"how do you know?"

Alice asked subconsciously, and then quickly realized that she had missed the point, and couldn't help being a little discouraged.

The female publicist did not answer, and changed the subject with a smile: "My name is Yuki Yuki, you can call me Yuki or Yuki."

Ninety-nine percent of this name is false. Although female public relations is a serious profession, it is definitely not the kind of profession that can be upright and proud to show off to family members. Not many people care about the authenticity of the name.

The female publicist smiled and said, "We can open a private room to drink and chat, or we can chat in the lobby."

Hua Ye said, "Just in the lobby."

This time I came here to ask the female owner of the club for a dog, not to chat with someone, and I didn't intend to take advantage of the opportunity in the private room. Although Hua Ye has no cleanliness, he will definitely not have a good impression of anyone here.

The club looks clean and tidy, and the environment is good. It seems that everyone is easy to talk and makes people feel like a spring breeze. But if the mountain god Shi Changji was here, he would probably have complained about "the house is full of stench" while holding his nose, and then fled. up.

Female public relations is a serious profession in Japan, and it is becoming more and more popular among young women. Many people think that this is one of the few jobs that can obtain economic independence and other opportunities. In name, they don’t need to sleep with them, as long as they dress up beautifully. You can make a lot of money by drinking and chatting with you every night. If a guest goes crazy with alcohol, there will naturally be people watching the scene in the club and throw the other party out.

It's a pity that people's lower limit and persistence will be worn out little by little. If you can come to the club to do female public relations for money today, you can spread your legs for money tomorrow. Of all the women in the world, no one is clean.

"Shall we sit there?" The female publicist smiled and pointed to the sofa in the corner.

Lafite nodded, and pulled Alice over.

After sitting down, the female publicist smiled and asked, "Do you want to drink? It's fine if you don't drink."

For the job of female public relations, one must first have good eyesight. Naturally, it can be seen that Alice and Lafite are not very old, and should be a combination of junior high school students and high school students.

"You still want juice?" Alice replied in a low voice. Drinking in a place like a club might be dangerous.

The female publicist smiled, and ordered four glasses of ginger beer, one of which was obviously for herself, and when paying the bill, Hua Ye paid for it.

Although ginger beer contains the word "beer", it is actually a non-alcoholic carbonated drink. The taste of soda with fresh ginger flavor is somewhat like beer, and it is very popular abroad.

"Thank you." Lafite nodded his thanks.

"You're welcome." The woman smiled, raised her hand and rolled up the hair around her ear, "It's better to wait for you to come to play in places like clubs when you grow up."

The job of a female publicist is to accompany wine and chat. After discovering that Hua Ye doesn't like to talk, this female publicist quickly chatted with Alice. If there is no work topic, she will talk about life and study, fashion, gossip, and obviously idols. ...Anyway, the words are nice, not boring, and there is something to talk about.

So it didn't take long for Alice to sell herself.

"We're just looking for the owner of the club..."

"It's not a relative, it's Xiao Qiu, an idiot who likes the female boss's Samoyed, so I have to find it."

"When the maid took it out for a walk, she fell in love with someone else's Samoyed at a glance. At that time, the maid took a lot of effort to pull it home."

"Hey, so you also have a dog?"


Hua Ye turned his head and calmly glanced at the smiling female publicist, which made the woman's heart shudder, and her smile was a little stiff - of course, she came here not with a kind heart, because she was afraid that Hua Ye and the three of them would be deceived, but was instructed by others. It is only natural for people to be wary of calling out the owner of the club by name when entering the door. This female publicist is just here to inquire about information, just listen to what she has to say, she is really an idiot.

"Alice." Lafite noticed Hua Ye's eyes and said with a smile, "Come and sit between Hua Ye and me."


The short bean was startled, although he was puzzled, he didn't ask any more questions, got up and sat between Huaye and Lafite, with a flat chest and short legs, a carrot head, even if he straightened his waist, he was still half a head shorter than Lafite. Fortunately, his hair color was different. Same, otherwise they might be misunderstood as mother and daughter!

Lafite drank the ginger beer one after another, and said casually, "I found that most of the people who come to the club are middle-aged people in their thirties or forties."

"Because all crows are black." Alice crossed her arms and looked at Hua Ye out of the corner of her eyes, pretending to be disgusted, "Men are always liking the new and loathing the old. Once they get it, they won't cherish it. Master Bai Yu must be vigilant." , can no longer be bullied by a big facial paralysis."

Hua Ye said blankly, "There are white crows in the world."


The female publicist smiled and said: "Because an uncle of this age is oppressed by the anguish of work and life all day long, he needs others to listen to him the most."

Women who accompany wine are called female public relations, and men who accompany wine are called cowboys. What these two professions sell is not wine, nor goods in convenience stores, nor their own bodies, but a colorless and tasteless air like air. Seemingly worthless, but very important to a group of things - chatting and listening.

More than [-]% of the people who come to the club are office workers, because social animals are much more depressing than students. Many people wear the same suits regardless of the four seasons and leave home, and then they are stuffed into the subway or tram like sardines. Day, year after year, Japan is a "one-person breadwinner" society. Many women do not work after marriage, but do housework at home. However, working overtime is a common practice in the workplace. After a busy day, many people take the last subway train to return home. When I got home, my wife was already asleep, and the next morning I got up to say a few words and had to go out in a hurry, so I didn't spend much time together.

Colleagues are colleagues, not friends. When things go wrong at work, being tricked, scolded by superiors, and squeezed out by colleagues, it is impossible to tell your wife about these things. It is the choice of most men to report good news and not report bad news.

At a time like this, it would be the right choice to find a female publicist to confide in the negative emotions in her heart.

Of course, there are also a lot of men who come here purely to spend money to have fun. In places like clubs, there are all kinds of messy people. Don't trust anyone except yourself.

Hua Ye took a sip of ginger beer, and suddenly saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help frowning.

Chapter 1340 True Love and True Fragrance

"Hey, it's Fumino-chan who often brings you lunch at the school gate?" Lafite also saw several girls coming in from the gate, "What is she doing here?"

The female publicist next to her shook her head, "I don't know, it should be the first time like you."

"Student Hua Ye, go and have a look."

Hua Ye said, "No."

"Although Wen Naijiang has a dark belly, her nature is not bad." Lafite gave Hua Ye a push, "For the sake of bento, let's ask what's going on."

I haven't even eaten a bite of the bento, so where does the friendship come from!

Having said that, Hua Ye was pulled up by Lafite, "Let's go and have a look together."

"Lord Bai Yu, I'll go too." Alice got up quickly, of course she didn't dare to sit here alone.

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