So it's just a demon, why did he suddenly awaken a strange attribute!Or is it that the Demon Sword Girl was a super lustful existence from the very beginning!

Hinata who ran over also saw this scene, his little face flushed immediately, he raised his hand to cover his eyes and shouted, "Brother Xiaoye, the little demon is being played to such an extent that you can't afford it!"

You can't afford to mess with your uncle!Who would take this kind of carrot head who weighs no more than eighty and has no meat on his body as a shame!It will hurt people, okay? (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, "Do you want to try?"

"Don't think about it!" Hinata raised her hand to cover her skirt, shaking her head hastily, "Wait until I go to high school, it's too early..."

"Hey, what's the matter?" Miss Miko came over, looked at Yao Dao Ji lying on the bathroom floor with her eyes closed, and immediately ordered, "Lingna, take a towel and cover the little demon."

"Understood meow."

The cat-eared girl nodded, quickly took a white towel, straightened Yao Dao Ji, and then covered her face with a towel.

"It's to cover your body." A drop of cold sweat dripped from Miss Miko's head, "Don't cover your face."

"Is it always played like this on TV, meow?"

On TV, only the dead will cover their faces. Don’t eat and sleep all day, eat when you sleep, and find dried fish when you are hungry. Instead, read more and recharge yourself!

"Hua Jun." Miss Miko turned her head to look, "What happened to Xiao Yao just now? Could it be some side effect?"

Hua Ye said: "There are no side effects, she is just dehydrated and comatose."

Miss Miko opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Dehydrated...dehydrated?"

"She was [beeping——] in the bathroom just now, and finally dehydrated herself." Hua Ye said that he would not take the blame, "It has nothing to do with me."

Miss Miko: "w(?Д?)w!"

Chapter 1362

"That." Mao Er Niang broke the silence, "What should I do now, meow?"

Hua Ye said, "Make it up for her..."

"No need!" Miss Miko hurriedly interrupted with a blushing face.

Now she has lingering fears about the word 'replenishment'. This is not a serious form of rejuvenation at all, but a terrifying torture!

No matter how you think about replenishing magic, it can make people dehydrated, it's too scary!

At this moment, Miss Miko is actually a little rejoicing that Yaodao Ji is the first person to eat crabs. Fortunately, Hua Ye didn't make up for Lingna, otherwise the innocent cat-eared girl would become an evil cat with dissatisfaction Female?

In case it is to replenish the magic for yourself...

"I'm talking about replenishing water." Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said expressionlessly, "The magic power in her body is already full, and only a lot of water is lost. Drinking more water will be fine."

"That's good." Hinata patted his chest, "If you do it again, the little demon will definitely die."

Looking at Yaodao Ji who fell on the ground and didn't know whether she was really comatose or pretending to be comatose, Lolita rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaoye, can the magical effect be permanently effective once?"

"Have you ever heard of perpetual motion machines?" Hua Ye looked disgusted.

"We've heard of meow." Maoer Niang raised her hand, "Tie a cucumber in front of the donkey, and the donkey will keep walking forward to eat the cucumber."

But the fact is that the donkey will stop when it finds it can't eat, so it won't go forward foolishly!

Miss Miko understood Hua Ye's meaning, she tilted her head and asked, "How often does the little demon need to mend?"

Hua Ye replied, "One month."


The Demon Sword Girl on the ground trembled slightly.

A sense of grievance that was more sorrowful than heartbreak welled up in my heart.

That is to say, from now on, she will be teased by this hateful guy once a month. Yaodao Ji has already vaguely expected that her body will be branded all over her body, and she will eventually become an exclusive scene that cannot be provoked...

"Ahhhh!" Maoer Niang shouted, "The little demon is crying meow! The tears are falling more and more meow!"


After half an hour.

in the kitchen.


Lingna, the cat-eared girl, was clasping the door with both hands, poking out half of her small face, looking in with sparkling eyes, and her face was full of the expression of a greedy cat waiting for dinner.

"It smells so good." Hinata sniffed, "Why is brother Xiaoye so good at cooking?"

Hua Ye said, "It's not that great."

"Poke poke-"

This filthy loli had her left hand behind her back, and her right hand poked at Hua Ye's waist, "Excessive modesty is pride."

I'm sorry, I have neither humility nor pride, just tell the truth, okay?

Hua Ye said: "Cooking that shines can be called amazing."

"That's just a cooking that only exists in anime, right?" Hinata blinked, and suddenly realized, "Brother Xiaoye can cook cooking that glows?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

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