"That's it." Lafite said softly, "Then Alice will think about it when she goes home. If she really doesn't want to go, it's okay."

"Yeah." The short bean raised his head and showed a smiling face, "Master Bai Yu, don't worry, Dad has... passed away for several years, and I have adjusted."

Walking to the school gate, I happened to meet the class monitor who came from school, and told the monitor the news by the way.

"Hey, go to Italy to play?"

Liuhua shook her head solemnly and said, "No, it's a duel with the Holy Conditioner."

Machiko looked at Hua Ye involuntarily.

"The red day next week." Hua Ye said, "Get your passports in the next few days, and then we can go play together."

"Machiko-chan." Lafite hugged the class monitor from behind, "Sister Liuhua works next to the Alps, and it's a famous ski resort in the world."

"Ski resort..." Machiko's eyes clearly showed yearning. School trips are usually only available in the second grade, but they are usually during summer vacation, and they seldom go out in winter. mountain skiing...

"Woo~~!" Machiko's pretty face flushed quickly, and she hurriedly covered her chest, "Lafite, no, don't touch it!"

"It's just checking the size. Girls need to check regularly. If the underwear is not the same size, it will have a bad effect on the body." The black-bellied girl said in a low voice, "Well... Machiko is a little bigger again , when are you going to buy new underwear?"


Facts have proved that a thin-skinned person is no match for a thick-skinned person at all. He is obviously the leader of a squad, but now he is like a little white rabbit under the claws of a big bad wolf, and he has no power to fight back!

Walking into the teaching building, Hua Ye met Igarashi and Hoshino Xia who were bickering again.

"Student Hua Ye, why don't you come to my place for tea at noon?" The big-breasted loli closed one eye and said in a cute loli voice, "Recently, my shoulders are so sore, and I always feel chest tightness and shortness of breath when I sleep. Can you help me check my body while you have tea?"

Hua Ye had no expression on his face and no fluctuations in his heart.

If you keep your word, you should stick your butt and write the fifth orthographic letter on your leg right now!

"Don't go!" Igarashi didn't care about other people, or pretended not to care on the surface, except that Hoshino Xia was next to Hua Ye, "Are your shoulders sore? Chest tightness and shortness of breath, right? I have a way. It can help you solve the problem once and for all.”

Hoshino Xia's cheeks twitched: "I don't want to hear it."

Igarashi snorted in distaste: "If you just cut off your two useless fats like the Amazon female warrior, it will be fine, right?"

"Ju, actually came up with such a cruel method..." Hoshino Xia hugged Hua Ye's arm, "Student Hua Ye, she bullied me."

Igarashi immediately became angry: "Big cow, let me go!"

It is absolutely unbearable to use the technique of sex/seduction in front of oneself.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to hold Igarashi, bowed his head and said:

"Do you know that someone in school recently drew your notebook?"


Hoshino Xia was taken aback, she was an adult anyway, of course she knew what the book was about, but as a cashier among cashiers, her daily life was exciting enough that she wouldn't read the book for entertainment at all.

"What's the content of the book?" Igarashi crossed his arms and raised his chin.

Hua Ye said, "Do you want to see it?"

"I don't want to see it." Hoshino Xia shook her head, she didn't need to think about it, she knew it wouldn't be a good thing, if she was pressed down by a man she didn't know, or even a creature that wasn't human, even if it was just a notebook, it would be disgusting.

"Hmph, I want to take a look." Igarashi crossed his arms and looked at Hoshino Xia with provocative eyes, "Anyway, this guy who pretends to be young at school every day will definitely be trained/taught miserably, right?"

Chapter 1335 Alice: Save My Dog's Life

"Paper and pen." As an art teacher, Igarashi, although he has always been idle and not doing his job, but he still has the basic equipment. "Draw this ugly monster with big breasts and show her."

"Are you sure?" Hua Ye lowered his head and asked.

Igarashi felt that there was something wrong with Hua Ye's tone of voice, but right now he had no choice but to speak. If he was cowardly, how would he have the face to face others?

"Sure." The poor-breasted star snorted, "Draw it."


Hua Ye reached out to take the pen and paper. He didn't need to conceive in his mind, and he also needed to worry about drawing mistakes. The pen moved with his heart. It took only a few breaths, and Xing Yexia came to life on the paper.

"Hey, don't scribble." Igarashi was unhappy, "How can this monster with big breasts have such big breasts?"

Calling others big breasts every day, subconsciously admits that Hoshino Xia's breasts are indeed big!

"I drew the breasts according to their real size and shape." Hua Ye said blankly, "In the handbooks, the breasts are even bigger than they are now."

Hoshino Xia raised her hand to cover her chest, a rare blush appeared on her face, although it was only a few strokes, but no matter how you look at it, she looks just like herself!

Decided, I must tear up this piece of paper later... No, I will burn it directly. If someone with bad intentions picks it up, it will be disgusting to think about it. Who knows what they will do to the paper things come.

"Real size and shape?" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth and couldn't help whispering, "Didn't you say that you are not interested in her, you fat pervert? When did you hook up?!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "Did you forget that time you took a bath in the hotel's open-air swimming pool? Xiaoxia got water in her ears, where did she jump..."

Igarashi quickly remembered what happened that day. Because the swimsuit accidentally broke, the big-breasted monster left the stage early, leaving only himself and Hua Ye in the pool. Being slapped in the swimming pool, this matter once became a tangled thing in my heart, and I often dreamed of going back to the swimming pool when I was sleeping.

"Hmph." The star with small breasts crossed his arms and turned his head away, "Just call her a monster with big breasts, and call her Xiaoxia, she will definitely get her nose up."

"No way." Hoshino Xia wanted to hug Hua Ye, "Hua Ye and I are in love..."

"The two-legged female beast that has reached the estrus period, you are playing with others, right?" Igarashi said mercilessly, "That's why you are being played with in this book, and it's still in this obscene posture."

Hoshino Xia leaned over to look at the paper, and bit her lower lip angrily. She was not angry with Hua Ye, after all, Hua Ye wanted to fuck her long ago, but was angry with the people who drew the book. I drew myself kneeling on the bed with one hand supporting the bed, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a super bad posture!

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