Hua Ye grabbed Gabriel's fist: "Help me."

"Don't even think about it..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice was blocked in his mouth.

The hot lips made Gabriel lose his mind for a moment. After finally breaking free from Hua Ye's clutches, Gabriel was shocked to find that she had become exactly like Hua Ye.

"Where are my clothes?"

Gabriel raised her hand to cover her chest, and in the blink of an eye, only one piece of clothing was left on her body, and all the other clothes disappeared, not even a single piece of debris remained.

"Give me back my clothes, you bastard!"

It's a pity that the shouting didn't help at all.

On the contrary, Hua Ye intensified, and kissed all the way down the neck, finally resting on the green bud on the chest, the trembling feeling like electric shock made the crippled angel tremble uncontrollably.


Hua Ye said in a low voice, "Help me."

"How, how to help? Go to someone else for that kind of thing!"

Gabriel was out of breath, her sister had already told her that she was absolutely not allowed to do that kind of thing, this is the bottom line, if she really did it, she wouldn't be able to go back to the heaven!

The crippled angel put one hand on Hua Ye's chest and said out of breath, "You solve it yourself."

The plots on TV where you die if you don’t have sex are all nonsense. Why should girls sacrifice themselves to help others? Isn’t a good brother supposed to be a good brother?It's okay to go out and put out the fire at this time, right?

Seeing that Hua Ye's condition was getting worse and worse, and worried that he would eventually gain the upper hand, Jia Baili couldn't help but said, "Are you okay?"

"very bad."

While speaking, cracks appeared on Hua Ye's body surface, and a large amount of water vapor permeated the air. The situation seemed to be at a critical moment.

"Does it have to be that way?" Gabriel bit her lower lip, and stretched out her hand silently, the scorching temperature almost scalded her hands, "It's so hot."

"I'm warning you, the most I can do is help you with your hands..." The crippled angel turned his face away and muttered, "If you dare to force me, don't touch me again."

The temperature is still rising.

It seems to have returned to the scorching summer.

Gabriel was already unable to care about the anomalies around her.

"Hello, how are you?"


"Then... you actually let me use my mouth? No! Don't want to die!"

The world suddenly began to shake slightly.

The surrounding scenery is mottled and separated.

An extremely familiar voice that I can't remember came to my ears: "Xiao Jia, what's wrong with you, Xiao Jia? Did you have a nightmare?"

"This voice is..." Gabriel felt that her eyelids were quite heavy, and she barely opened her eyes, and finally saw the face of the girl next to her clearly, "It's Wei Nai."

"Wait, why is Wei Nai here?"

A current surged through the body, and the sleepiness disappeared as quickly as snow in the sun.

"Everything just now seems to be a dream?"

"I fell asleep while I was sitting in the kotatsu writing the script."

"That's right, it's just a dream. I heard that the dreamer can pick up the book, but he can't see what's written in the book. That facial paralysis doesn't have the guts to pick me up..."

Sanity returned like a tidal wave.

Gabriel discovered an extremely serious problem lying in front of her eyes.

"Vina should have pushed me just now, because... I said strange things in my sleep while I was sleeping?"

"When you have that kind of bad dream, you will say so many embarrassing dreams, you can imagine it with your toes!"

"Besides Wei Nai just now, it seems that there are other people..."

Gabriel made a quick decision.

"No! Absolutely don't let others know that I dreamed of doing that kind of thing with facial paralysis, it will completely embarrass me!"

"I have to confuse the past, what should I do? What should I do now?"

A warm hand rested on the top of the head, as if testing the temperature, and then Wei Nai muttered to himself: "Strange, you don't have a fever?"

Gabriel had an idea, closed her eyes, and said in a vague voice

"Well...Vina, I like you."

"Vina, no, don't kiss there..."

"Vina, don't touch there..."

Chapter 1372 Thor's Maid Service

Wei Nai panicked.

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