Now that the weather is so cold, I must be reluctant to turn on the air conditioner at home. I still drink tap water and eat steamed buns. Are you afraid of making yourself sick?

"I didn't eat steamed buns. Suguha and I will go to the supermarket to buy half-price bread after [-]:[-] p.m...." Xiaoqian blinked, then looked at Hua Ye pitifully, "You, didn't you just say..."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"What is the daily interest on this money deposited in the bank?"

Wei Nai had thought about financial management two days ago, of course she had checked the relevant information carefully, and quickly reported an accurate figure.

"Your expenses these days are not as much as your interest income." Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai, "What do you think?"

"What are you looking at?" Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a blank look, raised her hand and rolled up the blue hair beside her ear, and quickly made up her mind, "Let's set an expense quota in the future, except for the basic expenses of auntie in the hospital. You have to spend it every day." Daily expenses of [-] yen."

"How, how can it be like this?" Xiaoqian shouted, "A pocket money of [-] yen is too extravagant!"

"Furthermore, increase the quota to [-]."

Xiaoqian puffed up her cheeks and looked at Hua Ye, "Your girlfriend is such a prodigal, don't you care?"

"It doesn't matter." Hua Ye shrugged, "Now it's Wei Nai's housekeeper, she has the final say on how to spend money."

Xiaoqian muttered, "My wife is strict."

Hey, it's tradition for men to make money and women to manage money!Where is the strict control of the wife!

"Xiaoqian, don't talk nonsense..." Wei Nai blushed pretty, still a little uncomfortable, "Hey, why are you crying?"

"Woooo..." Xiaoqian bit her lower lip and hugged Wei Nai tearfully, "Thank you, thank you."

Wei Nai stretched out her hand to smooth her hair, her voice softened, and she said softly, "We are all behind you, so be strong."

Although Xiaoqian is an elder sister, she is far from mature and grown up. If she doesn't help at this time, she will definitely collapse, right?

"Thank you, Wei Naijiang." Xiaoqian wiped her eyes, sniffed her nose, and looked at Hua Ye with tears in her eyes, obviously ready to come and hug her, "Ordinary friends..."

"Don't come here." Hua Ye stretched out his hand to block it, disgusted, "We'll wait until the nose is wiped clean."

"How can there be snot?" Xiao Qian covered her face with her hand, "Beautiful girls don't have snot!"

Not only do beautiful girls have no nose, but they go to the bathroom just to put on makeup, moisturize and wash their hands. This kind of thinking can deceive yourself!

"Okay, let's go back." Wei Nai helped Xiaoqian wrap up her scarf and straighten her hat, "Let's go, don't cause trouble for the store manager."

Get out of the cafe.

The evening style of winter night is extraordinarily cold.

Xiaoqian shivered, and looked at Wei Nai hesitantly.

"My classmate Hua Ye and I flew to Italy on Friday afternoon." Of course, Wei Nai knew Xiaoqian's worry, "So next Thursday, shall we go to the hospital to visit Auntie?"


Chapter 1374 Tuning/Teaching Wei Nai

"Thank you, Wei Nai!"

Xiaoqian's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously, pursing his lips.

Then he hurriedly turned his face and looked at Hua Ye pitifully, his eyes were almost overflowing with anticipation. If Hua Ye shook his head, he would probably cry out with a 'wow'.

Word of mouth is useless.

At first, Xiaoqian didn't believe in Hua Ye's identity as an "old Chinese doctor". Mingming is not very old, how old is he?

It's just that after seeing Hua Ye clean up the congestion in his mother's brain, and casually take out a huge deposit of more than one billion yuan, he immediately became convinced that "ordinary friends" are not ordinary at all, maybe they are those who know everything What about Taoist priests going down the mountain, otherwise how could they be rich and powerful?

Hua Ye didn't have any mischievous emotions, and said directly: "Vina has the final say."

"Thank you Xiaoye!"

After receiving the affirmative answer, the short-haired girl immediately burst into a bright smile of relief, tiptoed and patted Hua Ye's arm, "I really saw the right person."

You read it right!Didn't you just worry that I would give up on Wei Nai all the time, waving my fist to beat me!

"I'm going home first." Xiaoqian waved.

"Be careful, don't grab the red light." Wei Nai reminded, "And don't forget to spend money tomorrow, and send me the bill to check at night."

"I know, I know." Xiaoqian made a grimace, "You two should get married quickly, so that you can have the final say in the future."

Knot, get married?

Now that you don't even have a formal relationship, why did you jump into getting married all of a sudden?

Wei Nai's pretty face was flushed, she gritted her teeth and said, "Xiao Qian!"

"Slightly, slightly, if you don't listen, don't listen."

Xiaoqian covered her ears, giggled and ran away.

Wei Nai looked away, turned and walked towards the apartment, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Hua Ye stretched out his hand to hold Wei Nai.

Wei Nai struggled a bit, but failed to break away, gave Hua Ye a blank look, and let him go.

Hua Ye said, "When will we get married?"

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