Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

First of all, you have to have a guilty conscience. You don't have the feeling of guilty conscience at all. Of course, you can't have a guilty conscience.

"Frankness is lenient, resistance is strict."

Hua Ye said, "Has the air conditioner been repaired?"

"Of course it's fixed!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it."


Chapter 1349 We Are Not Familiar

After school.

Club room in the coffee department.

"So, everyone decided to go to Italy at the end of the month?" Wei Nai had a notepad spread out in front of her, a pencil in her right hand, with a serious expression, but unfortunately she wasn't wearing a suit, otherwise she would be a veritable secretary.

Gabriel lazily raised her hand: "I don't want to..."

"No one talks, let's talk about the things you need to prepare for this trip."

"Don't ignore my words." Gabriel couldn't help complaining, "It's so cold to travel, it will freeze to death, it's the right choice to hibernate at home in this kind of weather."

Wei Nai complained: "Humans are not frogs, they don't need to hibernate at all."

"Then why can't you get out of bed in the morning?" Gabriel said, "Even if it's Wei Nai, the moment she lifts the warm quilt, she will hesitate, right?"

Wei Nai stopped talking, self-discipline is self-discipline, and has nothing to do with being afraid of the cold.

Gabriel plausibly said: "It's the world's fault if we don't wake up. We are just innocent victims."

"Stupid Gabriel, don't make excuses for your weakness." A low laugh sounded, "Only when you endure hardships can you become a master."


Everyone looked sideways at Satania, when can an idiot say such philosophical words?

This little red-haired devil puts one arm on his chest and puts the other on his forehead, posing in the exclusive middle two posture: "I get up on time at [-]:[-] every morning, and in order to rule the world in the future, I also practice ten minutes of hard work , Gabriel, I have already seen the future where you crawl under my feet."

"Hey, hard training?" Wei Nai was surprised and asked curiously, "Is Satania getting up every morning to exercise during this time?"

"It's not fitness." Satania shook her head, "It's hard work."

Alice was speechless: "So what is the content of practice?"

"It's just suffering."

The squad leader asked curiously, "How did Satania suffer?"

"Stupid," said Satania, "of course I ate it with my mouth."


To be judged as an idiot by Satania, a row of black lines fell on Machiko's head.

"Well, I probably understand..." Lafite stretched out a finger and said with a smile, "Is it something that Satania said is very bitter and eaten with your mouth?"

"That's right." Satania nodded, "It's a very bitter candy I bought on the shopping channel..."

Before he finished speaking, several dolls were thrown over by the girls.

"Enduring hardship refers to suffering and tribulation, not bitter candy!"

"Okay, let's get down to business." Wei Nai raised her hand and pinned a strand of her hair behind her ear, "Traveling to Italy is different from camping in autumn. The first thing is the passport, which must be done this weekend."

"If you have a passport, you don't have to do it." Wei Nai continued, "Then there is the issue of round-trip air tickets and hotel accommodation, which are very expensive. I have checked the travel guide in the past two days, and I have already booked the flight for next Thursday and Friday. I printed out the hotel information and made a simple consumption can see for yourself."

If you have any problems, go to Wei Nai, basically anything can be solved. If you let Liuhua secretly prepare surprises by yourself, you probably don't even think about getting a passport!

Hua Ye glanced at the notebook and found that the consumption was close to [-] yen, of which hotel accommodation and round-trip air tickets accounted for an absolute share. If you want to buy, buy, and eat, this amount of money is definitely not enough.

"A lot of money!" Satania said with wide eyes, pitifully, "I have no money."

If you don't buy those messy products, you can definitely get the money!

Gabriel said, "I don't have money, so I can't afford to go."

Liuhua stretched out two fingers and tapped lightly on his chest: "I've also run out of pocket money."

Everyone is looking forward to an instant trip, but when you open your wallet and see the empty balance inside, you only know what it means to think about it.

Hua Ye said: "I have money, no problem."

"That's your money." Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "What does it have to do with us?"

"That's right." Lafite said seriously, "Student Hua Ye has nothing to do with us, he's just a member of the same club."


A drop of cold sweat fell from the top of Alice's head.

(Master Bai Yu, won't your conscience hurt when you say this?)

(Obviously yesterday afternoon, I was angry with two primary school students and showed affection, and I even took a bath with this big facial paralysis at night.)

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