
Like a drowning man grasping at the last straw, Xiao Qian looked at Hua Ye with tears in his eyes.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Then let's go in now..." Xiao Qianbing rushed to the doctor, turned around and wanted to enter the ward, but was stopped by the nurse at the door, "I'm sorry, I can't go in, it's not visiting time."

The nurse paused, and then reminded: "Although the patient is temporarily out of danger, the condition is not good. Please don't trust folk remedies casually, and treat it strictly according to the requirements of the attending physician. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be very serious."

Japan has very strict examinations for doctors. If you want to practice medicine, you must obtain a doctor's qualification certificate. Anyway, Hua Ye does not have this qualification.

"Yes, yes." Xiaoqian softened like a ball discouraged, clutching the payment slip and walked out, "I'll pay the fee first."

Wei Nai had no choice but to let Hua Ye forcefully rush in to save people. There are surveillance cameras everywhere, and it will definitely be very troublesome.

"Xiao Qian, classmate Hua Ye can really cure your mother..."

"Thank you, Wei Nai." Xiaoqian wiped her eyes, and after crying, she became stronger, forced a smile and said, "Let's leave the mother's matter to the doctor."

Wei Nai didn't try to persuade her anymore. In all fairness, if she was in Xiaoqian's position, she wouldn't allow her seriously ill mother to receive treatment from unknown sources. If something went wrong, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

"I can't help it, let's leave it like this for now..." Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye and whispered, "When I visit the doctor tomorrow afternoon, can I treat you again?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Naturally, he would not leave in anger because of Xiaoqian's distrust. It's a normal reaction not to believe it, and it would be strange if he believed it directly.

"You guys go back first?" Xiaoqian looked over, "I'm sorry to bother you today, leave the rest to me and Suguha."

Wei Nai shook her head and said, "I won't go back."

Xiaoqian didn't speak any more, and the four walked to the payment office in silence.

Chapter 1325

"Pay the bill there."

Wei Nai pointed to the crowd in front of her.

Although it is five or six o'clock in the afternoon, the hospital has never been a place short of people, and people can be seen at any time.

"Yeah." Xiaoqian replied in a low voice, looking at Suguha, "Have you brought your health insurance card?"

Suguha silently took out a card the size of a business card from his backpack, obviously it was an insurance card.

Japan is one of the few countries in the world that has achieved universal medical insurance. Residents living in Japan, including foreigners who have lived for one year, can obtain a health insurance card as long as they pay insurance on time. Hold this health insurance When seeing a doctor, you only need to pay 30% of the medical expenses, and the remaining 70% is paid by the government. Of course, cosmetic plastic surgery, artificial abortion, orthodontic surgery are not covered by health insurance.

But even so, it was still an unbearable burden for Xiaoqian.

There are only three mothers and daughters in Xiaoqian's family. His father died in a traffic accident, and he was also the party responsible for the accident, so he paid others a large sum of money.

After that, the mother took on the burden of supporting the family alone. Xiaoqian and Suguha were both studying. Although they both had part-time jobs, they only earned pocket money. In the current situation, they couldn't afford that much for a while. money.

Looking at the clear and detailed items listed on the payment slip, Xiaoqian bit her lower lip.

"I'll borrow it."

Suguha's voice was hoarse, she turned around and was about to walk outside.

"Who are you going to ask to borrow?" Xiaoqian stretched out her hand to hold her younger sister, "There is only one relative in the family who doesn't usually see each other at all, and even if he comes to the door, he doesn't have that much money..."

The illness is very serious. It doesn't mean that you will be cured tomorrow after being hospitalized today. It is unknown when the mother of two will wake up. There will be surgery to treat a series of things in the future. I invested my meager savings in it, and not a single wave could be turned over.

"I have a solution." Suguha bit her lip and said.

Xiaoqian looked at her younger sister, and suddenly understood Suguha's plan, she shook her head and said, "Even if it's that kind of thing... I should do it."

He said and handed over the payment slip, "Wait for me..."

"Where are you going?" Wei Nai stretched out her hand to hold Xiaoqian, always feeling that Xiaoqian's expression was very strange, and frowned, "Classmate Hua Ye and I are still here, you should ask us!"

Wei Nai roughly guessed Xiaoqian's plan. If she wanted to borrow money quickly, it was nothing more than a loan from a private gang. Not to mention the harsh terms, if the money was not paid later, she would have to use her body to repay the debt.

"No way..." Xiaoqian shook her head slowly, and said in a low voice, "Mom doesn't know when she will wake up, she must be hospitalized to ensure her safety, and she will have surgery and postoperative care in the future, which will cost a lot of money every day , I can only borrow it, if I can’t borrow it, I will go..."

"Just go?" Wei Nai put on a pretty face, stretched out her hand to hold Suguha, "You are not allowed to go either."

After speaking, she turned her head and looked at Hua Ye, because she had done something bad with Hua Ye last month, her living expenses were a little more than before, but it was just barely getting by, and almost all the money she earned from working in a coffee shop was spent on cats For things like canned food and cat food, even if they wanted to help at the moment, they were powerless, so they could only ask Hua Ye for help.

"Here you are." Hua Ye took out his wallet, drew a bank card and handed it to Wei Nai.

Wei Nai reached out to take it, and asked casually, "How much money is in it?"

"[-] billion." Hua Ye replied.


The air was suddenly silent.

Not only Wei Nai, but even Xiaoqian and Suguha opened their eyes wide and looked over in disbelief, thinking that they had auditory hallucinations.

"How much did you say?" Wei Nai asked again with her eyes wide open.

Hua Ye pointed at the gate of the hospital, "When I came here, I saw a [-]-hour self-service bank next to it. You can go and see for yourself."

Wei Nai thought for a while, then grabbed Xiao Qian, "Let's go and have a look."

Xiaoqian followed Wei Nai dazedly, still unable to believe the number Hua Ye said.

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