"That." Gabriel twitched the corner of her mouth, "I'll go back and get a pen..."

"I have pencils on me." Elma took out a pencil directly, "Because every pencil is very beautiful, I bought them all, and I can use whichever one I want... Please, sir Literary giant Gabriel!"

Gabriel: "Stay—"

Chapter 1370 Gabriel's World Nuclear Level

"Woo meow, a great writer?" Liuhua's hair on top of her head stood up in a 'crawl', "Xiaojia, when did you become a great writer?"

I also want to know when I became a great writer!The math scores of the big writers will not hover on the passing line!

"It's just a misunderstanding..." The useless angel scratched at his hair, completely devoid of inspiration and ideas, and finally could only drop his pen and run away, "I'll help in the kitchen!"


Hua Ye is cooking in the kitchen. Beef is more difficult to cook, so it has to be cooked in advance.

Gabriel came in and closed the door, sighed and said, "What should we do now?"

Hua Ye said, "Just write it out."

"To put it simply, the problem is that I can't write it out." The crippled angel scratched his hair, moved closer to Hua Ye, and whispered, "I don't even remember what I wrote at that time."


You are enough. Others come out after the test and happily check the answers. When they come to you and ask, what do you say?What is the content of the topic?I forgot all about it when I woke up!

"Poke poke-"

The useless angel poked Hua Ye's waist with a pale finger, "Do you remember the content?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

Gabriel said, "Recite it to me."

Hua Ye said, "Give the reward first."

"Ha, you really dare to say it!" Gabriel raised her brows, and clenched her pink fist as a sanction from a holy angel. Unfortunately, she is short and short, and can only reach Hua Ye's chest without stepping on a bench. "You bullied me in the morning! Doesn't it count when?"

"How many times a day do you want to bully?"

"You perverted pervert, give me enough time!"

Hua Ye said silently, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Why do you ask this?" The useless angel looked puzzled, but answered honestly, "Eating crabs."

"Look." Hua Ye spread his hands, "After lunch, there is also dinner, so it is not a problem to have two rewards a day."

"How dare you trick me?" Gabriel squinted her eyes and hooked her fingers, "Squat down, I'll give you a nosebleed buff."

"You can not."

"Punch first, and then ask the question again... Bah, I made a mistake." Gabriel snorted, "Punch first, anyway, I'll feel better after the punch."


This crippled angel opened the cabinet, took an apron from inside and tied it on. There was no way, someone was waiting for him to write a script when he went out. Now his eyes were dazed and he had no thoughts. He might as well just spend time in the kitchen.

"Tell me what I wrote at the time." Gabriel said while washing the scallions, "If you dare to mention rewards, I'll fuck you with scallions."

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "Huh?"

"What are you looking at?" Gabriel waved the scallion in her hand, squinting her eyes, and said without shyness, "Have you never heard of that scallion's folk remedy for a cold?"


Your uncle's recipe!This simply has no medical effect at all, it's pure nonsense, okay!The insertion of scallions not only cannot cure colds, but can also cause physical and mental damage. In severe cases, it may even cause a stress response and suffer from scallion syndrome!

"Hmph, are you scared?" The crippled angel waved the green onion, "If you dare to offer any rewards, I'll treat your cold with green onions while you're asleep."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Where's your integrity?"

"How much is morality worth?" Gabriel pouted, "It's already been used up in those messy daily tasks."

Speaking of daily tasks, Hua Ye thought of a new 'kitchen pl/ay' task released by the withdrawal Ji, "We can try..."

"Shut up." Gabriel waved the green onion, "Don't tell me, the facial paralysis that is getting more and more lustful must be possessed by evil spirits, right? Believe it or not, I will treat you with green onions right now?"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Try who will help whom?"


Gabriel resolutely gave up.

If you really try it, you must be inserted by a green onion. Such a thick green onion must not work, right?This hentai with facial paralysis is much bigger than a green onion, he dares to think about that kind of thing, don't even think about agreeing to him!

"Hurry up and tell me what I wrote." The useless angel bowed his head to wash his onion, "I still have to think about the content of the script."

"Little Red Riding Hood selling matches." Hua Ye said, "On a snowy Christmas day, a little girl was wandering the streets with a basket..."

"Strange." Gabriel tilted her head and said, "Why did I combine selling matches with Little Red Riding Hood?"

"Because the current illustration of Little Red Riding Hood generally has a red scarf wrapped around the head."

"You keep talking."

"The sky is already dark, the north wind is howling, and the ground is covered with heavy snow. Most of the pedestrians on the road are in a hurry."

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