Passing through the hall, he soon came to the corridor. The doors of the private rooms on the left and right were all closed, and it was not clear where Tian Zhongnao went.

"Student Hua Ye?" Lafite turned his head to look.

Hua Ye said, "The third room on the left."


Lafite nodded, stepped forward and raised his hand to knock on the door.

The door quickly opened a gap, a girl poked out half of her face, and then exclaimed, "Hey, Oni-chan, why are you here?"

The bad girl hesitated slightly, opened the door, and whispered, "Oni-chan, come in."

The three of Hua Ye walked into the private room, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"Uncle, you should go home." Tian Zhongnai took a step forward, breaking the embarrassment, "You will be sad if you ring like this."

I don't know who Suzune is, but it's obviously one of the bad girl's younger sisters.

Neither Hua Ye nor Lafite spoke, and chose to wait and see what happened.

There are only two people in the box, one is a man in his forties, tall and thin, wearing glasses and a tie on his chest, his skin is slightly dark, and he is dressed like a typical social animal. The female publicist is only in her early twenties, with big eyes and skin It was very white, and looked like a little girl who had never experienced anything in the world, and she was huddled in the corner of the sofa with some embarrassment at the moment.

"Dad, shall we go home?" A short-haired girl clenched her fist, apparently Tian Zhongnan's younger sister, Lingyin, "Mom is dead, I don't blame you for falling in love with someone else and wanting to marry someone else...but This woman can't."

"Why?" The man couldn't help but said, "She only does this job to make ends meet. There's nothing wrong with earning her own living, right?"

Well, of course yes, working hard to support your family is clearly commendable behavior.

The girl bit her lip and said, "You are nearly twenty years behind her, do you think she will like you?"

"She said she liked me and wanted to marry me."


Very good, things became clear in a few words.

This is a story about a father who fell in love with a female publicist, and then his daughter took someone to arrest him. It has nothing to do with the strange, or it is quite common.

Who can be a female publicist?

Of course she is a young, beautiful and eloquent woman.

This is a job for young people. The basic requirement is that you should be good-looking. In this world that looks at faces, being good-looking is a privilege. You are not given a chance.

Then there is good eloquence, that is, speaking well.

Comfort you, care about you, listen to the distress in your life, and soothe the pain in your heart. This kind of beautiful, well-spoken female public relations are all talents, and it is normal to fall in love with each other. You don't know if you like it or not.

Some office workers are accidentally obsessed with female publicists or cowherds. For the sake of the other party, they will not hesitate to sell pots and sell iron, borrow usurious loans, and finally their families are ruined. After all, there are always miracles in this world.

"Uncle, you should know that female publicists use fake names, right?" Tian Zhongnai pinched his waist with one hand, "The other party doesn't even tell you their real name, do you think they will really like you?"

"I know her real name." The man shook his head and said persistently, "And she also said that after the New Year, she would take me home to visit her parents."

"Jingsi, don't talk about it." The female publicist raised her head, her voice was soft and weak, and there was a hint of pleading in her eyes, "You go back with Lingyin first? This is not the time to talk, I'll go to your house tomorrow to talk about it, okay?"

"You woman, don't call me by my name!" the short-haired girl gritted her teeth and shouted.

"Ring tone!" The man couldn't help but said, "Don't be so loud!"

"Father?" The girl looked over in disbelief, her eyes quickly turned red, "You actually yelled at me for this woman?"

"I'm not……"

The man was in a dilemma. He obviously had no experience in dealing with such things, and the top of his head was sweating.

"Oni sauce." Tian Wenna sneaked up to Hua Ye's side and asked in a low voice, "What should I do? Lingyin's father is obviously obsessed and is fascinated by the other party."

Lafite said, "It's very simple."

"Hey, how should I do it?" Alice looked up, and she didn't judge this kind of family ethics drama for a while. The other party went home to meet their parents. It was not wrong for a man to like a woman, and it was also not wrong for a daughter to worry that her father would be cheated.

"There is only one reason for being fascinated, and that is that girls make their own image too beautiful." The black-bellied girl stretched out a green finger, "Just let her show her true colors."

Tian Zhongnai puffed up his cheeks, always feeling that he was being robbed of the limelight, unhappy: "Then what if the real face is like this?"

Lafite completely crushed the bad girl: "Then what are you talking about, when you meet true love, of course you should hurry up and marry her back home."


"It's nice to say, how can I make her show her true colors?" The black-bellied girl curled her lips and turned her face away, "You can't drink the other party's bar, and you don't even know if you're really drunk or not..."

Before she finished speaking, the bad girl saw Lafite and Alice showing the expressions of "You are so stupid, really", and suddenly came to her senses, hugged Hua Ye's arm, and said pitifully, "Oni-chan, help me!" ,Help."


Help your sister!You agreed to settle your own affairs by yourself. As the eldest sister, you should save face in front of your younger sister!

"Oni-chan, help me one more time." The bad girl knew that Hua Ye would eat soft and not hard, so of course she wouldn't confront her, but started acting like a baby, "I like Ouni-chan the most."

"Big/pervert, lolicon." Alice was very dissatisfied, muttering, "Even junior high school students are not spared, and they will be called to the gendarmerie for tea later."

You are enough, this junior high school student is above you, little bean ding, no matter in height or wet nurse!

Hua Ye didn't want to waste time here, so he lowered his head and said, "Get out of the way."

Chapter 1341 The Standard of a Real Man

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