
Talking all the way, I quickly walked to the nearby snack street.

"Mr. Facial Paralysis, I want to eat octopus balls."

Hua Ye responded, "Yes."

"You feed me."


"Next time, can't we do it ourselves? Watching TV, many people make octopus balls by themselves. The whole family sits neatly together, which is very interesting."

Hua Ye said, "Go home tonight."

"Hey... no." Lafite shook his head and said, "It's still the Cold War period."

"It's not good to have a cold war at all!" Alice complained silently in her heart, "It's clearly a relationship... Almost all of them are glued to this perverted body, and they obviously like it very much."

"When I left home with facial paralysis on Saturday, Master Baiyu was obviously unhappy. It's strange to be happy when I meet such a shameless facial paralysis."

"Later, it was proposed to say 'Cold War Period', to let this big-faced paralyzed person know that everyone has their own opinions, it's not that you can have whatever you want, or bully you if you want to bully... Actually, it's to avoid everyone's embarrassment."

"I obviously don't see what's good, why do you like him so much?"

The phone rang suddenly.

Alice held the dog with one hand, took out her mobile phone with the other hand, and found that it was Norika Fujiwara calling.

"Hello, Miss Ji Xiang?"

"Miss, the owner of the Samoyed has been found. His name is Kaoru Ishihara. He is thirty-three years old this year and is the owner of a small club." Fujiwara Norika's voice sounded, and within half an hour, the other party's identity had been ascertained .

Ordinary people want to check the surveillance, they need to call the police first, and then the police will come forward to have the right to check the surveillance, but the Alice family is a big or small consortium, and they can get along well in the local underworld. If you want to check the surveillance and find someone , just say hello.

"It's actually the owner of the club?" Alice was startled, then hesitated.

In the island country, the bar is a place to drink, the izakaya is a place to eat food, drink, chat and fart, the nightclub is a place where a group of people dance with demons on the dance floor, and the club is a custom industry club, but the official custom shop only provides body services. , The club basically only sits and drinks with you. Officially, it does not provide physical services. There are several types of clubs. Some of them only accompany you to drink and chat, and some can even sit on your lap and hug you. Real swords and guns will not work.

Fujiwara Norika said: "Miss, I suggest you come back first, I will send someone to ask for that dog."

"Well, Master Bai Yu and I will go and have a look first." Alice hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision, going back to practice the piano at night, why not go to the club to have a look, of course, this is because Hua Ye and Lafite are by her side Now, otherwise, with her courage, even if she was twice her age, she wouldn't dare to go to a place like a club alone.

"Alright then." Fujiwara Norika nodded, "Please be careful."

"Don't worry, there is a big pervert here."

Fujiwara Norika smiled: "Miss, come on."

"What, what are you doing?" Alice panicked, "What are you talking about!"

"Well, no matter what you choose, Madam will support you."


After hanging up the phone, the club's address was quickly sent to Alice's mobile phone.

"Master Baiyu." The short bean raised his phone and said, "The owner has been found, he is the owner of a club... Shall we go over and have a look?"

"Eh, the club?" Lafite blinked and understood Alice's expectation, "I haven't been there yet, Mr. Facial Paralyzed, remember to protect Alice and me when the time comes."

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "Hurry up and go home."

Forget about Alice, an angel like you who can kill a Triceratops with bare hands doesn't need protection at all!

The location of the club is not far away. It takes less than ten minutes to walk through the snack street and you will come to the vicinity of the club. There is no eye-catching signboard, but rather low-key.

Entering the club, a young man in a suit and leather shoes greeted him very quickly. Alice nervously hid behind Lafite. She was very excited when she came, but she was timid as soon as she arrived at the scene. The courage is obviously a mouse.

"Excuse me, are there three?" The smile on the man's face was quite standard, and he didn't show a surprised expression because of Alice and Lafite. Obviously, it is very common for girls to come to the club to play.

Hua Ye cut to the chase and said, "Come to find someone, Kaoru Ishihara."

The smile on the man's face in the suit shrank slightly, probably because he thought that Hua Ye might be the one who messed up the scene, but he definitely wouldn't bring the two girls here. As for the dog...well, it's Akita, and his signature skill is' Akita-style smirk', docile personality, not a fighting dog, a bulldog can probably bite ten of them.

"Sorry, our boss won't be here until eight o'clock." The man in the suit smiled, "The three of you can wait inside first, or come back at eight o'clock."

Hua Ye glanced at Lafite and Alice, "Then go in and wait."

"Please pay the entrance fee first."


After paying the entrance fee, Hua Ye took Lafite and Alice into the club. The lighting was soft and dim, and a piece of "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" was pasted on the wall with mosaic tiles. There were potted plants and flowers everywhere in the corner, and the air was fresh. , it seems that it has nothing to do with the filthy place.

Well, in Japan, a country where the surname industry has been legalized, not to mention clubs, even skin trading is a serious job.

However, there are a lot of girls in the store, and all of them are beauties with a face value of seventy or eighty, with thick or light makeup, and the clothes can't be said to be revealing, anyway, they are all fashionable and exquisite.

If it is a regular customer who often comes to the club to play, he has already opened a private room with ease at this moment, and called the beauties he knows to go in to accompany him to drink and chat. The basic income is not high, it mainly depends on the work commission. If you can successfully get a rich customer, it is normal for the tip income to be higher than a month's salary.

However, after seeing Hua Ye bring two girls in, he knew that he must be a young man who opened his eyes on a whim. Coupled with Lafite's super good looks, he can crush most of the girls in the store without makeup. Public relations, for a while, female publicists, you look at me and I look at you, but no one came forward.

Chapter 1339 Stupid Alice

In the end, a woman with wavy hair sitting in a corner put away her mobile phone and walked over to Hua Ye.

"Hello." The woman looked about twenty years old, with light makeup on her face, beautiful looks, and an intellectual beauty in her speech. She smiled at this moment, "Is this your first time at the club?"

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