Hua Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense and looked directly into the woman's eyes.

Yuki Yuki trembled slightly, and said blankly, "It's the medicine he prescribed..."

As he spoke, he pointed to a middle-aged man in a suit.

Hua Ye turned around and walked towards the man. He was about thirty years old, wearing a suit and holding a glass of red wine in his hand. He looked like a successful person.

The man frowned, obviously knowing that the matter had been revealed, and threatened in a low voice: "Boy, don't make trouble, or you won't be able to get out of this door."

In his opinion, for a young man like Hua Ye who has never seen the world, as long as he is slightly frightened, he will immediately recognize himself as a coward. No matter how good he is in school, he is just a bad boy. It depends on the situation are real gangsters.

It's a pity that he guessed wrong, and the price was a 'click'.

"what sound?"

The man was startled, and then he felt an indescribable pain spreading from his arm. The whole arm was broken at a terrible angle like a dead tree branch.

The screams of pain and wailing of fear sounded, attracting everyone's attention.


With a calm face, Hua Ye raised his hand and struck the gangster's throat with a hand knife, directly breaking the opponent's vocal cords. The gangster's scream suddenly turned into a weird breaking wind, like the last struggle of an asthmatic patient.

After the eerie silence, a group of female publicists screamed suddenly.

The gang members who were watching the scene in the club gathered here one after another. There were as many as six or seven of them, most of them were between [-] and [-] years old, and they were all wearing suits and ties with smiles on their faces. Feixiao, with a hostile expression on his face, one of them was a tall, muscular man who obviously had a regular fitness routine and sneered, "Boy, come out with us."

The others glanced at the man in the suit on the ground, and after confirming that the man in the suit was not dead, they didn't bother to take care of it, and started yelling beside him.

"You kid is looking for death, right?"

"Dare to act wildly in the territory covered by the Dojima group, obviously tired of work."

"Take this kid and those three girls to the back first, so as not to affect the club's business, and then deal with him properly."

"Dare to act wild here, and later get those three girls in front of you..."


A loud slap sounded.

The gangster who was running the train with his mouth full of mouth didn't realize what was going on, he flew upside down, knocked down three tables, and then sat up in a mess. He only felt that his left cheek was hot first, and then he The severe pain spread, swept every nerve, and made him scream in pain, but just as he opened his mouth, a tooth mixed with blood fell out.

One, two, three...

The gangster was horrified to find that the falling teeth seemed endless, as if he would have to lose all the teeth before he would stop!

Chapter 1343

"Boy, you are courting death!"

This incident caused several gangster men to change their faces.

Japanese gangsters are legal taxpayers. They wear suits and ties on weekdays and go to and from get off work like ordinary social animals, but they are definitely not harmless organizations. If the government relies on credibility to unite people, then gangsters rely on blood and brutality It's a trick, the most important thing is to come out to save face. Now that Hua Ye hits someone, of course it is impossible to stand still.

"You are dead!"

A tall gangster man with tattoos on his arm raised his leg and kicked him, swearing and swearing, and the next second, the cracking sound of 'click' sounded again.

The man fell to the ground and howled, his right leg was broken and shattered. The top orthopedic surgeons would shake their heads and sigh when they saw this.

The battle was declared over within seconds.

No, it can't be called fighting. It can only be described as one-sided beating. Basically, the broken hand was stretched out, the broken leg was kicked, and the screams of pain were connected together. Hua Ye felt harsh, and another person added a kick. Seal the throats of these guys. If Lafite hadn't said not to kill anyone, these people wouldn't even have the chance to lie on the ground and writhe in pain.

There was an eerie silence in the living room.

A gangster man seemed to have just come out of the bathroom. He missed the talk, but caught up with the battle. Just now he rushed up with a beer bottle. Unfortunately, the battle was over before he could reach Hua Ye. The raised beer bottle also froze in mid-air.

The four eyes met, the gangster man was sweating crazily from his back, and his legs were also limp, as if there was a quicksand swamp under his feet, no matter how difficult it was to move.


very scary.

To use a word I learned recently to describe it, it's 'scary as hell'!

Although the people who were knocked down were not the elite thugs in the organization, they were by no means ordinary people with weak bodies. I might be able to knock down one, but if a swarm of swarms rushed up, I would definitely be beaten into a pig's head. Knock down everyone within two breaths, and he didn't even see how he made the move... This combat power has surpassed the limit of human beings!

The gangster man knew very well that as long as he moved slightly, he would end up exactly like the one lying on the ground.

But... can't return.

If you don't quit, you may be labeled as disabled, and if you quit, your whole life will be completely over.

What is the most important thing to be a gangster?

It's what Tian Zhongnai said about 'loyalty and brotherhood'.

It doesn't matter whether it's a brother on the surface or a brother with a knife behind his back. At this time, you must never run away - you may be able to escape for a while, but you will definitely be spurned and hunted down by the entire organization afterwards. There are organizations responsible for taking care of all kinds of bears.

But, it's okay to work around it.

This thought was only for a short moment, and it was inevitable that others would become suspicious. The gangster man suddenly yelled in grief and anger, "Damn it! How dare you hit my brother! You are dead!"

The voice was decisive, the expression sad and indignant, as if to say, "Brothers go first, I will stay behind, don't worry about me", it seems that Hua Ye is the big villain... although it is true.

It's just that while the gangster man was screaming in grief and anger, the beer bottle in his hand quietly changed its position - from his right hand to his left hand.

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