Why else?

Don't tell me you haven't watched the episode, you fat pervert!

How could it be possible for you to take away such an important event for the first time, a once-in-a-lifetime experience, with your fingers!That will leave a shadow that cannot be erased for a lifetime!

Hua Ye said solemnly:

"Don't worry, the human body is very flexible, and the fingers can go in without any injury..."

"Come on you big-headed ghost!" Igarashi was so angry that he had a cerebral hemorrhage. Regardless of the awkward posture, he kicked the donkey directly, "If you dare to stick your finger in, I will show you to death!"

"Alright then." Hua Ye didn't insist, and continued to wash other parts.

Igarashi buried his face in his hands and continued to lift the corpse.

With Hua Ye's cleaning, the maddening itching began to dissipate quickly, and another kind of numbness from the inside began to spread quietly.

Igarashi involuntarily and quietly clamped both legs.

"Don't pinch my fingers." Hua Ye said with disgust.

"Can't I change my posture?" Igarashi blushed until blood was dripping, his eyes were blurred, and he said out of breath, "If you were kneeling here, you wouldn't be able to stand it!"

"The tickle powder you mentioned was the hands and feet of the maid just now, right?"


"Ju, to let a maid do this kind of thing right under her nose, isn't that big-breasted monster worse than a fool?"

Igarashi gritted his teeth, his resentment almost turned into substance, "How dare you poison me on Fatty, that maid is doomed! I must sink her into Tokyo Bay!"

Hua Ye said: "To be precise, itching powder is not poisonous."

"I'd rather she be poisoned!"

"If you don't come, it should be Natsu Hoshino who was recruited today."

"Damn it, did you actually block the gun for that monster with big breasts?" Igarashi clenched his fist and slammed it on the ground, "I wouldn't have followed if I had known."

After saying this, Igarashi hesitated again. If he didn't come, then only Hua Ye and the big-breasted monster would be left in the bathroom. Compared to himself, the big-breasted monster who was in heat must definitely Will you seduce this fat pervert?

In case Hua Ye couldn't hold it back and slapped that monster with big breasts in the bathroom, he would definitely take responsibility, wouldn't he ride on his own head?

All of a sudden, Igarashi didn't know whether to regret or be thankful.

Talking does have a certain effect on diverting attention, just like many people in movies and TV like to swear after being injured, but it cannot replace real painkillers after all.

Igarashi soon discovered that the numbness emanating from the inside began to gather like a tide, and it was no longer possible to divert attention by speaking.

"Yes, damn it!"

"It will be resolved soon, before that, you must hold back!"

"No problem, I will never lose... Mmm!"

As Hua Ye's fingers cleaned the taboo, an electric shock that was several times stronger than before swept across Igarashi's whole body. Desire swept across like a surging tsunami. Lan felt like a fisherman walking on the shore. The enemy he was facing was the raging tide that was about to break the embankment, and he had no hope of fighting back.

"No, don't...stop..."

Amidst the rapid panting, Igarashi blushed and slurred his speech, trying to make Hua Ye stop his fingers intermittently, but he couldn't finish the sentence after all.

Large swathes of rose red have spread all over the body, from the tip of the hair to the tips of the toes, every part is filled with crimson.

In the strong impact, Igarashi only felt dizzy in his head, and finally gave up thinking, and then the torrent accumulated in his body for a long time burst the embankment and washed away everything.


Igarashi, who had lost his strength, fell limply to the ground like a salted fish landing on the shore, his eyes turned white, his eyes were dull, his mouth opened, and he took a big gulp of fresh air.

Hua Ye looked at the wet stains and luster on his hands, stood up silently, walked to the sink and began to wash his hands.

Unintentionally achieved the achievement of loli dehydration, I always feel that I have gone farther and farther on the path of abnormality, and I can't turn back!


After a while, Igarashi finally regained his strength, his misty eyes gradually regained clarity, and when he saw Hua Ye who was washing his hands, his face suddenly turned into lava from a crater, and there was a whistling steam above his head. out.

"I actually..."

"It will..."

"Hehehe, kill to silence, kill to silence, kill to silence..."

The smile of this poor-breasted star collapsed, but the fact is that with her current strength, she can barely close her legs, and she can't even think about killing her.

After Hua Ye washed his hands, he turned around and walked towards Igarashi, tidying up his pants by the way.

This action fell into Igarashi's eyes, and immediately made the poor-breasted star startled: "You, you, what are you doing?"

Are you taking off your pants?

You must be unable to resist wanting to take off your pants and do that kind of thing!

"If you dare to take off your pants, I will die with you!"

Igarashi opened his eyes wide and stared at him angrily, but it's a pity that these words came from a wet loli who was lying on the ground and barely able to close her legs, it really didn't have the slightest deterrent effect.

Hua Ye was speechless: "How do you want to die together?"

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