Elma said: "Be honest, be lenient, and be honest."

"We heard a strange noise from the balcony just now."

Hua Ye said, "Good morning kiss."

Shyness, embarrassment, or the shame of being caught in the face, Hua Ye didn't have any of these emotions.

"Hey, good morning kiss or something..." Thor propped his chin with one hand, and muttered to himself, "Many people on the Internet say that good morning kiss is also one of the duties of a maid."

Hey, the maid is not responsible for waking up the master with a good morning kiss. You are not talking about the maid, but the slave girl!

"One morning, I entered Xiao Lin's bedroom, and I was about to call Xiao Lin to wake up with a good morning kiss, but Xiao Lin was startled, bumped into my nose, and then strictly prohibited me from approaching her when she was asleep... ..."

Nonsense, anyone who opens their eyes and sees a big face close at hand will be terrified!Kobayashi is not Lily. I heard that non-Lily sees another girl Lily, just like a straight man sees two men having sex. It will be very difficult to accept!

"Hey, what does it feel like to kiss?" Elma blinked and asked curiously, "I heard people say that there is a shivering feeling like an electric shock, but I don't know if it's true."

Hua Ye said blankly, "That's because you accidentally got an electric shock."

Thor said: "I haven't tried what it's like to kiss, just curious."

You dragons generally maintain the form of a giant dragon. You are a solitary animal, and with a mouth full of sharp teeth, the kissing scene can only be described as scary!

"I've kissed it before." Kang Na, who was quietly eating a snack next to her, said suddenly, "It's a bit sweet, nothing else."

Hua Ye was shocked.

Two dragon ladies who are tens of thousands of years older than you have never tried kissing. Where did you get your kissing experience for a young dragon like you!

If Wei Nai knew that Kang Na had been tricked by a stranger for her first kiss, she would definitely explode with anger!

Thor asked curiously, "Who did you kiss?"

"It's Cai Chuan." Kang Na said softly, "One day during the lunch break, Cai Chuan and I were eating bento on the playground."

"There was a grain of rice on my mouth, Cai Chuan said to help me remove it, then kissed me and ate the rice."

Pit father ah!Sure enough, it was the little loli with the shining forehead. She had long felt that she had a different attitude towards this blue-eyed young dragon, but she didn't expect that she had even cheated on Kang Na's first kiss! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Kang Na continued: "Then Cai Chuan took another grain of rice and stuck it to her face, asking me to help her eat it."


Is this trying to transfer/teach you to be your exclusive girlfriend while you are pitiful, weak and helpless?In fact, you are willing too, otherwise, with your reaction speed, the moment that little girl with a large brain kissed her, you would have been able to run around the playground ten times!

"Strange." Thor looked at Hua Ye and asked curiously, "Kangna said that the kiss is only a little sweet, and there is no other feeling. Why does Xiaojia next door make a very comfortable voice?"

Hua Ye said: "Kissing requires skill."

Some are like cows chewing peonies, some are like dogs chewing shit, the distance between beginners and masters is like the difference between cloud and mud!

"So Xiao Ye is very good at kissing?" Thor reached out and touched his pink lips, and asked curiously, "Let's try it? I also want to know how it feels to kiss."

Hua Ye's heart remained unmoved, with a poker face: "I refuse."

"Hey, why!"

"You agreed to only like Xiao Lin?"

"That's right." Thor tilted his head and looked, his blond hair was hanging down his chest, revealing the little tiger teeth at the corners of his mouth, "I always like Xiaolin! But Xiaoye's words smell good and feel very comfortable, and it doesn't hurt too much. Hate it."

"Yeah, the smell on Xiao Ye's body is super good." Elma nodded in agreement, "That day on the tram, when Xiao Ye held me in his arms, it was a good smell that I had never smelled before."

Unsullied body, understand.

I came to this world with a physical body, the first thing is to seal all the power, otherwise the world will be torn and collapsed. Although the power is sealed, the body itself still has incredible power. It is no exaggeration to say that a drop of blood can be given to a head. Pigs, pigs can fly to the sky and escape from the ground, and become the top boss in this world!

"Sniff~~Sniff~~" Thor propped up his body with his hands, and there was a trembling sound of "puyo puyo" in his chest. He brought his face closer, sniffed his nose, then showed a small canine tooth, Thumb said, "Xiao Ye also smells good today."

This dragon girl sat upright, "Xiaoye, how does it feel to try to kiss me?"

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "I refuse."

Thor rolled his eyes: "What about Elma?"


"You don't even want to..." Thor crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other hand. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly snapped his fingers, "Ah! I see, you want to kiss Kangna!"


Chapter 1369 Great Writer Jia Baili

"Xiaoye is a lolicon." Thor propped his chin with one hand, muttering, "I like kissing little lolita like Kang Na the most."

Kiss you uncle!If I kissed this blue-eyed young dragon, I would not be a lolicon, but a molester!You will be invited to the police station for tea, and then you will die socially!


Kang Na raised her small face, and looked over with big eyes bluer than the sky, and there was obviously a touch of eager curiosity in it.

Children are always very curious. This blue-eyed young dragon seems to have been expelled because of its frequent mischief. It is also very curious, otherwise it would not see something and want to put it in its mouth to taste.

"Look at what?"

Don't look at me with eyes begging for food, snacks are nothing more, this matter will not satisfy you no matter what!

If I really kiss you, Wei Nai will definitely pass out, and then kill her relatives righteously, and send herself to the gendarmerie with her own hands!

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