The two little maids took the task, turned around and left bouncing around.

The cat-eared girl was pinned on the sofa by Hinata's ears, "Don't go anywhere!"

Then he opened his eyes wide and warned fiercely: "Don't even touch those... liquids on the ground!"


The cat-eared lady was so pitiful that she didn't dare to move.

Curiosity killed the cat, and the cat-eared lady was very curious, so she had to watch it carefully.

(But... it's really a lot.)

(How powerful is Brother Xiaoye to wet the floor.)

(No wonder Brother Xiaoye dared to open the harem, he couldn’t bear it alone, right? He would be ruined in a few days, right?)

This filthy loli looked at the strange water stains on the ground, and her little face was flushed. Although she is a primary school girl, primary school girls in this era are generally precocious. Many primary school students have already fallen in love and even kissed. Not to mention that she herself is a book artist who learned from Teacher Eromanga.

(The little demon looks super comfortable...)

A thought suddenly popped up in my mind.

(If you just hold your fingers, you can try it yourself, right?)

"We want to meow too!"

The cat-eared girl's soft voice broke the awkward atmosphere in the living room, and attracted the eyes of Miss Miko and Hinata.

Miss Miko asked, "What do you want?"

"We want to meow with our fingers in our fingers too." The tail on the back of the cat-eared lady swayed slightly, "It looks so comfortable, I want to try meow too."

The curiosity of cats is super strong, and the cat-eared lady is no exception. Miss Miko just thought about it in her mind, and the cat-eared lady has already mentioned it here.

"No!" Hinata shook his head, "You won't be able to bear it."

The little cat girl's eyes were shining, she hugged her chest with one hand, and rested her chin with the other hand: "It feels similar to us smoking catnip, I think it's okay, meow."

The dirty loli still shook her head: "That's not okay, you will be dehydrated!"

"Hinata, don't talk nonsense." Miss Miko looked at her reproachfully, and then said firmly, "No biting."

Demon Sword Girl is a special case. If she doesn't replenish her magic, she will weaken day by day. The little cat girl is in good health and doesn't need to replenish her magic at all...Dehydration is only one aspect, and Lingna doesn't have self-control. If she becomes obsessed with that feeling, What should I do if I have to bite every day?

Lina is still a child!

"Oh." The cat-eared lady's ears drooped, "Then don't bite meow."

This cat-eared girl has special respect for Qianye Liuli, and she will listen to basically everything she has to say.

"Hua Jun." Miss Miko said with a blushing face, "You go first...wash your hands."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."


at the same time.

in the bathroom.

"Asshole bastard bastard bastard!"

"That guy must have done it on purpose! It's not like I haven't repaired the demon before. It's obviously a very simple thing, so it won't be so bad!"

Yaodao Ji gritted her silver teeth, took off her clothes silently, just wait, she actually let herself make a fool of herself in front of so many people, this revenge will be repaid one day sooner or later!

It's a long story about replenishing the demons, but it didn't take even a minute before and after, instead it took her longer to sit on the ground dizzy and absent minded.

The clothes were already wet with sweat, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to the body.

Yao Dao Ji took off her skirt directly and threw it aside, followed by stockings and fat times, looking at the wet soft cloth in her hands, she couldn't help but hear the "a lot of water" that the cat-eared girl said just now, and finally suppressed it Embarrassment surged up again, and I couldn't help but squeeze it hard.


The sound of dripping water followed.

She is now in the state of 'just fully charged', her strength has increased greatly, and she accidentally squeezed out water, which once again proved that the word wet da da is not a nonsense.


Yaodao Ji was trembling with anger, if she had the power to manipulate flames, she would definitely burn the evidence of shame in her hands right now, without leaving any traces behind!

Chapter 1361 Become an Untouchable Fake Lolita


Yaodao Ji clenched her silver teeth, and threw the wet thing out of her hands vigorously. After it fell to the wall, it actually slid down the wall slowly, leaving a faint trace of water.

"Burn it! Be sure to burn it!"

Fat Ci, who could still be worn after being washed, was sentenced to death by destroying the body and leaving no traces.


Warm water gushes from the shower.

Yaodao Ji let out a breath, walked under the shower and began to take a shower, but when the water hit her body, she couldn't help but let out another trembling moan.

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