He saw clearly just now, which arm will be broken whichever hand is stretched out. The most unlucky guy stretched out two hands, so both arms were completely broken. Now change the right hand to the left, at least to ensure that the right hand is safe ...


The sound of broken bones sounded.

This gangster man was sweating profusely on his forehead, and he couldn't help but groan miserably, but he felt a sense of relief in his heart. Life is always full of choices, such as choosing whether to break his left arm or his right arm...

Of course, Hua Ye could see the small mind of this gangster man, but he just didn't bother to pay attention to it. The man in suit who gave the drug was a guest who came to the club to play. These gangster men just watched the scene. If they were in the same group, naturally they wouldn't So lenient.

The hall was extremely quiet, only the overhead lights were slowly rotating.

Those female publicists were all very smart. Except for the screams at the beginning, they all covered their mouths now, and they didn't dare to make a sound. The eyes they looked at Hua Ye were no longer playful or casual, but full of panic and fear. .

"Oni-chan is amazing!"

Tian Zhongnai clenched her little fists. Instead of being afraid, she was quite excited. She was in a rebellious period, and she was the eldest sister of bad girls in school. She admired powerful boys and wished she could beat up people with Hua Ye.

After going through the initial embarrassment, Alice now realized why she was dizzy and talking nonsense, her face turned pale and her body trembled.

This kind of thing that I have only seen on TV and light novels actually happened to her. She didn't dare to think about how terrible things would happen if she came here alone. It's too easy to destroy a person. The dark side of the world can even exceed the limit of ordinary people's imagination.

"Don't worry, classmate Hua Ye is here." Lafite stretched out his hand and softly comforted the frightened little Douding.

Hua Ye turned around and walked back to the man who administered the drug with no expression on his face. This man was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, his face covered with tears and snot. Unfortunately, his vocal cords had been broken, and he could only utter "woo woo" His voice was full of expressions of begging for mercy and fear.

People will not die if they don't die. Unfortunately, many people can only understand this truth after dying.

"Who are you?" A lazy voice sounded, "You're making trouble here?"

A group of female PRs who didn't dare to breathe suddenly seemed to see a savior, and shouted one by one.


"This guest suddenly hit someone."

"Many customers were scared away."

"It's the owner of that Samoyed." Alice took a deep breath and whispered, "There is a picture of her in the information that Sister Ji Xiang sent me."

Lafite stared at the past, feeling that this woman named Kaoru Ishihara was a bit weird, the temperature outside was very low, the clothes this woman was wearing were a bit too thin, and her two white arms like jade were still exposed, wouldn't it be cold?

Seeing gangsters all over the floor, they didn't even frown. They didn't seem to care about it. It is undoubtedly very difficult for a woman to open a club. Many mothers are just agents on the surface, and they can't get it when they encounter big things Thoughts, those female public relations are also a little strange, as if as long as the boss comes, the matter will be resolved...

"Hey, boy, give me some face."

The female boss Kaoru Ishihara hugged her chest with one hand and held a cigarette in the other, her voice was lazy and hoarse, as if she had just woken up not long ago, but she was calm and indifferent.

Hua Ye ignored her and continued to break the drugged man's limbs, then turned around and said calmly, "I won't give it."

Chapter 1344


The corners of the female boss's lips were raised, with a mocking expression on her face, she flicked her fingers, and the cigarette in her hand drew a perfect arc, flew into an ashtray, and then walked towards Hua Ye.

A group of female publicists whispered.

"Mom-san is angry."

"Once this expression is shown, someone must be unlucky."

A new female publicist was full of doubts, and couldn't help asking curiously: "That customer is so powerful, how dare Mama-san go over?"

"Because Mama-san is more powerful."

"Hey, is it possible that Mama-san is the legendary women's fighting champion?"

"No." Someone revealed the inside information in a low voice, "Mom Sang seems to be very good at hypnotism, as long as you blow a breath on people's faces, no matter how troublesome the guests are, they will obediently calm down..."

Ishihara Kaoru walked up to Hua Ye, looked Hua Ye carefully, and suddenly frowned, with a hesitant, surprised and hesitant expression on his face, and then said: "Just wait a minute."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone from his bag, clicked on the chat software, opened a mutual assistance group chat on the top, found a photo from the group album, and couldn't help but take a breath.

【warn! 】

[One of the most unprovoked human onmyojis in this city. 】

"Name: Hua Ye."

"Identity: student."

"The forces involved..."

"Assessment of its own strength..."

"You can check the record..."

"Remarks: Absolutely neutral camp, you must avoid conflicts with it, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

This mutual aid group chat is not an ordinary group, but a monster mutual aid group. There is no way. Although onmyojis are declining, they cannot support the large population base. Such a large population can always produce many onmyojis. Hot weapons can also pose a huge threat to monsters—in this human society, monsters are actually a disadvantaged group. Many monsters have to tuck their tails to make a living. The monster, the grass on the grave is already three feet high.

If people want to get along better, they must form cliques, and monsters are the same. Some time ago, Ishihara Kaoru visited the mountain god who had recently reappeared in the world... It was said to be a visit, but it was actually a gift, a show of loyalty, and a plea for protection.

That's right, Kaoru Ishihara is a monster, otherwise, with her age and background, it would be impossible for her to become the powerful owner of a club.

At this moment, Kaoru Ishihara suddenly realized that he seemed to have kicked an extremely hard iron plate, and if he was not careful, he might be smashed to pieces.

It's a pity that those female publicists didn't know the grievance and depression in Ishihara Kaoru's heart, and they became excited one by one.

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