The right hand quickly found the place where Inujiro urinated profusely.

"That's right there, don't go up!" Wei Nai warned with a red face, and couldn't help but want to find a crack in the ground to drill down.

(Oh my god! Why did you suddenly agree to let him do the washing?)

(Forget it, forget it, it’s just washing my legs anyway, and I still wear swimsuits every day when I’m on vacation at the beach.)

(Nobody else knows anyway...)

Hua Ye responded, and his right hand landed above Wei Nai's knee.

This piece happened to be a famous absolute field, but unfortunately Hua Ye had only seen it, but had never touched it. You don't need to ask to know that Wei Nai will never agree.

I have to say that Wei Nai's thighs feel super good, plump and firm, full of elasticity and tenderness, no wonder many people like to sneak girls' legs.

"Okay, are you alright?" Wei Nai's face flushed even more, and her voice trembled.

Hua Ye can touch his thigh with a normal mind, and even evaluate the texture, but Wei Nai can't be so indifferent, or can't calm down at all!

Now it's the bathroom, and it's a shame to be naked.

Sitting in the bathtub by himself and asking Hua Ye to help him take a bath, he was even more ashamed.

Let Hua Ye touch his legs, although it is to eliminate the smell of cat urine, but it is still super shameful.

Not far from the absolute realm is the restricted area of ​​the restricted area for girls. Hua Ye is clearly testing the edge of the restricted area now!

"Strange, strange..." A strange feeling that is hard to describe in words came to my heart, Wei Nai bit her lower lip, covered her lower abdomen with her right hand, and muttered to herself, "Obviously I also washed my thighs when I took a bath. , why do you feel completely different?"

Shame, nervousness, irritation, trembling, slight tingling like an electric shock, and even an unwillingness to admit it made Wei Nai a little distracted, and her breathing became involuntarily rapid.

"Turn around." Hua Ye said suddenly.


Wei Nai turned around subconsciously, and when she realized it, her pink lips were blocked again.

Familiar and hot lips are like burning flames, capable of melting people's souls. The feeling of numbness and lack of oxygen makes Wei Nai's eyes blurred. A pink arm is lazily wrapped around Hua Ye's neck, and then she becomes dizzy I found that Hua Ye lowered his head and looked down.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

Wei Nai blinked, and soon realized Hua Ye's goal.

During the kiss just now, Wei Nai had already let go of the arm covering her chest, and now the little rabbit was upright exposed to the air, and Hua Ye clearly regarded the little rabbit as his next target.

"Jujuju, actually...?!"

Wei Nai was about to speak in a hurry, a trembling sensation that she had never felt before spread from her chest, and her strength to resist suddenly disappeared, her pretty face directly evolved from an apple on a branch to lava in a crater, and There was a volcanic eruption.


The water steam above Wei Nai's head roared out, and even every strand of hair was dyed crimson. The temperature of the entire bathroom suddenly rose, and it almost turned into a sauna room—not a metaphor, but a fact. Under the unprecedented strong stimulation, Wei Nai accidentally changed back into the form of a little devil, with a pair of small wings and a tail growing out of her back, and the unique power of the devil also began to affect the reality, causing the temperature to rise, almost killing the whole bathroom. It exploded!

So ordinary people don't want to fall in love with demons, if the love gets deep, the little devil will unknowingly give you a shot, it will really kill you!

"Don't make trouble."

Hua Ye reached out and pressed the trident in Wei Nai's hand, then stood up.

"You you you you you..." Wei Nai came to her senses, hurriedly released her transformation, squatted back into the bathtub with a 'crash' sound, the steam above her head was still bubbling, and she stuttered, "You , Where are you kissing!?"

"Because your lung capacity is too poor."

"I'm really sorry for having such a poor lung capacity!" Wei Nai gritted her silver teeth, and her whole body turned pink from embarrassment.

"I still want to try [beep——] what it feels like, this kind of thing is always done in movies."

"How can there be such a scene in a serious movie!" Wei Nai started to complain, "Stop watching messy things in the future, you are getting more and more obscene now!"

Hua Ye looked down at Wei Nai, not caring about the obscene comment: "The time was short just now, let's try again?"


The cross tendon on Wei Nai's forehead couldn't stop beating, and she didn't care to leave it alone, so she picked up the towel and threw it over: "Get out quickly, or I won't talk to you anymore!"

"Okay." Hua Ye reached out to catch the towel, wrung out the towel, put it aside, then turned and walked out of the bathroom.

Wei Nai was sitting in the bathtub, hugging her knees with one hand, and pressing her chest with the other hand. The lingering electric shock in her chest made her wish to find a crack in the ground and slip down.

"Kissing the lips is nothing more than a kiss, but..."

"Sure enough, it's getting more and more excessive!"

"Wait..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip, "He said he wanted to try it out, so that's why... In other words, he hasn't done this kind of thing to other people?"

"Even so, even so, I can't forgive him!"

Chapter 1332 Liuhua and Yidali

Hua Ye sat in the living room for a long time before finally opening the bathroom door.

Well-dressed Wei Nai came out of the bathroom, the blush on her pretty face was still there, like an apple whose branch had just been hit by rain, but unfortunately the first sentence she came out was to draw a distance: "You will not Come within two meters of me."

Hua Ye shook his head: "I refuse."

"Anyway, I won't let you get close anymore." Wei Nai gritted her silver teeth and said angrily, "Don't even think about doing that kind of thing...shameless and obscene!"

"The reaction of your body is obviously very happy..."

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