It is easy to guess that the maid just now sneaked away when she saw that the situation was not good, and before she slipped away, she even tampered with Igarashi's change of clothes to delay the pursuit... If Igarashi didn't come today, The recruited person is likely to be her.

As Hoshino Xia left, Hua Ye reached out and grabbed Igarashi, picked it up like a cat, and then picked Fatty off.

Then Igarashi was still full of depression, and his legs kept rubbing together. Ordinary people would think that Igarashi had taken some kind of "estrus potion or perfume", but unfortunately it was not. Hua Ye was already in this poor breast star. The buff of 'immunity to negative mental effects' is applied to the body.

"The thing on Pangci..." Hua Ye inspected it and quickly recognized it, "It's tickling powder."

As the name suggests, this thing is a very itchy powder, colorless and odorless, usually used for pranks, and it can't be found without careful inspection.


Igarashi suddenly opened his eyes wide, and almost gnawed his silver teeth, before he uttered a complete sentence.

"The soul is pale!"

"I'm going to kill that guy!?"

"How, how dare you bully me in this way..."

At the end, Igarashi's voice already had a hint of crying.

It is conceivable how much shame and grievance is in my heart at this moment to make this poor-breasted star who is desperate for face and suffering cry.

Hua Ye said, "Wash it first and see if it works."



Hua Ye took off the shower, adjusted it to a suitable water temperature, and handed it over.

Igarashi tried to reach out to pick it up, but unfortunately he had no strength at the moment, his small body was trembling, so he could only hold back his shame, and said in a crying voice, "You, you wash me..."

Anyway, it has been seen many times, and it's nothing to see it one more time. The itchy feeling that makes people crazy is the number one enemy that must be eliminated.

Hua Ye instructed: "The posture is inconvenient...bend like you did in the morning."

Igarashi tried it, but unfortunately her legs were so itchy that she couldn't hold on anymore. She had no choice but to kneel on the ground, facing Hua Ye with her little butt pouted, which was exactly the posture she used to complain about Hoshinoxia in the morning.

With a calm face, Hua Ye began to rinse with the shower.

The warm water washes away, and after a brief itch relief, it suddenly counterattacks, as if being scorched by chili peppers, drinking cold water can only relieve it for a while, and the pain will soon come back and intensify.

Igarashi is in such a state now.

"Uh... um...!"

The extremely depressing feeling made her unable to restrain herself from moaning in despair.

Igarashi lay on the ground, out of breath, with a crystal tear slipping down from the corner of his eye.

Sanity is on the verge of collapse.

The flames of anger and shame were burning, and she was about to turn black, a voice suddenly brought her back to the present world: "It seems that just washing with water is not enough, I will use my hands."

"Use, use hands?"

Hua Ye nodded: "If you don't want to, I can go to the kitchen to find a steel wool ball."


Igarashi's whole body is not well.

You actually want to find a steel wool ball?

Do you still want to scrub roughly like pots and pans!It will be broken, it will be broken!Die die die die die die!

"You..." Igarashi took a deep breath, his voice was crying, "Give me your hands, idiot!"

"Okay." Hua Ye responded without hesitation, without shyness or hesitation, and quickly covered it with his right hand and began to wash.


With just a light touch, this star with poor breasts seemed to have pressed an electric switch, her petite body trembled uncontrollably, thick water mist once again filled her proud eyes, and she clenched her fists to support her body. On the ground, Cherry's small mouth kept opening and closing, like a fish thrown from the water to the shore, trying to absorb oxygen through rapid panting.

Unfortunately, the effect is not great.

As Hua Ye's cleaning gradually deepened, not only did the star with poor breasts fail to adapt, but his body trembled even more.

It was just an angry humming of distress and pain before, but now it is clearly accompanied by a charming trembling sound from the depths of the throat, just like the siren banshee that haunts the Aegean Sea in Greece, and the trembling crooning clearly has breathtaking power .


Igarashi's neck suddenly lifted up, her petite body tensed suddenly, and then she shouted in panic and shame, "Don't, don't stick it in!"

Chapter 1384 Manual detoxification

"Don't, don't reach in!"

Igarashi, who had already buried her head in pretending to be an ostrich and was about to ignore it, couldn't bear it any longer. She hurriedly turned her head in panic and shame, and stammered, "That's enough!"

Hua Ye said, "I didn't wash it clean."

"I don't want you to wash it if it's not clean!"



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