"It turns out that Xiao Ye is a lolicon." Alma lay on the table, her face was flattened, her eyes were squinted, and she said in a daze, "It's no wonder that you have to let me take care of you."

If you want money but don’t have money, you can’t take care of others. You spend all day struggling with what kind of bread to eat for breakfast and what kind of bento to eat for dinner. It’s not that you support me, but I support you!

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "I'm not a lolicon."

"No need to explain, everyone knows who you are." Thor waved his hand, slightly revealing the little canine teeth on his lips, and complained, "Ten men, nine lolicon, and one all control..."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Ye reached out and wrapped his arms around the waist of the dragon maid... Even though the bust was like a bucket, the waist was extraordinarily slender and soft.

"Don't you want to try what it's like to kiss?" Hua Ye said with a poker face, "Shut up now."

With their eyes facing each other, Hua Ye could clearly see his clear reflection in Thor's golden vertical pupils.

The Shuren once said that 'beasts always walk alone, but cattle and sheep are in groups'. From the perspective of species, dragons are considered the top beasts, so dragons have always been solitary creatures.

There is no way, it will take hundreds of years for the dragons to find a place to sleep, and it is impossible for others to stand by for hundreds of years and live in human society for more than half a year. Of course, it is impossible to impact the dragons formed over hundreds of thousands of years Values... To the Dragon Clan, kissing is like cats grooming each other and squirrels kissing each other to identify their identities. It has no special meaning, let alone being shy.

Of course, the fact that there is no special meaning does not mean that Thor will let other humans kiss him. Except for Kobayashi who is a different person, other humans are probably similar to ants in Thor's eyes, and they are also "tasteful" ants.

The smell here is not about fragrance, but various body odors. Sharks can catch the smell of blood ten kilometers away. Thor’s sense of smell is naturally much more sensitive than sharks. Ordinary people will inevitably have bad breath, athlete’s foot, sweat, etc. Wait for 'taste', an ordinary person with 'taste' wants to get close to Thor?

Don't even think about it!

If you dare to stretch out your hand randomly, just wait for the bones to break and the tendons to break, and explode on the spot!

Thor is willing to try the feeling of kissing with Hua Ye. Apart from being curious about what it feels like to kiss, the main reason is that Hua Ye's breath smells very good, which is completely different from those "scented" humans.

The distance quickly narrowed.

A faint scent of milk came to the nostrils, no doubt it was Thor's own deodorant.

Breathing and smelling each other, each other can already feel the heat radiating from each other's face.

Elma and Kanna opened their eyes wide and looked around curiously.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

At the critical moment, Thor suddenly stopped.

The dragon maid stretched out her hand to push Hua Ye away, put one hand on her heart...well, her chest, then tilted her head and said curiously, "It's so strange, my heartbeat suddenly became faster."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "You're nervous."

"Huh? Nervous?" Thor opened his eyes in disbelief, "I'm nervous?"

if not?

It is you who has no emotions. Although your three views are different from human beings, you basically have all emotions. You will be curious, jealous, happy, and tease people. It is normal to be nervous!

"This is the first time I have such a strange feeling..." Thor muttered to himself, "I didn't even feel this way when I almost died."

Elma stretched out a finger, tilted her face and said, "Nervousness is anticipation of the unknown, right?"

"Are you looking forward to it? There is indeed a little bit." Thor sat upright, his eyes sparkling, "Xiaoye, kiss again."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I refuse."

Wouldn't it be shameless to ask me to kiss me? I can only say that I don't hate you, but I also have no expectations!

The sky was falling on Thor's face, puffed up his cheeks, and said aggrievedly: "Xiao Ye is too good, it's appetizing, I want to try again what it feels like to be nervous."

Hua Ye said, "You can find Alma."

"Hey, looking for me?" Alma blinked and looked at Thor.

All four look at each other.

The air seemed to be a little more pink.

A flower of love called a lily quietly blooms in the air.

The two dragon maidens caressed each other's faces, and pushed open the door named Lily together... No wonder!

"Don't want Elma." Thor shook his head, and said disgustedly, "I eat and drink all day long, and occupy Xiaolin, I'm annoying when I see her."

"Who eats and drinks?" Elma retorted, "I obviously sent warmth, how can I say that I eat and drink when I send warmth?"

The relationship between these two dragon girls is obviously not good, Lily is impossible, and even started wrestling across the kotatsu, but others are arm wrestling, Thor and Alma are forehead to forehead, staring at each other. Come and go!

Ordinary people wrestle their wrists, and everyone's eyes usually fall on the wrists of both parties, but the two dragon girls push each other, but their eyes can't help but fall on the four quivering spheres of "puyo puyo", and they can't move their eyes away at all. what!

It's a pity that Hua Ye and Kang Na are not ordinary people.

Kang Na sat next to her, eating snacks with her cheeks bulging, watching Xiao Maruko and her classmates go out for an outing during the holiday.

Hua Ye silently took out his phone and looked at Twitter and news.


time flies.

It was almost eleven o'clock when Gabriel finally came over slowly, her hair was a little messy, and a small strand of dull hair stood up naughty, apparently she hadn't even combed her hair.

"Xiao Jia, please." Thor clasped his hands together, "You wrote a very good script, please help complete the follow-up content."


Gabriel was startled, and quickly recovered. After Hua Ye left, she fell asleep again and almost forgot about it. Now that she listened to Thor's request, she remembered that she still had The script needs to be written, but the problem is that she didn't think about the plot at all, and even forgot the content of the script written before!

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