Hua Ye said, "We'll wait until you are arrested."

"Then, what if someone captures you as Mrs. Yazhai?"

Mrs. Yazhai has to be tall, long-legged, and big-chested no matter what. With a flat-chested, short-legged radish like you, you can only feed it with delicious food if you catch it back!

"What are you two talking about?" Gabriel squinted her eyes and looked over.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Hua Ye found that the tone of the crippled angel was obviously a little heavier.

Hua Ye stretched out a finger against Liuhua's forehead, pushed the silly-haired girl away, and said, "Liuhua wants to see her sister."

"It's too much to be a brave man." Liuhua Yazi sat down on the ground, yelling aggrievedly, "He actually revealed our most important secret casually... A night watchman who doesn't know how to keep it secret is not a good night watchman."

Going to see your sister is a secret. If you really want to tell the secret, you accidentally broke your tailbone in the shower and massaged your butt yourself. That's the real secret, right?

Chapter 1333

"Hey, Holy Healer..." Gabriel quickly realized, "You're talking about Sister Shihua, right?"

This useless angel does not have much contact with Shihua. Firstly, Shihua is very busy at work. Although it is not the same kind of job as Xiaolin, it is not an exaggeration to label it as a 'community animal'. Secondly, Shihua seldom talks. The tall and cold beauty, referred to as facial paralysis, will inevitably cause a sense of oppression to other girls... especially Gabriel, who is flat-chested and short-legged.

Gabriel pushed away the computer and asked curiously, "Are you going to find Shihua?"

"That's right." Liuhua pinched her waist with one hand, and put the other hand on the blindfold, "It's been a long time since I had a duel with the Holy Curer, and when she suddenly appeared in front of her, her expression must be very exciting, right? , I can defeat her in one fell swoop..."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I didn't say I was going."

"How, how can this happen!" Liuhua hugged Hua Ye's thigh pitifully, "We agreed to fight side by side, but the brave actually wanted to leave me alone."

"Sister Shihua has been going to Italy for two or three months in a blink of an eye." Gabriel put one hand on her chin and looked at Liuhua, "Do you miss my sister?"

"I-I didn't think about it!" Liuhua faltered, and forcefully explained, "It's just that the control over the evil king's true eye has been greatly increased recently, and he just wants to fight the holy recuperator again. That's right, that's it!"

Hua Ye said, "Didn't you video chat with Shihua?"

"It hasn't happened in the past few days..." Liuhua lowered her head silently, and said after a pause, "It's too cold, I can't get up, and my sister won't let me talk under the quilt."


Pit father ah!I thought something happened to Shihua, the feeling is that you don't want to stick your hands out of the bed! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"It's almost enough to have a video chat?" Gabriel picked up an orange and peeled it.

Taking herself as an example, if possible, she would rather not see her sister Jia Ailu for a whole year, so that she would not go to bed at twelve o'clock every day, and would not say good night to the city at four or five o'clock in the morning. !

"The time difference between Japan and Italy... Anyway, it's a lot." Liuhua shook his head and whispered, "When I wake up every morning, it is already twelve o'clock in the night at the Holy Regulator, and the Holy Regulator looks like every day. She looks very I want to see how she is doing, whether she has been bullied, whether she is sick, whether she often suffers from shoulder pain."

Gabriel nodded: "So that's the case."

Living alone in a foreign country is tiring, right?

The useless angel glanced at Hua Ye. If he hadn't become a neighbor with this big-faced paralyzed man, he should be... eating cup noodles, eating steamed buns, and drinking tap water?

"Well, isn't there enough time?" Gabriel thought for a while and said, "I remember it took half a day to fly from Japan to Italy, and it took more than a day to come and go, and I would come back after meeting."

Liuhua raised her chin and showed a small smug smile: "It's okay, there will be a birthday next week."


Gabriel looked at the calendar, and sure enough, she saw a red date on the calendar.

The Japanese attach great importance to arrangements and plans. Basically, every household has a calendar. The holidays are marked in red on the calendar, which is the so-called "blessing day". Have a holiday.

The red day next week is Labor Thanksgiving, which happens to be on Friday. It can be combined with Saturday and Sunday for a three-day holiday, that is, the three days from November [-]rd to November [-]th. It's enough time to stay.

"The holy trainer said that it has already snowed in Italy." Liuhua said, "and the place where I work is a ski area, so I need to buy more cold protection..."

Wearing a short skirt in such a cold weather obviously activates the cold resistance gene, so there is no need to buy cold protection items at all!

Hua Ye sat next to Gabriel and helped peel the oranges: "I want to go to Italy to meet your sister, where is your passport?"

"Huh?" A colon appeared on top of Liuhua's head, with a cute expression, "Passport?"

So there is no issue of passports at all?

Japan is the largest visa-free country in the world. No visa is required between Japan and Italy. You can fly there directly, but only if you have a passport!

Liuhua puffed up her cheeks and muttered, "In the animation, you don't need a passport to go to Antarctica. I still want to go to Antarctica."

Nonsense, Antarctica is a land shared by all mankind, and it is not a private territory of a certain country. Of course, no visa is required!And Antarctica is not something you can go to if you want. Island country laws stipulate that to go to Antarctica, you must submit an application for registration in Antarctica to the relevant organization. After 4 hours of emergency training on "Antarctic environmental protection knowledge", you must take an exam. Only those who have passed the grades can be approved to go to Antarctica. Otherwise, they will be fined less than [-] yen as a warning. The unscrupulous hunting of whales in the sea is ironic no matter how you look at it.

"Brave and brave." Liuhua looked over pitifully, "I have never had a passport, what should I do?"

Hua Ye fed Gabriel a piece of orange, and said with a blank expression, "If you have any questions, go to Wei Nai."

Anyway, I didn't expect you to do things well by yourself, it's right to find Wei Nai at a time like this!

"Well, okay..." Liuhua sat back in the kotatsu, picked up her mobile phone, and muttered, "I still want to do the preparations alone... let's find Wei Nai-chan."


Gabriel knew the elegant meaning when she heard the string song, and she understood Hua Ye's plan in one sentence, and bit the orange and Hua Ye's fingers with one bite.

"The soul is pale!"

"I still want to go to Italy to play, the weather is so cold, people will freeze to death!"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You are an angel, not a human being."

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