She saw the news in the chat group at noon that "the maid Long Niang visited the thatched cottage three times, and the great writer Jia Baili scribbled pen and ink" reported by Liuhua, so she decided to come to play in the afternoon.

The reason, of course, is that Kang Na is here as a guest.

It's been a long time since I saw Her Highness Kang Na, who is the cutest in the world. Of course, I have to pinch her chubby face a few times to supplement the Kang Na element.

When I arrived, I found that Gabriel had fallen asleep lying on the futon, with a pencil in her hand, and only a short one-paragraph script written on the manuscript paper, which can be called a model of fishing.

Wei Nai didn't wake up the useless angel, but sat next to her, peeled oranges and fed them to Kanna. Every time she fed a piece of orange, she got a chance to pinch her face, which would quickly fill up Kanna's elements for the next week.

"Kangna sauce is the cutest in the world."

Wei Nai was in a good mood, but when she turned her head, she saw Gabriel frowning, her face was flushed, and her breathing was slightly short of breath, as if she was suffering, or dreamed of something terrible.

"Xiao Jia, what's the matter with you?" Wei Nai thought for a while, then called softly.

The afternoon nap should not be too long, otherwise you will not be able to fall asleep at night, which is not good. Gabriel has already slept for almost an hour, and there is no problem in waking up now.

Then something that shocked Wei Nai happened.

"Vina, I like you..."

Well, this is nothing, every time Gabriel borrows homework, she will pretend to be pitiful, weak and helpless, and then act coquettishly and say what she likes the most. Vinai is almost immune.

But Gabriel's next words made Vinai dumbfounded.

"Vinette, don't kiss there..."

what is there?

He actually appeared in Xiaojia's dream, and was still kissing Xiaojia's... body?

What kind of dream did Xiaojia have to dream of such a thing!No matter which part it is, two girls kissing together is super bad!

Because Xiao Jia likes to eat oranges, so she became a girl with an orange look?

Wei Nai got out of the kotatsu in a panic, her pretty face was flushed, she turned around and was about to flee through the door.

Although it is true that I like Xiaojia very much, I never thought about hugging and kissing!With Suguha's lesson in mind, Lily might make her parents sick from anger!

"What are you running for?" Hua Ye stretched out his hand to grab Wei Nai.

"I'm not, I'm not, I'm not doing anything."

Wei Nai subconsciously wanted to say three consecutive explanations, but she swallowed the words abruptly.

"You, you let me go." Wei Nai bit her pink lips and whispered with a pretty blushing face, "I'm going back."

Hua Ye said, "Gabriel just now..."


Before he finished speaking, a murderous gaze looked over.

The useless angel who successfully used acting to transform herself from a perverted girl into a lily girl finally woke up, rubbing her eyes in a daze, with red marks from sleeping on her face, her eyes are cute now, Said in a three-point confused and four-point shy tone: "Hey, Wei Nai? You, why are you here?"

Acting, it's all about acting.

Hua Ye said that I can give you ten points, and I will give you full marks. I am not afraid of your pride!

If it weren't for the heartbeat, breathing, pulse, etc. to confirm that this useless angel is acting, even Hua Ye would have been almost deceived!

"Shut up, don't talk." At the same time, he quietly gave Hua Ye a warning look, "Or your head will explode."

"Xiaojia, good afternoon."

Wei Nai raised her hands and rolled up the hair around her ears to cover up her hot cheeks, and after glancing at Gabriel, she suddenly looked away.

While talking to Vinai, Gabriel quietly observed the expressions of the others.

(Very well, only Vinai came here alone, Liuhua went out to play, Thor and Connor were left in the living room, Elma was not there, she should have gone home.)

(The expressions of Thor and Connor are normal, so they should not doubt me.)

(So ​​bad dreams must be eliminated?

"Xiaojia, I'm going back first!" Wei Nai hurriedly turned around to run away.

Gabriel shouted: "The script is not finished yet, can Wei Nai help me write the script?"

"You should go to the monitor about this matter, the monitor is much better than me." Wei Nai shook her head, she couldn't care less about sucking on Kang Na, she turned around and ran away, "Xiaoqian's mother is still in the hospital, I'm going to see Let's see the situation... let's go first!"

To describe Wei Nai's mood in one sentence, it would be 'my best friend actually wants to fuck me'. Originally, they were in the same camp, fighting against the shameless big devil who left the harem, but in the blink of an eye, my best friend actually wanted to attack me!

After Wei Nai left in a panic, the confusion and embarrassment on Gabriel's face disappeared immediately, and she picked up the manuscript paper and pencil and got up: "The kotatsu affects the creation too much, I'll go back and write the script."

The kotatsu is one reason, and the other reason is that this useless angel has to go back and change clothes.

As Vinai and Gabriel left one after another, the room suddenly fell silent.

Thor's chin was resting on the futon, his face was flattened, his teeth were slightly exposed, his head was dangling, and he muttered, "Gabriel was already awake just now, why are you pretending to be awake?" What does it look like?"

That's right, Gabriel's acting skills are of no use to Thor and Connor.

The two of them are dragon girls with exceptionally strong physical fitness. When they let go of their hands and feet a little, they can play dodge balls as killing balls, and seesaws as catapults. Of course, it is impossible to hide the sudden change in Gabriel's heartbeat and breathing just now. Thor's ear.

In other words, this performance only deceived Wei Nai from the beginning to the end!

"You can talk in your sleep because you haven't woken up." Hua Ye complained.

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