I'm so dizzy, I can't think anymore...

Next time, he must not let him succeed easily...

Chapter 1375 Calling Dad


on Monday.

The last week before December.

"Are you going to play in Italy this week?" Igarashi crossed his arms and looked up.

Hua Ye responded, "Go together?"

"No." Igarashi refused without thinking, "Since I stayed in Antarctica for more than a month in summer, I never want to see snow again."

And what is going together?

Is it your guy's harem tour group?

Stop joking!Even if it is a harem, I will accept you as a male favorite, okay!

Hua Ye said, "Forget it."

"Yes, damn it!"

Igarashi gritted his silver teeth, and was so angry that he almost dropped his cup to summon the Sword and Axe. I won't go if I don't want to go. You should invite me a few more times!

The poor-breasted star snorted, folded his left leg on top of his right, and lightly picked up his toes, "I'm in a good mood today, and I'm here to give you a chance to kiss my toes."


After Hua Ye finished his business and was about to turn around and leave, he stopped immediately when he heard this sentence.

"Your ass itches?"

"Heh, it's just a humble servant who is a little bit useful." Igarashi tried frantically on the verge of being slapped, obviously looking away guiltily, but his mouth was quite hard, "It's your honor to kiss the toes, don't you still Want to kiss somewhere else?"

Hua Ye turned around and sat down, pointed at his thigh, "Lie down obediently."

"No." The poor-breasted star turned his head and snorted arrogantly, "If you let me go there, don't you think it's embarrassing?"

Well, the scars forget the pain, it’s you who are talking about, if you don’t slap you for half a month, you will forget what fear is!

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye reached out and grabbed the poor-breasted star and pressed it on his lap.


A loud slap sounded.

The palm of your hand can clearly feel the uprightness and elasticity of the star's buttocks with small breasts.

Igarashi didn't struggle, and his mouth was extremely stubborn: "You humble servant, you dare to commit crimes, and this week's reward is gone... Ummmm!"

An incomparably charming loli trill blurted out, instantly dyeing the lounge pink.

"You, you, what are you doing!" Igarashi raised his hand to cover his mouth in a panic, and blocked the rest of the trembling in his mouth, without the toughness that he was not afraid of just now, he turned his head in a panic like a frightened deer, "Say, what about spanking?"

"The efficiency of the same punishment method will decrease in order." Hua Ye said, "And you seem to be doing something deliberately so that I can spank your ass..."

"Bang!" Igarashi warned fiercely, "I'm not! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!"

Addictive to spanking, and even awakened to shake the M physique, if you dare to say it, you will kill him!

Hua Ye shrugged: "So I decided to change the punishment method."

"You have awakened your fat collection habit! The despicable servant whose head is full of white/turbid liquid, the humanoid self-propelled gun that pressed the red button, give me enough... ah!"

Another unbearable trill came out of his mouth.

"You, your finger..."

Igarashi was trembling, her little face was already burning red.

"What happened to the finger?"

"Quick, take it out..."

Igarashi was out of breath, resisting the trembling feeling, and shouted in a low voice.

When he was spanked before, he felt pain and joy, but now Hua Ye's fingers seemed to possess magical powers, his whole body trembled and numb wherever they passed.

That's right, Hua Ye's punishment method was inspired by that Demon Sword Girl——Magic Finger.

Spirit power can not only be taken orally, but can also directly stimulate the body, which can also bring great stimulation to people. So far, the experiment on Igarashi is considered a success.

Hua Ye said, "Apologize."


Igarashi fell into hesitation and struggle, and the instinct of the face star broke out, "You fat pervert... No, don't look down on people... Ah!"

There was another soft and coquettish trembling sound. If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, Igarashi would not believe that he would make such a terrible sound.

Hua Ye's finger continued to move up, and quickly passed over the stockings, and handed them near Fatty.

The indescribable electric shock made the star with poor breasts tighten his legs and tremble all over, as if ants were crawling on his body. Every inch of his skin became extremely sensitive wherever he passed, and he felt an indescribable pleasure rushing all over his head. Into the brain, only by biting his lips can he suppress the humiliation that surged into his throat.

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