"Stop, stop!" Igarashi finally surrendered, with hazy mist in his eyes, and said out of breath, "I, I was wrong, quickly take out your fingers!"

Great, the test was successful.

Hua Ye withdrew his fingers, and whoever makes trouble in the future will use the no-regret finger of God to make the opponent's body soft, admit defeat and beg for mercy.


Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief, leaning weakly on Hua Ye's lap, panting, his eyes were watery, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What's wrong with your finger?"

"A magic finger specially designed to punish people. If anyone makes trouble in the future, use the finger to make her call daddy."

"You, you actually want me to call you dad?" Igarashi was shocked immediately, and the disgust on his face was almost overflowing, "This is no longer a pervert, but a super pervert!"

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, "It's just an analogy, I didn't ask you to really shout."

"Oh, man." Igarashi sneered, "Do you dare to say that you haven't thought about me calling you dad?"

Hearing these words, Hua Ye paused for a rare moment. With the height and build of this poor star, it seems that there is no problem in taking it out and calling him dad?


A powder punch came over.

"If you don't say anything, you just acquiesce! You fat pervert, don't awaken your messy quirks!"

Igarashi gritted his teeth and spanked himself, but he still wanted to call him daddy. How shameless and vile a person is to do such a thing!

"I'll bite you to death right now!" Igarashi became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, "Take it as killing harm for the people!"

Hey, that's enough, the so-called 'removing harm for the people' means sitting on someone else's body and biting their lips!This is the so-called feeding a tiger with your body!

Lips touching, this poor-breasted star was extremely aggressive and took the initiative to attack. The slender tongue like a green snake's mouth directly poked over. The purple eyes were still staring fiercely at Hua Ye, and they were not closed at all. mean.

You actually want me to call you dad, and I'll make you speechless!

"Bang bang bang."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Igarashi, who was about to make persistent efforts, was startled suddenly, hurriedly retreated, raised his hand to wipe his lips, and shouted with a blushing face, "Mei? What's wrong?"

A cute loli voice sounded outside the door: "I have something to ask classmate Hua Ye."

"Big-breasted monster!" Igarashi's brows stood upright, "Get out, I don't want to see you."

"I really need classmate Hua Ye." Hoshino Xia's voice seemed weak, "Let classmate Hua Ye come out."

"Huh?" Igarashi was startled, rolled his eyes, and ordered, "Mei, let her in."

Chapter 1376 Things That Make People Pregnant

There are many vacant classrooms in the school. Since Hua Ye said on the roof that day that it was cold and moved to another place, Igarashi has set up a black tea room in a remote corner, and usually draws thick curtains. No one is allowed to come in, not even the security department of the school

I, Igarashi, am rich and willful.

If you have money and power, you can be more willful.

The door is pushed open.

Hoshino Xia, who possesses the super S-level rare attribute 'children's face and big breasts', walked in. She was wearing a decent teacher's uniform and big glasses for decoration. She has been ranked first in the school's popular teacher list for several months. For a long time, no one can shake it so far.

"Huh, you actually have dark circles?" Igarashi opened his eyes wide, as if he had discovered a new land, showing surprise.

It’s normal to have dark circles. In today’s metropolis, almost everyone is sub-healthy. Dark circles have already become a standard feature!

"I and this monster with big breasts used to..." Igarashi paused, "When we met before, she said that the most important thing for a girl is her face, so she never stayed up late."

Hoshino Xia looked at Hua Ye pitifully, "Can we go out and talk?"

"No." Hua Ye didn't need to answer, Igarashi had resolutely refused, "If you have anything to say, just say it here."

I don't know what kind of problem this big-breasted monster encountered, but it must be a problem that cannot be solved. Such a good opportunity to make trouble, of course, cannot be missed.

Hua Ye glanced at the time: "There are still twenty minutes before the morning class."

Igarashi folded his hands on his chest and raised his chin: "Say something quickly."

"It's like this..." Igarashi hesitated, sat next to Hua Ye, and said pitifully, "I don't feel well."

Hua Ye said, "Be more specific."

"I can't tell where I feel uncomfortable, it's just weird, I feel like someone is staring at me..."

"You don't have persecution delusions, do you?" Igarashi snorted, "It must be because you have done too many bad things and have ghosts in your mind, so you can think wildly?"

"You think too much." Hua Ye complained, "Only those who do less bad things think wildly."


"Because people who do a lot of bad things have long been used to it."


"I'm not joking." Hoshino Xia gritted her teeth, reached out and grabbed the hem of the skirt, and lifted it upwards.


Igarashi dodged and stood in front of Hua Ye, "As expected of a nasty cow, can't wait to show heat in front of me?"

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