"Ha, haha... No, Sister Lafite is the most powerful." The unscrupulous girl stuck out the tip of her tongue, with a harmless smile on her face, she didn't dare to show prestige in front of Lafite. The beautiful girl with squinting eyes is super scary, "I've changed my mind, and now I'm just a friend. When a friend encounters difficulties, it's normal for him to help him?"

Lafite stretched out a finger: "When you come out to play around, loyalty is the most important thing?"

"That's right...cough cough cough." The bad girl hurriedly changed the subject, "What is Oni-chan doing here? I don't know yet."

"Do not say."

"Woo~~ Oni-chan is so cold."

Go to the sofa before and sit down, the female publicist just now has disappeared.

After what happened just now, Alice also became a little smarter, "These female publicists... all seem to have the same smile."

"Because they have specially practiced it." Tian Zhongnao said, "I heard that there are special books to teach them how to chat with customers and how to make customers happy. Anyway, I don't believe a word of it."

Alice took a sip of ginger beer, and after a while her eyes became dizzy: "Master Baiyu..."

Chapter 1342

"Master Baiyu, I feel a little dizzy..."

Alice opened her eyes wide and looked over in a daze.

"Dizziness?" Lafite was startled, glanced at the ginger beer in his hand, and slightly frowned.

Soda drinks without any alcohol, of course, can not make people dizzy.

"Student Hua Ye, let's see what's going on with Alice."


Hua Ye looked down, the short bean's breathing had become rapid, his little face was blushing twice, his eyes became dazed and blurred, he fixed his eyes on Hua Ye, and suddenly hugged Hua Ye. Ye's arm.

"I also want……"

The sound was weak, like a kitten whimpering.

This short bean raised his face, and said in a cute voice, "I want to kiss like Master Bai Yu, so hurry up and kiss me."


So it is really impossible for people to faint, and it is easy to talk nonsense once fainted!

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye stretched out a finger and pressed it on the forehead of the little bean.

"Alice looks like this..." Tian Zhongnai blinked, and suddenly realized, "Isn't someone drugged me? I heard that girls must not let the drink out of their sight when they play in places like clubs. Otherwise, it will be easy for the bad guys to succeed."

Lafite didn't speak, but the frost on her pretty face made Tian Wennai subconsciously close her mouth.

Hua Ye withdrew his fingers, reached out to pick up the wine glass in front of Alice, and drank the remaining ginger beer in one gulp.

"Master Bai, Bai Yu." Alice has come to her senses, but her face is redder than before, like a ripe apple, obviously remembering what she said, now she stammers and explains in a panic, "I'm not, I didn't, just, just now..."

"Well, Alice is also a very important person." Lafite stretched out his hand and touched his head, comforting the nervous twintailed girl, "It's normal to like her."

The short bean turned his head subconsciously and snorted: "I don't like this pervert!"

Hua Ye silently drank the ginger beer in the glass, then turned to look at Lafite, "Your glass."


Lafite handed the wine glass in front of Hua Ye. She also took a sip just now. Although she didn't experience the same dizziness symptoms as Alice, she didn't believe that her glass was clean.

Hua Ye took Lafite's glass, raised his head and drank the remaining ginger beer, then stood up silently.

"Student Hua Ye." Lafite shouted.

Hua Ye turned his head to look.

The black-bellied girl warned, "Don't beat me to death, just beat me to death."


"Hey, do you want to fight?" Tian Zhongnai's eyes lit up, looking around for a weapon at hand, and was discouraged to find that there was not even a beer bottle nearby except a cup.

She reached for the wine glass, looking for an opportunity to sneak up on her back, and smashed one by one, but the moment her fingers touched the wine glass, the whole glass suddenly turned into shards, not pieces of broken glass, but pieces like Like the sand on the beach, it collapsed into a pile of white powder.

Tian Zhongnai was taken aback by this turn of events, and quickly withdrew his right hand, "Cup..."

Lafite said calmly, "Sit quietly and don't make trouble."


Tian Zhongnai subconsciously sat upright, not daring to make any small movements, always feeling that something terrible would happen if he made trouble at this time.


Hua Ye was in the box just now, and he didn't know who poured the medicine into the cup. Of course, he had countless ways to find out who it was, including checking surveillance, tracking scents, and even going back in time, but there was a simpler and more brutal method.

"who is it?"

Hua Ye walked to the previous female publicist named Yuki Yuki and asked calmly.

This woman has never left the hall, and nothing can escape her eyes.

The female publicist blinked her eyes, still had a professional smile on her face, and said softly, "Excuse me, what is this guest asking?"

Several female publicists standing nearby looked over one after another, with different meanings in their eyes, most of them were watching a play.

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