(Obviously it's about being eaten up soon!)

"No, that's right." Master Bai Yu firmly supported the speech, "We are not in the same class, and the relationship with this big facial paralysis is just a member of the club, the most annoying!"

That's not what you said when you got drunk last night!

Gabriel glanced at Hua Ye: "Neighbor relationship between nodding acquaintances."

Wei Nai said, "Student relationship."

The monitor blinked his eyes, and answered the same as Wei Nai: "I am also a classmate."

I'm sorry, it doesn't have to be a classmate relationship. Your dad was going to worship his brother after drinking that night!

Satania thought for a while and asked, "What's the relationship between the big devil and the attendant?"

People like you are just the most ordinary little devils, okay? The chances of being promoted to great devils are extremely slim.

"Me, me, me." Liuhua raised her hand, and said proudly, "The brave man and I have signed a guardianship contract to live together."


All eyes looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said blankly, "There is no contract, it's just a foster relationship."

"The brave are too much. o(≧mouth≦)o"

"If you don't have enough money, you can borrow it from me." Lafite sat by the window with his arms crossed, even the winter clothes could not hide the height of his breasts far surpassing his peers. Now he said with a smile, "I still have some pocket money. .”

"Pocket money is estimated..."

"Over a million."


Two angels and two demons went to the world to study together. Gabriel couldn't resist the temptation of the game and became a useless angel. She couldn't live without a computer and wifi. She had to eat dirt at the end of the month. As a handchopper, I don’t know how to repent, and I don’t have the concept of financial management. Wei Nai was deducted a lot of living expenses because she can’t do bad things, and she has to buy small dried fish. Life is also tight... It can be said that it is between eating dirt and surviving Wandering, why are you so good alone!

Wei Nai tapped the pencil in her hand, "In this way, the problem of travel expenses can be solved..."

The squad leader's pocket money is enough to go on a trip, and Alice is a rich lady, so she won't worry about money. Now that Lafite, an invisible rich woman, has stepped forward, the money problem is immediately resolved.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye." The black-bellied girl quietly looked at Hua Ye, the corners of her lips raised, and she signaled with her eyes, "I want a reward."

"Go home at night and take a shower together."

"No, Mr. Pervert wants to bully me again, his arms are so sore, I won't do it in the future."

"Give you a stamina buff, make sure you don't get sour."


Chapter 1350 Three Seconds of Courage

The shelving of plans continues.

After the club activities were over, Hua Ye returned to the classroom alone, ready to take his schoolbag and go home.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, I was surprised to find that there was a bob-haired girl in the classroom.

"Student Hua Ye." The glasses girl stood up straight and greeted weakly, "Good afternoon."

Hua Ye glanced at the duty area on the blackboard: "You are not cleaning today."

"Hmm..." Haruka Kitano whispered, "Student Kido is not feeling well, let me help clean the classroom."

Hua Ye calmly said, "Where is the other person?"

The glasses girl bit her lip, "I don't feel well either..."

A person is not bullied for no reason, cowardly, incompetent, weak personality, submissive... Because she is too easy to talk, she never refuses, this girl with glasses has helped many people clean the classroom.

Hua Ye didn't have the emotion of hating iron and steel, nor did he have the idea of ​​fighting against injustice. Since he didn't dare to resist, he should clean the classroom honestly. It's not shameful to stay dormant when you are weak.

"Go on."

Hua Ye walked to his seat, picked up his schoolbag, and prepared to leave.

But before he went out, he saw something crystal clear from the corner of his eye.

"Why are you crying?" Hua Ye stopped.

"I, I didn't." Kitano Haruka hurriedly turned around.

He also said no, there are only two people in the classroom, who else could it be if you weren't dropping beans!

The lady with glasses was busy tidying up the desk, she didn't know whether she was absent-minded, or her eyes were blurred by tears, and actually staged a live-action version of 'lifting a stool and hitting her own feet'.


A distressed low cry sounded.

Haruka Kitano sat on the ground in a duck posture, with her head lowered, her short hair covering her eyes, and her shoulders trembling slightly.

Hua Ye said, "Get up."

For the first time, the girl with glasses, who had always been submissive and listened to what she said, didn't listen to Hua Ye's words, she sat on the ground and refused to get up.


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