Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, "What the hell is a toy?"

"That's, that's what it means!" Igarashi blushed slightly, raised her leg and lightly kicked Hua Ye, "You bastard, don't pretend you don't understand!"

Hoshino Xia said: "When you were making biscuits that time, you obviously asked Hua Ye to touch me, right?"

"The past was the past, and the present is the present." Igarashi snorted, "After being touched by a big-breasted monster like you, maybe he will become as perverted as you."

Hoshino Xia bit her lip and resorted to the ultimate counterattack: "You have small breasts, don't talk."


"Go ahead." Hua Ye turned and walked out, "I'm going back to the classroom."

In a blink of an eye, it's afternoon school time.

Huaye and Wei Nai got on the tram and arrived at the hospital. They saw Xiaoqian and Suguha outside the intensive care unit yesterday. Their mother was still in a coma, and the two of them had no intention of going to school at all.

"Xiao Qian." Wei Nai called softly, "Hua Ye and I are here."

"Vina sauce." Xiaoqian looked up and disappeared all night. This girl with short hair, who was somewhat naturally dumbfounded, was visibly haggard, especially her pair of bright almond eyes, which had now turned into two dark circles. "Wait a minute After a while, we can go in and visit my mother."

Wei Nai frowned: "Did you eat anything at noon?"


"Then eat some more." Wei Nai said directly, "Classmate Hua Ye and I just bought bread and hot milk outside."

Xiaoqian and Suguha were originally children of a poor family. Now that they have encountered such a serious situation, even if they ate, they would only eat the cheapest bread and drink tap water, right?

Wealthy people can’t understand what it means to be a penny that stumps a hero. They feel that after so many medical expenses are reimbursed, the rest can be easily afforded. However, there are still many Internet cafe refugees in Japan. They can’t even afford to rent a house. Being able to live in a cramped pigeon cage, if you have money to change your environment, who would be willing to suffer.

Hua Ye took out the chow mein bread he bought just now, and handed one to Chiba Naoba, then took hot milk, put a straw in it and handed it to Wei Nai.


Wei Nai took the milk and took a sip.

"Thank you, Wei Nai." Xiaoqian thanked in a low voice, silently picked up the warm bread and took a bite, just keep the kindness in my heart, and don't need to talk about it all day long.

After eating the bread, two doctors and nurses came over, and the people nearby stood up one after another. Obviously, it was time to visit in the afternoon.

Xiao Qian and Xiao Qian hurriedly stood up, turned their heads and looked at Hua Ye pitifully.

Hua Ye said calmly, "Leave it to me."

Chapter 1328 The Right Way to Repay Gratitude

"Keep quiet, please." A little nurse simply urged, "Don't make any loud noises."

"We know." Xiaoqian nodded quickly, and tiptoed to look inside eagerly.

Walking into the intensive care unit, seeing the pale and silent mother on the bed, Xiaoqian and Suguha's eyes were red again, the father has passed away, if something happens to the mother again, the whole family will be broken up, there is probably no home It's the saddest thing in the world.

"The patient's condition is stable for the time being." A doctor took the medical records and stood beside him and told Hua Ye and the others about the condition. "But the danger is still there. The sooner the surgery is performed, the better."

Knowing that it was an extravagant hope, Xiaoqian couldn't help asking: "Is it possible that mother can recover after surgery?"

"We will do our best to treat patients." The doctor obviously often answers this kind of question, saying in a business-like tone, "However, any operation has risks, and we assure you that there are no risks at will, but it is irresponsible behavior , please forgive me."

Xiaoqian bit her lip and said nothing.

Of course, she used her mobile phone to check related diseases on the Internet. She knew that this disease was extremely dangerous. Even if the operation was successful, there was a high probability of leaving sequelae. It was almost impossible to fully recover.

After the doctor checked the room, he turned around and left. Only one nurse was left telling him in a low voice: "I still have [-] minutes to visit the patient. The patient needs to be quiet and rest now. Please keep quiet."

Xiao Qian nodded, then looked at Hua Ye pitifully.

"Student Hua Ye." Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye and took a step back.

Hua Ye walked up to Xiaoqian's mother, stretched out his right hand, and landed on Xiaoqian's mother's forehead.

"This patient's family members, please don't disturb the patient." The little nurse next to him hurriedly stopped, "It's easy to cause danger like this."

"No fuss." Hua Ye replied, "It's just a test of body temperature."

He is not one of those Indian witch doctors who bury people in cow dung to treat diseases, and of course he will not do useless work.

The little nurse hesitated for a moment, seeing that Hua Ye just put his hand on the patient's forehead and did not make any other movements, so she didn't speak to stop her, but just stared at Hua Ye, obviously ready to pull Hua Ye away at any time preparation.

After a while, Hua Ye withdrew his right hand.

"How's it going?" Xiaoqian grabbed Hua Ye's hand, raised her face, and asked pitifully.

In fact, she no longer had any expectations in her heart. She didn't take medicine or injections, and she didn't even get a massage. She just put her hand on her forehead. Even a fool would know that she couldn't cure a disease or save someone.

Hua Ye withdrew his hand and said casually, "Look for yourself."


Xiaoqian was surprised, thinking that Hua Ye didn't seem to be joking, so she quickly opened her eyes wide and looked at her mother on the hospital bed.

After waiting for a while, seeing that her mother was still motionless, and her heart was filled with disappointment, Suguha next to her suddenly lit up her eyes and said, "Mom's finger moved!"

"Did your finger move?" Xiaoqian hurriedly looked down, and she saw her mother's finger move, "Really, did it really move?"

Suguha said, "There are still eyes, and the eyes are moving."

Xiao Qian held her breath, pressed her right hand on her chest, and stared nervously at her mother's trembling eyelashes with wide eyes, for fear of disturbing her with a single breath.

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