
Her body was still extremely sensitive at the moment, and after being washed by the water splash, the afterglow remaining in her body started to counterattack again.

"Yes, damn it!"

Yao Dao Ji gritted her teeth, suppressed the trembling feeling, and began to take a bath.

"It's all that bastard's fault!"

"If I want to defeat that guy, I have to overcome this terrible feeling, otherwise if I get touched by his finger, wouldn't I lose my face again?"

It's a pity that the soul and the body are not one. She can control the soul, but she can control the body. When her fingers accidentally touched the small steamed bun on Xiaohe's chest, the shivering feeling like an electric shock was suddenly strong. It was more than ten times, so another charming trill came from Yaodao Ji's mouth.


It was obviously just a very ordinary shameful voice, but it had the magical power to make people blush. Yaodao Ji felt her face was burning hot, she quickly stretched out her hand to support the wall, and opened her mouth slightly, gasping for breath.

"Soul, soul light!"

"How could it be so sensitive?"

"That guy must have cast some spell on himself!"

The fake loli gritted her teeth, "No, you must hold back. If you can't even defeat this thing, how can you take revenge on that guy?"

"I'm like a pigeon monster killer."

"No emotion."

"Ordinary human beings can only be slaves to their desires, and they must be the masters of that desire!"


Yao Dao Ji took a deep breath, her eyes burning with fighting spirit.

People are similar to monsters, and they grow the fastest under great pressure.

not enough.

It's just that the pressure brought by touching the steamed buns on her chest is far from allowing her to break through herself. Since she wants to break through the limit, she must challenge stronger difficulties to sharpen her will.

and so……

Yao Dao Ji exhaled the breath she had inhaled deeply into her lungs, her eyes were determined and firm, and the fingers of her right hand moved down from her neck all the way, across the delicate collarbone, over the slightly bulging steamed buns like fried eggs, over the The flat and smooth abdomen, and then walked through the round and lovely navel, and the fingers were still unwavering all the way down.


"hold onto."

"It can definitely be beaten."

Yao Dao Ji has a cold and arrogant personality, and her relationship with others is not good, but she was driven by curiosity to read Hinata's book. The content of the book is the lily version of the cat-eared girl and the rabbit-eared girl. She is not interested in the lily book , because the same sex cannot reproduce in nature, and the continuation of a group must be reproduced by the opposite sex. As a result, Hinata retorted that "everyone thinks they like the opposite sex until they meet the person they really like."

So after that, Yaodao Ji used her tablet to search for Lily's content, and came across an article titled "Girls Can Make Girls Happy", the content of which was naturally indescribable.

At this moment, she was ready to verify it herself.

I am a big monster in the Warring States Period, it is impossible to become a mere slave to desire!

The fingers moved down steadily, passing over the smooth and delicate hydrated skin under the belly button, and finally reached the end of the trip.



Hua Ye was washing his hands. There was only one wall separating the toilet and the bathroom, so he could hear the voice next door clearly.

Although I don't know what that pseudo-loli is doing, the vibrato now obviously has nothing to do with me.

Hua Ye didn't open his mouth, nor was he interested in finding out. However, the voice in the bathroom never stopped. Instead, it was intermittent and uninterrupted. Come alone, already blushing and fidgeting by now!

After wiping his hands with a towel, Hua Ye walked out of the bathroom.

Ling Na ran over on her short legs, wagging her tail behind her back, "Master, we want to eat saury meow."

The cat-eared lady loves to eat fish, especially the saury made by Hua Ye, she can't put it down.

Hua Ye nodded in response: "Okay."

The coquettish and seductive loli vibrato in the bathroom stopped abruptly, and then there was a 'plop' sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

"Hey, fell off meow?"


There was silence in the bathroom, no response.

"Did you faint meow?" Lingna opened her eyes wide, and quickly stepped forward to open the door, "We need to save people quickly. A few days ago, someone issued a safety manual, which said that the bathroom is the most dangerous place in winter, meow."

Those who are prone to danger are the elderly, children and pregnant women. There is no need to worry about the safety of a monster reincarnated in a special way!


The door opens.

A piece of wet steam hits the face.

Hua Ye looked through the water vapor and landed on the fingers of Yaodao Ji who fell unconscious on the ground, and soon understood why this fake loli made strange noises.

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