"Oni-chan, I like you!"

Tian Zhongnai shouted excitedly, this bad girl has figured out Hua Ye's temper, as long as she doesn't say no, she agrees to you.

I don't have the ability to test whether this woman is sincere or fake, but Oni-chan definitely has this ability, and Tian Zhongnai has no doubts about it.

Hua Ye suddenly walked over from the door, quickly attracting everyone's attention.

The two unscrupulous girls heard the eldest sister shouting O'Neill sauce, so naturally they would not stop them, and obediently moved out of the way, but the man stood up nervously, "What are you doing?"

"Uncle, don't get excited." Tian Zhongnai said, "Let Oni sauce test it for you."

"Test what?"

The man was still in astonishment when he saw Hua Ye stretch out a finger and tap the female publicist's brow. It was obviously very slow, but the female publicist insisted on not dodging.

"Don't touch Yuko." The man frowned.

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye turned around and walked back to Lafite.

Tian Zhongnai wanted to ask about the situation, but seeing that Lafite did not speak, he calmed down and waited and watched.

"Yuko, are you alright?" the man asked with concern.

"Don't call me Yuko." The pitiful expression on the female publicist's face disappeared.

"Yes, it's my fault. I shouldn't have called your real name here." The man kept apologizing, "I..."

"Yuko is just a pseudonym I lied to you." The woman's eyes were cold and her tone was disgusted, "My name is Reina."

"Reina?" The man was a little confused, "Didn't you say you were called Yuko, why did you become Reina?"

"I told you I lied to you, are you annoyed?"

"I don't believe it." The man turned his head to look at Hua Ye, "Did you do something just now?"

"It has nothing to do with him, I just want to say a few words of truth." The female publicist's temperament changed, and she lost her pitiful appearance just now, and became stronger, "Uncle, come to the club to find true love, you are a showy head right?"

"Gentleness, caring, and caring about you are all professional requirements. I just want you to spend more money and get more commission."

"Uncle, are you forty-two this year? I'm only twenty, you can be my father, and you still want to marry me at such an age? Is your health okay? [Beep——] How old is it? How long? How long? Can you hold on for three minutes? Let me tell you, at least [beep——] can satisfy me."

This woman's cannonballs made all the girls in the private room blush... well, Lafite is not red, this black-bellied girl's integrity value is getting lower and lower, and this kind of dirty joke can no longer affect her what.

"What is this woman talking about?" Alice's face flushed, and she puffed out her mouth in dissatisfaction. It's disgusting that she only cares about that kind of thing, okay?

The man's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but said, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"It's what I said from the bottom of my heart. I'm already twenty. Can I ask for this?" The female publicist sat there with her left leg folded on top of her right. "I started dating others when I was a freshman in high school. Now I have six boyfriends in total, do you know why? Just because they can't satisfy me, they say a lot of good things, and they can't hold on for three minutes in bed, what kind of man is it?"


Lafite turned to look at Hua Ye, knowing what she was thinking without saying a word.

"Don't go back tonight." Hua Ye said blankly, "Go to the love hotel."

"Boyfriend, I was wrong!"


"Stop talking!" The little white flower I liked suddenly became a veteran of the flower bushes, which made the man's face extremely ugly. He took a deep breath and said with clenched fists, "So you said you like me, and take me back to see your parents after the New Year. Are these all fake?"

"Uncle, you must be self-aware." The female publicist sighed, "Uncles are those who are humorous, handsome, and full of masculinity. You are such a taciturn old man who can't even say a nice word. If you want to marry a young girl, you can only call Lao Lick..."

"Shut up!" the short-haired girl Lingyin gritted her teeth and said angrily, "If you dare to say another word, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart?"

A few little girls next to him took a step forward in unison at the moment, in solidarity with their friends, they seemed to be full of momentum.

"Lingyin, that's enough, let's go home." The man showed a wry smile, apparently waking up from his obsession, "The last question, why did you lie to me?"

"It's not to lie to you, it's to lie to you." The female publicist shook her finger, "Didn't you say that you have prepared a large amount of education funds for your daughter, enough for her to go to college? Anyway, I won't be here next year, why don't you lie to me?" Let's go, anyway, your daughter is a bad girl, she can't get into college at all, right?"


The man took a deep breath, resisted the urge to hit someone, turned around and walked out, "Lingyin, let's go home."

"Got it, Dad."

Opening the door of the box, there were three men in suits standing outside the door, apparently they were thugs in the club. Looking inside, I saw the female publicist raised her hand to cover her mouth in shock, He was neither injured nor beaten, so he moved out of the way.

The man who was played in the palm of his hand naturally had no face to see others, and walked away with his head down, while the few unscrupulous girls looked at Tian Zhongnai.

"Go back first." Tian Zhongnai waved his hand, "I'll play with Oni-chan for a while."

Hua Ye said with disgust, "You go back too."

"No, I finally met Oni-chan, I want to stay a little longer." The unscrupulous girl said coquettishly, "What if I encounter danger on the way home?"

Encountering danger can only be regarded as your bad luck, don't expect to send you home!

Several bad girls bowed one after another.

"Sister, let's go first."

"Sister, see you at school tomorrow."

"go Go."

"Well, Fumino-chan is very imposing." Lafite looked over with a smile.

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