Hua Ye decided to experiment.

With a slight force on the hand, two kinds of pleasure are created at the same time.

Miss Miko's almond eyes suddenly widened, and an uncontrollable trilling voice came out, echoing low in the bathroom.


at the same time.

Unknowingly, Yaodao Ji, who finished the food, walked into the bathroom next to the bathroom with an extremely complicated frustration, ready to brush her teeth and wash her face.

If he failed to defeat his physical desires, and even lost his appetite inadvertently, he would never have a chance to defeat that nasty guy again, right?

Demon Sword Fairy was very unwilling.

After all, he is also a reincarnated big monster. Could it be that he was played with like this until he became the kind of monster that he didn't know what it meant, but he couldn't afford to mess with it in one day?

"Although the current body can eat and drink, thirsty and hungry, but after all, it is a body made by a special method, and it is not exactly the same as a human being. Is it because of this reason that the body cannot resist the desire of the body?"

Yaodao Ji was still thinking wildly, when her ears moved suddenly, she heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom.

"This voice..."

Yaodao Ji recalled the fear of being healed by Hua Ye in the evening, and the shameful pleasure that her soul and body almost ascended to immortality.

"Yes, damn it!"

"It turns out that you actually do that kind of thing in the bathroom, and you won't let people take a bath in the future!"

In anger, the Demon Saber Girl let out a sigh of relief, "Liu Li can also make this sound, so it has nothing to do with her body. I am not a physique that I can't afford!"

Chapter 1367 Open the door and send warmth



Seven thirty in the morning.

"Open the door, Xiaoye, open the door." An energetic voice sounded from outside the door, "I'm bringing you warmth!"

Hua Ye opened the door casually, and there were three dragon maidens outside the door, one was the dragon maid Thor who never changed clothes, the other was Kang Na who was wearing a white princess dress, and the last one was a foodie dragon lady who had difficulty choosing.


"What are you doing?"

"Send warmth." Thor handed over the gift box in his hand, "The oranges sent from my hometown, Xiaolin has no time to ask you to eat overtime, so let me deliver them to you."

Oranges are something that the useless angel likes to eat, but since he ate himself into a 'little yellow man', Gabriel has also started to pay attention to eating oranges. He didn't finish eating the oranges he bought before, so he gave away oranges to eat at all Don't drop it!

and many more.

Hua Ye's eyes fell on a certain blue-eyed young dragon with two small thick legs. Very good, the snacks in the house can be cleaned up.

"Come in." Hua Ye turned and entered the room, "Change your slippers yourself."

"Oranges are oranges, not warmth." Thor's eyes curved, revealing the small canine teeth at the corners of his mouth, with a sinister smile, "The person who sends warmth is Elma."

"I recently read a comic called 'The Warmth of the Moon'." Thor put a finger on his lips, "Then I was touched by the selfless spirit in it!"

Touch your sister!I agreed to go online just to learn how to become a perfect maid, why would I read a book!

"Every Sunday, whether it is an office worker or a student, will be mentally tired and exhausted. At this time, someone will give warmth, which can not only comfort people's hearts, but also inject full vitality into the new week."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Today is Sunday."

Elma propped her chin with one hand: "I can't help it, I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Xiaolin is at work, why aren't you at work?"

"Because the company has seen that I have worked very hard recently." Elma hesitated, "So I specially gave me an extra day off."

"Hey, Kobayashi has already told me that the president is worried that you will be a disservice to the company, so he gave you a vacation."

"Woo..." Elma languished, muttering, "Obviously I have become proficient in touch typing recently, and I should contribute to the company, but the president gave me leave, it's too much."

Why let you go on vacation, don't you have something in your heart?

The end of the year is the busiest time of the year. Programmers need to work overtime and concentrate to complete the task. If the strange sound of "pu yo pu yo" fills the ears, it will definitely make mistakes again and again!

Hua Ye took a box of winter-limited chocolate bars, and handed a chocolate bar to Kang Na.


The blue-eyed baby dragon blinked, opened its small mouth, and bit the chocolate bar, like a little hamster knocking melon seeds, swallowing it with its cheeks.

Hey, I want you to reach out and eat it, not to pick it up with your mouth!

"Xiaoye, I want it too." Elma's eyes sparkled, this dragon girl has absolutely no resistance to delicious food.

Hua Ye took out a chocolate bar.


You are enough, you have hands and feet, but you can take it, open your mouth and put on a posture of waiting for food!

"eat by yourself."

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