"I know." Kang Na raised her hand, "Xiao Lin said that people only speak the truth when they are drunk, and talking in sleep is also a kind of truth."

Being drunk doesn't necessarily mean telling the truth, because you don't even know if he's drunk or not!

"Human beings are so troublesome." Thor turned an orange, and suddenly there was a bang, "Oh, the orange rolled into the kotatsu."


The phone vibrated.

Hua Ye picked up the phone, it was a message from Gabriel.

"Don't talk about what happened just now."

Dreaming is obviously a normal thing, so what's there to be embarrassed about!

Just as Hua Ye was about to reply that his acting skills were invalid, Gabriel sent another message.

"I'm going to retreat to write a script! Don't bother me if you have nothing to do, and don't bother me if you have something to do!"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, put down his phone, and looked down at the kotatsu.

The curtains hanging around the kotatsu were suddenly lifted, and a head with horns and brilliant blond hair poked out.

"Xiaoye, I found oranges."

If you find oranges, come out quickly, what kind of trouble is it to make a circle in the kotatsu!Are you a child with ADHD?

"I remembered the maid movie I watched when I was fixing the computer that day." Thor blinked his eyes, pressed his chin on Hua Ye's thigh, and said curiously, "The situation at that time was similar to now, should we practice? Maybe It will come in handy when taking care of Kobayashi in the future."

Use your uncle!Kobayashi doesn't have the kind of organs that are held and played with by the maids, okay?When you talk, don't wag your tail on the other side, the thick green tail with scales looks very unsuitable!

Chapter 1373 Prodigal Girlfriend Vinet

eight pm.

Cafe on the corner.

"Vina Sauce looks like she's out of her mind tonight..." After cleaning the cafe, Xiaoqian changed her clothes first, and sat next to Huaye. This girl with short hair who had a little baby fat was visibly thinner now .

Xiaoqian said in a low voice: "Didn't you do something excessive again?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "I don't have one."

The reason why Wei Nai lost her mind was because of that useless angel, which has nothing to do with her half a dime, so don't think about me every time something happens!

"It was only after my mother got sick that I realized what it means to have important people by my side." Xiaoqian propped her chin with one hand, blinked her big eyes, "Don't abandon Wei Naijiang, or I'll beat you up you."

"No." Hua Ye was expressionless. You, a short-legged carrot head, still want to hit someone, but you can't reach it if you stretch out your hand.

"That's good." Xiaoqian took out the notebook from his backpack, spread it out, and pushed it down in front of Hua Ye, "Hey, you haven't been here for the past two days... This is the expenditure for the past few days."

Hua Ye said, "Show Wei Nai."

"No, you have to take a look at it too." Xiao Qian was rarely serious, shaking his head and said.

Xiaoqian's mother's condition has temporarily stabilized. She and Suguha wanted to stay by the hospital bed every day, but unfortunately, the mother who woke up drove the two of them back home.Xiaoqian and Suguha couldn't hold back their mother, so they had to go home. After school in the afternoon, each of them took turns to go to the hospital to take care of her mother for a day-in fact, there were nurses and nurses in the hospital, and they couldn't help if they went together, but that was the only way. Only then can the heart settle down.


Hua Ye took the account book and flipped through it briefly. The font is beautiful, and the expenses during this period are clearly written on it, including accommodation expenses, nursing expenses, and catering expenses. He wrote several pages of miscellaneous things... Apparently Xiaoqian has not yet Know how fast and easy forms are.

Hua Ye glanced at the ten lines, quickly finished reading, and then said, "That's all?"

"What's the matter?" Seeing Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, Xiaoqian explained nervously, "It's all here, Suguha and I didn't waste your money."

The poorer people are, the less they like to borrow money from others. Once they borrow money, they will return it immediately if they have money. Xiaoqian is such a person.

If you are not in charge of the family, you don’t know that vegetables, rice, oil and salt are expensive. My father died in a car accident. As the party responsible for the accident, I have to pay a large sum of money to innocent people. My mother was originally a typical housewife and had to go out to work again. It’s just that in Japan, which is almost Housewives in their thirties certainly cannot earn much money in a 'work for life' society.

Xiaoqian is very aware of her family's income situation, so she was so flustered and desperate when she heard that her mother was seriously ill.

Although she and Suguha had part-time jobs, they only earned pocket money, and their mother's illness meant that they had no income, and surgery and hospitalization fees could not even be sold by selling blood.

Just like the phrase 'why not eat minced meat', the rich will never realize how desperate poverty is.

At that time, Xiaoqian even came up with the idea of ​​borrowing private usury loans. As for the consequences of not paying the money when it was due... a girl's body can always make money.

If Hua Ye is angry because she spends too much money...

Xiaoqian silently bit her lower lip.

"What's wrong?" Wei Nai changed her clothes and walked over from the locker room, "Xiao Qian looks really bad."

Hua Ye handed over Xiaoqian's notebook: "Take a look."

"Hmm..." Wei Nai took the notebook, flipped through it briefly, and also frowned slightly.

"Too little."

"So, did you really spend too much?" Xiaoqian's heart sank, she was extremely wronged.

Wei Nai closed the notebook and said: "In addition to the basic hospitalization expenses and medication expenses, auntie should eat nutritious food, and don't eat the basic set meal in the hospital next time, and you and Suguha, the two of them only spend [-] yuan a day One hundred yen, do you drink tap water and eat steamed buns for every meal?"

Xiaoqian: "..."

Wei Nai was shocked, raised her hand to cover her forehead and sighed: "I guessed it right?"

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