Ji Chang It was very ugly, and the head that was given to others for nothing was returned...Although I asked Hua Ye and got the answer of 'not ugly', I was still a little worried.

Now, after sweeping his eyes and seeing a certain fake loli sitting on the bed drinking coke and eating potato chips, he immediately understood the identity of the other party. After all, there was no one else in the room except the little maid.

"Okay..." Jing Keai took a deep breath, the mountain god Shi Changji is just a lolita, she is not ugly, but rather cute, and she even wears two ponytails.

None of the above is important, what is important is what kind of noise is making the room full of strange noises, is it Li/Fan?

Why does the mountain god who is supposed to be mysterious and powerful eat potato chips to watch Li/Fan!

"Master Husband!" Mountain God Loli yelled indistinctly, her mouth was bulging because of potato chips, her eyes lit up, and she waved to Hua Ye, "Come here, let's watch together."

"Husband... my lord?"

Jing Keai looked at Hua Ye, and slightly twitched the corners of her mouth. Although she knew that the mountain god in front of her could not be taken away by common sense, she still couldn't help but want to say 'starting in three years, the maximum death penalty'.

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