After a while, Xiaoqian's mother on the hospital bed slowly opened her eyes.

An indescribable emotion surged in her chest, this naturally dull girl covered her mouth, tears fell down like broken pearls, and whispered in a choked and unspeakable voice: " Mother……"

"The patient is awake?" The little nurse looked at Xiaoqian's mother who opened her eyes in disbelief, then turned and ran outside, "I'll call the doctor."

Not long after, several doctors hurried over, followed by a series of examinations, Hua Ye and Wei Nai returned to the corridor to wait for the results.

"It's unbelievable." A doctor looked at the test results and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "The patient has now regained consciousness, and the blood congestion in the brain has miraculously disappeared..."

"Then is my mother okay?" Xiaoqian asked anxiously.

"Not yet, it's just that the congestion in the brain has disappeared, and the aneurysm has not disappeared. The patient still needs follow-up observation and treatment in the hospital..."

This is what Wei Nai meant. The disease needs to be cured, but it cannot be cured all at once. Treat her to ensure the safety of Xiaoqian's mother, and treat the rest slowly... Otherwise, according to Hua Ye's plan, Xiaoqian's mother has lifted the quilt by now, and she can run a kilometer without panting.

During the period, the little nurse kept looking at Hua Ye with strange eyes, obviously suspicious, but finally shook her head and gave up the strange guess in her heart.

"It's simply impossible to cure a disease by touching your forehead with your hand?"

"Maybe it's really a miracle..."

"There is only one explanation, and there are many similar examples."

Xiaoqian knew very well that it was definitely not a miracle that her mother could wake up.

"I, I sure didn't misread you!"

Xiao Qian's nose twitched, and she rushed towards Hua Ye with tears in her eyes.

You obviously read Wei Nai right yesterday, it wasn't me, okay?

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye stretched out his hand to support Xiaoqian's head, not to let this naturally dull girl approach, and said in disgust, "Wipe your face clean first."

Leaving aside the tears and snot all over your face, Wei Nai is right next to you, how could it be possible for you to pounce on me!

"Xiaoqian, wipe your face first." Wei Nai didn't care, handed over a tissue, and said comfortingly, "Auntie has regained consciousness now... It's best not to have an operation, wait a while, let classmate Hua Ye Let’s take a look again.”

"I see." Xiaoqian nodded quickly, sniffed at Hua Ye, bowed and said, "Thank you ordinary friends, this kindness can never be repaid, I will repay you like a cow and a horse in the next life!"

Hey, hey, this kind of time should be 'little girl has nothing to repay, only promise with her body', right? What kind of trouble will you be in the next life, you fragile souls, maybe you will have a next life!Treat me like a cow and a horse for the rest of my life!

Hua Ye's face turned black and he said, "No need."

"Then I'll continue to blow Wei Nai's pillow wind for you in the future?"

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "No need."

Now blowing the wind on the pillow can be done by myself, so I don't need the help of you, a guy who always wants to take a bath with Wei Nai!

"What about pillows, idiot Xiaoqian, don't talk nonsense." Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead, "...By the way, is Inujiro not fed at home?"

Inujiro is an orange cat raised by Xiaoqian's family. He is as fat as a ball. Not to mention catching mice, he is the kind of fat cat who has to pant after walking tens of meters.

"Ahhh, I forgot that Inujiro is still at home!" Xiaoqian patted his forehead, "Inujiro has a bad temper when he doesn't eat enough, he must be peeing everywhere at home again, I'll go back..."

"Not going back."

"Mom is the most important thing now. Inujiro is so fat that he can't starve to death without eating for a few days. He can lose weight."

Wei Nai: "..."

Chapter 1329 Wei Nai's Reward Time

"Mom has regained consciousness, I still want to talk to Mom." Xiaoqian looked at Suguha, "Why don't you go home?"

Suguha shook her head: "I won't go back."

"But..." Xiaoqian hesitated.

Suguha, who had been haggard a lot in just one day, bit her lower lip and said silently, "I'm standing outside."

The cause of Xiaoqian's mother's cerebral aneurysm rupture was seeing Suguha kissing girls at home. Now that their mother has woken up, the problem that was deliberately ignored by everyone is brought back to the fore.

How should Suguha's matter be resolved?

Should I give up my girlfriend, or keep going?

Wei Nai can't intervene in this kind of housework, so she can only let them solve it by themselves.

"Okay." Xiaoqian nodded, took out the key from his pocket, looked at Wei Nai and said, "Vina-chan, why don't you go to my house to see Inujiro?"

Without Wei Nai and Hua Ye, Xiaoqian felt that she would have collapsed right now. Compared with this kindness, the key is nothing.

"Okay." Wei Nai took the key, nodded and said, "Leave it to me."


Hua Ye and Wei Nai did not stay any longer. After waving goodbye, they turned and walked out of the hospital.

It was still early, only ten o'clock in the afternoon.

"You go back first?" Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye and whispered, "I can go to Xiaoqian's house alone."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Let's go together."

Wei Nai bit her pink lips: "Can't we do it tomorrow?"

"No." Hua Ye said solemnly, "You said that you should keep your word, and it's time to honor your reward."

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