"Custom 1V1, if you lose, you will get ten consecutive draws."

Gabriel: "The face is hentai, do you think I'll be fooled?"

Hua Ye said, "Let you knock out half of your blood first."

"Hun Dan, you actually look down on me!"

"I'll let you get half blood first, if you win, you will draw ten consecutive skins, if you lose, warm my bed, choose."

Gabriel: "..."


Back in the living room, the two rabbit maids had already washed the dishes and cleaned up, and just sat down to watch a movie neatly.

Time passed quietly.

After watching the movie, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Miss Miko stood up: "Go take a bath."

"Understood sister." The filthy loli looked at Hua Ye, "Brother Xiao Ye, do you want to wash it together?"

Hua Ye said with disgust, "No."

"Hey, last time we all took a shower together."

Last time, you suddenly broke in in the middle of the bath, okay? Take your turnip heads to take a bath, and there is nothing else but making a fuss!

The short-legged radish heads went to take a bath first, followed by Hua Ye. During the bathing process, there were no incidents of a few lolis running in to take a loli bath, but when Hua Ye came out after wiping his hair, Hinata walked a little The short legs stomped and ran into the bathroom, and then ran out like a whirlwind.

"Shh!" The filthy loli raised her hand to her lips, "I have an important task for brother Xiaoye later."

Didn't you just throw a banana peel in the bathroom as a prank, just wait for your sister to fall down accidentally!

A moment later, Miss Miko's voice sounded.

"Hinata, bring a piece of soap here."

"Understood, sister." Hinata's voice sounded, and the filthy loli took out a piece of soap from behind, "Brother Xiaoye, I leave the task of delivering the soap to you."

your sister!In the past, I used to draw ghost cards to give assists to your sister, but now I just ask myself to give soap!

Seeing Hua Ye squinting his eyes, Hinata waved his hands with a smile: "Brother Xiao Ye, did you see it before? The soap was about to be used up, I just let it die earlier."

You are not dying, but stealing out and destroying the corpse!

"Anyway, Brother Xiaoye, hurry up and make a decision." Hinata raised the soap in his hand, "If you don't deliver it, I'll go by myself. I'm going to miss the picture of my sister getting out of the bath."

You think too much, you have already seen the picture of your sister and you getting out of the bath when you were in the hot spring!

Hua Ye stretched out his hand silently and said, "Bring it."

"Hee hee." Hinata handed over the soap, "Brother Xiaoye and sister don't catch a cold."


Hua Ye didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart, he turned and walked towards the bathroom.

The door of the bathroom was pushed open, and white mist floated out along the crack of the door.

"Huh, Hua Jun?" Miss Miko raised her hands to cover her chest, slightly surprised.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and said, "Soap."

"Thank you Huajun." Miss Miko reached out to take it, already trying to figure out what was going on.

Hua Ye said, "Do you want me to wash it for you?"


Probably because of the high temperature in the bathroom, Miss Miko's face was obviously flushed with indelible blush, she bit her pink lower lip, said nothing, turned around and walked back to the bathroom silently, but the door of the bathroom was not closed .

Hua Ye stepped into the bathroom and closed the door smoothly.

Miss Miko sat on a small plastic stool, her body turned sideways, her back to Hua Ye, her skin was moist and delicate, and it was extraordinarily fair and radiant under the light and mist.

"Shall I help you wipe your back?"


In fact, there is nothing to wipe. Miss Miko practiced every day. Naturally, she had to take a bath every day to clean her body. Just put on soap and rinse it off.

After rinsing, Hua Ye said, "Do you want to wash it before?"

This time the silence was much longer.

After a while, the red-faced Miss Miko nodded lightly, her voice low and inaudible: "...OK."

The last time the cat-eared girl Lingna sucked a lot of catnip, accidentally knocked the shower out of the boiling water, and scalded Liuli, Hua Ye helped to wash her chest, but it was urgent and had to be done, and now it's time Bajing helps to take a bath.

Hua Ye responded, stretched out his left hand, and held Da Taozi.


A low hum sounded, and Miss Miko's face turned even redder, and her eyes turned away from her pretty face with moist eyes.

Hua Ye recalled the scene of young couples fighting in the car with Jing Keai two days ago. It was obviously a brutal ravage without technical content, but the woman would show a happy expression. Unquantifiable psychological pleasure obtained during masochism.

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