"Don't say it!"

Wei Nai blushed even more, covering her chest with one hand and her forehead with the other, bit her pink lips and said, "I mean kiss, kiss! What nasty things are you thinking about!"

So where does this kind of thing go?Obviously it is a necessary way for the reproduction of species, okay?There are millions of people applauding for love all over the world at any moment. Isn't everyone shameless and obscene?

Hua Ye said, "This month will be over soon, right?"

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" Wei Nai looked over vigilantly.

"It's assessment time again." Hua Ye said solemnly, "You haven't done any bad things this month, you need to hurry up."


A black line fell across Wei Nai's head, and said with a blank expression, "Don't do bad things, just deduct the living expenses, anyway, the money earned from part-time jobs is enough for expenses."

Sleeping in class, not taking notes, deliberately scribbling on books and other behaviors are not bad things at all, snatching candy from children, or destroying the world with a demon passport, that kind of thing is really impossible, as expected. Not fit to be a devil.

"Here you are." Wei Nai handed over the changed clothes, "Can you get rid of the smell without breaking the seal?"


"Then help get rid of the smell." Wei Nai felt a little headache, "Cat urine is very difficult to clean, and it smells bad."

Hua Ye took the skirt and quickly removed the odor from the skirt.

"And this." Wei Nai handed over the black pantyhose again.

Compared with skirts, pantyhose feels extra silky and has a delicate touch as thin as onion wings. As the name suggests, it is a kind of clothing that combines pantyhose and socks, and is a one-piece tight clothing from the buttocks to the feet. It is one of the must-have autumn and winter clothes for girls.

Hua Ye complained: "Isn't pantyhose good pantyhose without holes?"

"There is no such bad thing to say." Wei Nai sat on the other end of the sofa, far away from Hua Ye, and said with disgust in her eyes, "Hurry up and clean it up, it's getting late, and I have to go to work."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's because you stayed in the bathroom for a long time."


After everything was handled properly, Wei Nai went to add fresh water to Fat Tachibana Inujiro before leaving.


Inujiro sat on the ground, looked up at Wei Nai, stretched out his claws and pushed the empty food bowl over.

A hint of hesitation appeared on Wei Nai's face, "How about adding more?"

"Leave it alone." Hua Ye grabbed Wei Nai's hand and pulled her away, "You can't die of hunger."

"But Inujiro has been hungry for a whole day, right? He probably wasn't full before, and Xiaoqian and Suguha don't know when they will come back..."

"You are a loving mother and a loser."

"What did you say?" Wei Nai puffed up her cheeks and glared at her almond eyes.

Hua Ye changed the word: "Doting."


Walking outside, Wei Nai locked the door, called Xiaoqian to explain the situation, and then went directly to the coffee shop to work, while Hua Ye returned to the apartment alone.

Liuhua's eyes lit up: "Brave, brave, come back early today."


Rokka said, "I'm going to eat fried shrimp tempura and crab tonight."

Hua Ye changed into his slippers and walked into the living room, "Go buy it yourself."

"That..." Liuhua tapped two fingers on his chest, and the hair on the top of his head swayed, "I don't have any money."


Hua Ye's face darkened, "Where's your pocket money?"

Ever since Shihua went to Idaili, this middle school girl with dumb hair has never been back. What she said, "There is a too evil existence sealed in the house, and I can't suppress it by myself", is actually the ability to take care of myself It's too bad, and her personality is out of line. She doesn't feel at ease living alone. She said that she can live in boarding or foster care, but it's not cohabitation anyway.

Since then, Shihua has paid a living allowance every month. Although it is not worth mentioning to Hua Ye, and it is not even as high as the daily interest of the bank, the pocket money is [-] yen... It's almost catching up with Wei Nai's living expenses when she was at her worst!

Under Hua Ye's watchful eyes, the dumb-haired girl said pitifully, "I bought a lot of things in the past few days..."

"What did you buy?" Hua Ye asked casually.

Liuhua snapped her fingers and said, "Warm tent, thick shoes, thick gloves, and snow-blind goggles..."

"Wait." Hua Ye stretched out his hand, "Why are you buying a thermal tent and snow-blind goggles?"

Shoes, clothes, and gloves are just fine, they can be used in winter, what’s wrong with the snow-blind goggles, there’s no snow at all, okay?Even if it snows, it's not enough to use snow-blind goggles!

Hua Ye looked at Gabriel.

The useless angel sat in the kotatsu and played games, looked over with one hand propped on his chin, and said lazily, "Don't look at me, Liuhua has indeed received several couriers in the past two days, but she didn't tell me to buy them mysteriously." what."

"I, I'm cutting first and playing later!" Liuhua puffed out her small chest, and then said pitifully, "Will the brave man go with me?"

With squinted eyes, Hua Ye had already guessed what Liuhua wanted to do, and then said, "No."

Kill first and then play your uncle, you don’t even need a passport, just want to go abroad to surprise your sister, not a surprise, but a fright!

"No!" Liuhua crawled out of the kotatsu, ran to Hua Ye's side on two short legs, hugged Hua Ye's arm, turned into a hand pendant, and said tearfully, "Maybe there will be more on the way." There will be ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, if the brave don't go, I will be captured by demons and ghosts."

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