"Becoming a Shikigami allows you to move freely and is no longer confined to this mountain range."

"Hmm..." Mountain God Shi Changji looked at Jing Keai, pondered for a few seconds, then shook her head decisively, "No, I refuse."

"Why?" Jing Keai couldn't help asking, if possible, she really wanted the most powerful guy to be a shikigami.

"Because you're too weak." Mountain God Lolita didn't show mercy, "It's not long since I became an Onmyoji. With so little strength in my body, I can hit ten with one hand like you."


I'm really sorry for being so weak!

"Master Husband." Mountain God Lori looked over eagerly, "Shall I be your shikigami? I will definitely be obedient and obedient, warm your bed at night, and I can transform into any posture."

Hua Ye ignored her and looked at Jing Keai, "You don't need to ask her opinion, just grab her and seal her as a shikigami."

Jing is cute and hesitates.

"How, how can this happen?" Shi Changji shouted anxiously, "What if this woman orders me and other men to do that kind of thing with a shikigami spell?"

Hua Ye said, "She won't."

"Who knows." The mountain god Shi Changji said he couldn't believe it, picked up the book at hand and said, "In this book I read, when women applaud their boyfriends for love, they often lose their minds, brother, father, etc. Barking, and the other party will agree to everything... What if she loses her mind and asks me to go out to accompany others?"

Jing Keai has a row of black lines on her head, she doesn't even have a boyfriend, how can she order you to be enjoyed by other boyfriends!Also, don't take the book as reality. In reality, you won't lose your mind. It's just that the girls are cooperating with the performance, okay?

Hua Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he reached out to seal Shi Changji as a shikigami, and then threw it to Jing Keai, so that he could pay off the debt and solve Shi Changji's trouble by the way.

"Forget it." Jing Keai stretched out her hand to hold Hua Ye, and shook her head. She was looking forward to Shikigami, but she hoped to have a powerful Shikigami who obeyed orders, rather than a person who likes to read books and finish eating. Potato chips require help from the little ancestors who wiped their hands.

"You go to Yatengu and pick a shikigami yourself." Shi Changji waved his hand, and picked up another bag of potato chips, "Anyway, don't get me wrong."


So the rhetoric at that time was "the world is so big, I want to see it", now you are basically an otaku who doesn't leave the door and doesn't go out!

Chapter 1322 I Smell In Heat

"Let's go?"

Jing Keai looked at Hua Ye, although it was a little pity, she still resolutely gave up the idea of ​​accepting this troublesome mountain god as a shikigami.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"My lord, don't go." The mountain god Shi Changji dropped the potato chips, hugged Hua Ye's leg, and called out pitifully, "Stay here, or I'll go with you."

Hua Ye: "..."

"Hey, is this a line from a movie?" Jing Keai put her hands on her chest and complained, "You watch a lot."

If you said you were in awe when you came here, now that you have learned how to read a book, and now you are hugging your thighs and calling your husband, you will no longer be in awe, and you have even silently labeled the other party... The moral bear loli.

"You old woman talks a lot." Mountain God Shi Changji said dissatisfied.

"What did you say?" There was a pulsating cross tendon on Jing Keai's forehead, "Old woman?"

"Oh, isn't it?" Shi Changji glanced over, sniffed his nose, raised his chin and said, "I've already smelled it, you just went into heat, only a woman your age can go into heat every now and then, right? Because Your body is instinctively eager to reproduce."

A row of black lines fell on Jing Keai's head, she gritted her silver teeth: "I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Tch, you humans think you are different from other creatures, but in fact there is no difference, as long as you are in heat, I can smell it." Mountain God Shi Changji wrinkled his nose, "Sniff~~"

Jing Keai stretched out her hand to cover the hem of her skirt, and stepped back cautiously.

"Don't sniff!"

Shi Changji said disdainfully, "The smell of heat on your body hasn't dissipated yet, obviously it happened not long ago... Sure enough, you are in heat with your husband, right?"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look at Jing Keai, I take you as my teacher, and you actually want to fuck me?

Jing Keai, who has always been a big boss, had a big blush on her face at this moment, and said in a nonchalant tone as much as possible: "It's just because I watched TV just now."

"Don't try to lie to me, the smell on your body has already started to fade. If you don't believe me, take off your skirt and check..."


Jing Keai couldn't bear it anymore, clenched her fists, and punished the mountain god with an iron fist, "Shut up!"

"My lord, don't seal my power!"


"The brat really owes a lesson." Walking out of the room, Jing Keai let out a long breath, feeling refreshed.

Hua Ye felt the same way, if he hadn't suddenly run into the apartment and said that he wanted to give birth to a child, the situation would not have become what it is now, so when Jing Keai made a move, Hua Ye directly sealed the mountain god Shi Changji's ability, otherwise Jing Keai couldn't even touch her clothes, so she had to obediently kneel down and sing Conquer.

"Today's matter..." Jing Keai glanced at Hua Ye, hesitated for a moment, and finally shook her head, changing 'forget everything' to "don't say it."

What's wrong with thinking about that kind of thing?

I am at least twenty-nine years old, and I am not an ascetic monk. Thinking about it, it is not surprising, right?

Hua Ye nodded calmly: "Yes."

"Let's go and find Yatengu."

Walking to the lobby, I soon saw Yatengou sitting on the sofa and seriously flipping through a book on finance. Hua Ye went over to sit down, and then explained the purpose of his visit.

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