
The mountain god Shi Changji raised her head and took a big sip of Coke, then breathed a sigh of relief, raised her hand and wiped her mouth and said, "Why is my husband coming to see me when you have time?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I'm not your husband."

"I never called anyone else."

Hua Ye didn't fluctuate in his heart. Just as he was about to explain why he came, the mountain god Shi Changji suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the screen, "Well, I still have some potato chips, let's talk after we finish eating..."

Jing Keai didn't speak, turned her head to look at the TV, there is no doubt that the big TV is Li/Fan, and the protagonist is still a super small girl, although the key parts are coded, but the exaggerated cry is still terrible. The lines still made Jing Keai frowned, and she couldn't help but look away after a few glances. She was surprised to find that apart from herself, Hua Ye, the mountain god, and the little maid who was serving beside her, they didn't care... Your shame Woolen cloth? !

After hesitating for a moment, Jing Keai still couldn't help asking: "...Why do you want to watch this kind of thing?"

The mountain god Shi Changji glanced at Jing Ke, and replied casually, "Because I'm studying."

Chapter 1321 Incident Resolution

"I'm studying."

The mountain god Shi Changji replied with a serious expression, obviously not joking.

A feeling of absurdity welled up in my heart.

"What to learn?"

"The meaning of this kind of thing is just for fun, right? It's understandable to say it's spiritual food, but learning..."

"So you're learning those weird postures?"

Jing Keai turned her head to look at the TV. Apart from being a little ashamed, there is nothing serious about it. Anyway, she is a woman of twenty-nine years and many months. After looking at it twice, he still couldn't help frowning his eyebrows.

Li/Fan is not a real person, and is exaggerated everywhere. Those poses can't be used in reality at all. See what you can learn from this thing?

Wait, they are monsters, maybe they will come in handy after studying?

After holding back for a while, when the little girl on the TV rolled her eyes, Jing Keai finally couldn't take it anymore, bumped Hua Ye with her elbow, then gritted her teeth and signaled with her eyes: "Don't watch, turn off the TV immediately!"


Hua Ye responded, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

"Hey, my lord?" Mountain God Shi Changji looked over.

Hua Ye said calmly, "Let's get down to business."


The mountain god Shi Changji finished eating the potato chips, and the little maid next to her reached out to take the garbage bag, and then came over with a hot towel to help wipe her hands. The fake mountain god Loli hugged her legs, sat upright and said, "My lord wants to say what?"

"Wait, let me ask first." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, took a deep breath, "You... why do you learn this kind of thing?"

Although it is said that Shi Changji is not a very excessive existence, she is not afraid of [-], just in case, what if this mountain god is the kind of existence with no integrity and no lower limit, thinking about reading books all day long?

Accepting the other party as a shikigami, do you still have to watch this kind of thing with the other party?

If it goes too far, this mountain god not only likes to watch, but also likes to practice it himself. He is dissatisfied with desire all day long, and brings dubious monsters home for the night, so what should he do?

Just thinking about that scene, Jing Keai felt that she couldn't accept it.

"Who are you?" Mountain God Shi Changji turned his head and asked condescendingly, "Why do you ask me questions?"

Hua Ye said, "Answer her question."

"Okay, now that my lord has spoken..." Mountain God Loli puffed her cheeks and muttered, "I'm learning how to overthrow my lord and the correct posture to give birth quickly."

"Having a baby?" Jing Keai opened her eyes wide and turned to look over.

"It has nothing to do with me." Hua Ye resolutely disregarded the relationship, absolutely not taking the blame, "She wants to have a child so that the child can inherit the position of the mountain god, so that she can go out on her own."

"It's not going out to roam around." The mountain god Shi Changji pouted, "I have lived in this kind of mountain for hundreds of years, and I am very familiar with every plant and tree. Is it normal to want to see the outside world?"

"So it's like this..." Jing Keai nodded, and couldn't help pointing at Hua Ye, "Why do you have to choose him?"

"Why?" Shi Changji looked over and asked, "Would you like to have a child with a beggar on the street?"

Jing Keai shook her head: "Of course not."

"I don't want to either. In my opinion, ordinary humans are exactly the same as beggars." Mountain God Shi Changji raised her chin. Although she is not a real god, she has absorbed a lot of wish power. If you are directly subdued, you will not be so cute and harmless at all. "Mate with a stronger person, and the offspring will naturally be more competitive. Whether it is for yourself or for the next generation, is it normal?"


Jing is cute and speechless, in a sense, this sentence is completely correct.

"Although I want my child to inherit the position of mountain god instead of me, I can come back to see him when I have time. I have already thought of the name, so I will call it..."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Shut up."

The mountain god Shi Changji pouted, not daring to go against Hua Ye's will.

"This time I came here specifically to find you." Hua Ye said calmly, "Don't you want to leave this mountain range? Just be her shikigami."

"Eh, shikigami?" Shi Changji was taken aback, "I'm a mountain god, so I can't become a shikigami, right?"

Hua Ye said: "I say yes."

The voice was calm and indifferent, but it had a convincing strength, which made Jing Keai look sideways slightly.

"My lord said yes, then it should be fine..." Shi Changji thought for a while, "But why should I be this woman's shikigami?"

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