"It's also very cold, okay? Anyway, I won't go, so don't drag me. I have decided not to leave the kotatsu this winter."

"I can replace the kotatsu to keep you warm."

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you."

The crippled angel looked over ferociously, its little silver teeth were still biting Hua Ye's fingers, but it was a pity that it couldn't break through the defense at all, and it couldn't even leave any teeth marks.

Hua Ye only felt that the useless angel's mouth was warm and warm, so he couldn't help but move his fingers, and lightly picked the tender and slender tip of his tongue. It was different from the usual kissing feeling, and it was actually quite interesting.



Gabriel hurriedly spat out the finger in her mouth, a blush flew up on her little face, and while wiping her mouth with her hand, she looked over with murderous intent, "You are looking for your own death, die!"

Time passed quietly.

In a blink of an eye, it was ten thirty in the evening.

Hua Ye looked at Gabriel who was dawdling and refused to leave, and said speechlessly, "The air conditioner hasn't been repaired yet?"

Gabriel was lying on the kotatsu, looking like Satania guarding the pineapple/bag, gritted her teeth and said, "I forgot to call... If you dare to touch the kotatsu today, I will fight you!"

Chapter 1334

"If you dare to touch the kotatsu, I will fight you!"

Gabriel lay on the kotatsu like an octopus, showing her determination to defend herself to the death.

Hua Ye shook his head: "Don't dare to move."


Hua Ye got up and turned off the light in the living room, then walked towards Gabriel.

"Get out, don't come here." The crippled angel immediately became vigilant, "Sleep on your sofa!"

If you let this big face get close to you, how you will be bullied, you can imagine it with your toes!

Hua Ye said: "It's cold to sleep on the sofa."

"Cold you big-headed ghost!" Gabriel couldn't help but said, "It's so hot every day..."

With just one inattentiveness, Hua Ye had already quietly sat beside the crippled angel, and the clumsy blocking was useless to Hua Ye.

"It's warmer to sleep together."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and hugged the crippled angel into his arms.

"It's warm even if I sleep alone." Gabriel opened her eyes wide, fiercely, "If you dare to do that kind of thing again today, I'll 'click' you with scissors."

"What kind of thing?"


Gabriel didn't speak, and a rocket head hammer hit him.

"It's too much." Hua Ye squinted his eyes, "You choose the time yourself."


"Twenty minutes or thirty minutes?"

"Hentai, how dare you... um..."


Silent all night.

By the next day, a group of melon-eating girls already knew that Liuhua was going to Yidali to visit her sister Shihua.

"Liuhuajiang, good morning." Lafite smiled and waved, "Going to Italy next Friday?"

"This is my adventure with the brave..."

"Hey, for adventure or something, you must have a well-equipped team, right?" The black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger, "Look, classmate Hua Ye acts as an MT to block the damage in front, and Liuhuajiang acts as an assassin. Try it out, and then you need a nanny."

Apart from having bigger breasts, how can you get along with the nanny!

"Hmm, it seems to make sense?" Liuhua blinked, and was soon led into the ditch by Lafite.

"Idaly or something..." Alice's eyes were a little blank, and she whispered, "Master Baiyu, I won't go when the time comes."

"What's wrong?"

Lafite looked at the low-morale and low-spirited Dwarf Douding, and stretched out his hand to smooth his hair.

"Ding dong."

Morale +1.

Lafite continued to touch, and the reminder of morale +1 kept popping up.

The dwarf bean quickly recovered, and whispered, "Idali... Mom is so concerned that Idali knew Dad."

Alice's family is very rich, and they are the so-called "nobles" in anime. In fact, she studied in noble girls' schools in elementary and junior high schools. This kind of school is not a fictional thing, but a real school.

Hua Ye doesn't know much about her parents. He only knows that Alice's father passed away due to illness, and that silly dog ​​Xiaoqiu was a gift from her father. I didn't expect her father to be Italian...it's not surprising. Yes, the blond short Douding does have obvious mixed-race characteristics, although there are many people with strange hair and pupil colors in the whole school.

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