On the way to the basketball court, Satania asked curiously:

"Vinette, what does it feel like to kiss?"

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, and he hesitated and said, "You'll know if you try it yourself." She paused for a while, then looked puzzled, "He...you don't know?"

Satania shook her head: "I don't know."


Wei Nai was surprised, she didn't expect that Satania had no experience in even kissing, probably because...is it against the law to rape an idiot?

"I've only kissed the aide-de-camp on the cheek."

When Wei Nai heard this, she immediately put on a pretty face, not letting go of even the idiots, as expected, she should be tied up and sent to the gendarmerie, with a 'click' knife, so as not to harm others.

"I remember it was a long time ago." Satania tilted her head and thought for a while, "That time when I was eating out with Liuhua and the attendants, I saw a little girl begging her father for a toy acting like a baby."

"I thought it was very useful, so I learned it, kissed the attendant, and said, 'Dad, I want it too'..."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Wei Nai was shocked immediately, "What are you calling him?!"

Wei Nai saw a tweet by chance, to the effect that boys like girls to call him daddy. Does Hua Ye also have such a bad habit?

"Hmm..." Satania looked up at the sky and thought for three seconds, "I can't remember, anyway, the attendant bought me a rainbow pineapple/bag. (*^▽^*)"

Wei Nai: "..."

When eating lunch at noon, Satania saw Lafite, and suddenly remembered something, she seemed, seemed to have had the experience of kissing?

About a month ago, Lafite accidentally used the magic sealing bead given by shopping, and the 'empathy' spell sealed inside connected him with Lafite, and then felt a strange experience that he had never had before that night.

With Satania's IQ, it's hard to give an accurate description, but she just instinctively feels ashamed, and besides that...she wants to experience it again.

"Recently, I gave away another Empathy Bead, do you want to try again?" Satania muttered to herself while eating rice balls, "How about flipping a coin for multiple-choice questions like an exam?"

"Hey, why did Satania flip a coin?" Lafite's voice sounded from behind the little red-haired devil.

Satania hurriedly turned her head: "Don't suddenly appear behind me!"

"Because it was His Highness Satania who summoned me." Lafite rolled his eyes and stretched out a pale jade finger, "As long as His Highness Satania summons me, no matter how far away, I will instantly appear behind you Oh."

"I don't want a ghost like you!"

"Hey." Lafite raised his hand to cover his mouth, and opened his eyes wide, "Satania has learned to complain?"

"Anyone can do this kind of thing."

"Hmm." Lafite looked serious, "What was His Royal Highness Satania thinking just now? Let me help you solve your problems."


Satania looked away, but it's a pity that idiots never lie, whether it's body movements or eyes, they all clearly say 'something'.

"Well, let me guess..." Lafite stretched out a finger, "Satania wants to try 'empathy' again?"

Satania: "You didn't guess at all, you overheard it! (っ*′Д.)っ"

Chapter 1381 Sit up and move by yourself

After school in the afternoon.

Hua Ye didn't participate in club activities, picked up his schoolbag and walked directly to the school gate.

Walking near the flower bed, a poor-breasted star jumped out of the way.

"Are you going to find that monster with big breasts?"

Hua Ye said, "No."

"Really?" Igarashi was dubious, "That monster with big breasts won't ask you for help?"

"She drove over to pick me up."


"There is no difference at all!" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, turned around, her skirt fluttering in the wind, "I will go with you, and I will never give that big-breasted monster a chance to seduce you..."

Hua Ye reached out and pressed Igarashi's skirt.

"You, what are you doing?" Igarashi took two steps back in a panic as if he had been electrocuted, his face flushed, "What if someone sees you?"

In other words, can you just lift your skirt without being seen?

I'm not interested in your fat times at all!

"When you turn around, the skirt will hang on the thorns." Hua Ye said blankly, "It's likely to tear the skirt again."

"Eh, ripped the skirt?"

Igarashi was stunned, and quickly remembered that when the summer vacation just ended, one evening, he accidentally got caught in his skirt and tore it with force. He had no choice but to go with Huaye. I went to a nearby love hotel, but in the hotel, Hua Ye revealed his perverted true colors, and actually got rid of his fat...

"I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me." Igarashi narrowed his eyes, full of murderous aura, "You must have done it on purpose that time, right?"

Hua Ye said, "What on purpose?"

"Of course I took off my fat times on purpose!" The poor-breasted star complained, "When a normal person says to help, it must be to help take off my skirt, and they won't try to get rid of fat times!"

Hua Ye thought for a while: "I'm more interested in knots."

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