"You're here?" Wei Nai's eyes lit up, she stood up, and pulled Hua Ye aside.

Chapter 1324 Serious Illness Strikes

"Xiaoqian's mother's condition is not very good..."

Wei Nai pulled Hua Ye aside and whispered.

Everyone has already entered the emergency room, which is obviously very bad!

Hua Ye hasn't seen Xiaoqian's mother so far, so he doesn't care. He just asked, "What's the reason?"


Wei Nai hesitated, beckoned to Hua Ye, and made a gesture of "come with your ear".

Warm breath fell on his ears, Wei Nai whispered: "It's Suguha, Suguha brought her girlfriend back home, just as Xiaoqian's mother came home, caught her..."

It is obviously the kind of thing that can make Wei Nai say that he is caught straight, and it is impossible to wash it. It is probably kissing again.

"Xiaoqian's mother just fainted from anger. I had already arrived at the coffee shop with Xiaoqian, and we came together after receiving the call." Wei Nai pursed her pink lips, "I think Xiaoqian's mother is not in good health. What happened to Suguha should be just an inducement."

Hua Ye glanced at Suguha who was still standing with his head down against the wall, whether it was an inducement or not, if their mother really failed, Suguha probably would never forgive herself for the rest of her life, right?

"Need my help?" Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai.

Wei Nai nodded, "Although Xiaoqian is often offline, she is a very nice person. We are all friends. If you can help, please do so."

"no problem."

Hua Ye did not hesitate, and directly agreed. This matter was not difficult for him. Even if Xiaoqian's mother's electrocardiogram stopped, Hua Ye could press back the floating soul.


Hua Ye looked straight at Wei Nai.


Wei Nai understood Hua Ye's meaning with just one look, and couldn't help but raise her hand to pinch Hua Ye, bit her pink lips and said, "What time is it, do you still want a reward? It's too much!"

Hua Ye said with a blank expression: "Let the horse run and make the horse not eat grass, this is too much."


Three rows of black lines fell from the top of Wei Nai's head, she put on a pretty face and gave Hua Ye a look, then turned and left.

Hua Ye stepped forward to follow, and not speaking here was obviously the default meaning.

After a while, the door of the emergency room opened.

Xiao Qian hurriedly stood up and greeted her, "Doctor, how is my mother?"

Suguha also raised her head and trotted over.

"The patient's condition is not good." A middle-aged doctor took off his mask and said, "It is a cerebral hemorrhage caused by the rupture of a microvascular tumor. We have stabilized the condition for the time being, but follow-up surgery is still needed..."

Two nurses came out pushing the hospital bed, and lying on the bed was a comatose woman in her thirties and forties with a face like gold paper, obviously Xiaoqian's mother.

Xiaoqian opened her mouth, and the tears fell down like broken pearls.

Wei Nai bit her lip next to her, and tightly grasped Xiao Qian's hand.

Two nurses pushed Xiaoqian's mother all the way to the intensive care unit. One of the nurses began to adjust various instruments, and the other stretched out his arms to drive Xiaoqian and the others out, "Please go out, the patient Need to be quiet."

Xiaoqian's eyes were blank, and her steps when she walked out were floating.

"Brain, cerebral hemorrhage?"

Even if she has never been in contact with relevant knowledge, she still knows the degree of danger of cerebral hemorrhage, which is even higher than cardiovascular disease. There has never been a [-]% safe operation, let alone an operation on the head.

"How come..." Xiaoqian murmured to herself, "Obviously it's a disease only for the elderly, and my mother just celebrated her [-]th birthday..."

Another nurse came out and handed over the physical examination report and payment slip in her hand, "Please go to the lobby to pay first."

Hearing Xiaoqian's words, the nurse looked over with some sympathy, and said in a low voice, "Our hospital has the patient's physical examination records, and he has been sick for a while."

"Mom never told me..." Xiaoqian was at a loss, "Why did you suddenly faint today?"

"Usually, the patient's symptoms are triggered by being too emotional."


Xiaoqian bit her lower lip, raised her right hand and was about to hit Suguha beside her.

Suguha stood there without moving, just clenched her fists tightly.

The hand stopped in mid-air for a while, Xiaoqian finally waved his hand to call himself.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and grabbed the short-haired girl's wrist.

"Xiao Qian, what are you doing?" Wei Nai hurriedly pressed the other hand.

"It's all my fault..." Xiaoqian sniffled, "I only know that my mother is not in good health, and I have never asked her if she is sick. If Suguha and that girl were cut off earlier, mother would not be okay today." will be stunned..."

"It's not your fault, no one wants to see this kind of thing happen." Wei Nai hugged Xiao Qian, "Your mother's illness can be cured by classmate Hua Ye."

"What did you say?"

"Student Hua Ye... is a very good Chinese medicine practitioner." Wei Nai hesitated for a while, and decided to use the term of Chinese medicine, she can't say that she is not from this world, "He is very good at curing diseases and saving lives. ,I promise!"

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