"I, I..." Igarashi is only [-] years old this year, and she is a genuine legal lolita. Such a terrible and shameful experience is the first time she has experienced it in [-] years. Now she is out of control, He said without hesitation, "Cut it off with a utility knife!"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "A utility knife can't hurt me."

"Then bite you off!"

"Hmm..." Hua Ye looked at the poor-breasted star, shook his head and said, "Your mouth is too small, you can't do it."


Ju, how dare you dislike my small mouth?

Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, "If you have the ability, you can try it out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the poor-breasted star was shocked, how could he say such a thing?

Ah, by the way, when people are angry, their IQ will drop significantly, that's right, that's it!It's not the reason for other messes!

Hua Ye walked in front of Igarashi, looked down at the poor-breasted star who just sat up, "Since you want to try..."

"So what?"

"Then try."

Seeing that Hua Ye actually agreed, Igarashi finally panicked, not daring to die anymore, "I, I was just joking!"

"Don't take it out!! I don't want to see such a disgusting thing!"

"That's not what you said just now."

"Hmph, girls already have the ability to go back on their promises." Igarashi couldn't explain it, and just pretended, "Anyway, don't even think about me biting you!"


Chapter 1385 A good sister who wears the same pair of fat times

Hoshino Xia cautiously pushed open the door, a little worried about seeing some scenes that were not suitable for children, and even more worried that Hua Ye would suddenly get sexual and grab her and slap her together.

Fortunately, Hua Ye was soon seen sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

"Huh..." The big-breasted Lolita breathed a sigh of relief, and walked into the room, "Hua Ye, where is Ai-chan, are you alright?"

"It's fine." Hua Ye raised his head, "She's taking a shower in the bathroom."

"So fast?" Hoshino Xia whispered.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "What did you say?"

"No, no!" The big-breasted loli hurriedly waved her hand, with a cute and harmless smile on her face, "Thanks to classmate Hua Ye this time, otherwise I don't know how terrible things will happen... By the way , There are drinks and fruits in the refrigerator, I'll bring them to you."

Bananas, grapes, chocolate bars, obviously Hoshino Xia is also a foodie.


The door of the bathroom was quickly pushed open, Igarashi came out wrapped in a white towel, her long wet hair was still dripping with water, her little face was full of murderous looks, and she gritted her teeth, "Where's that maid?!"

"You dare to do that kind of thing to me, absolutely, absolutely unforgivable!"

"I must return to her ten times the shame I received just now."

"She ran away." Hoshino Xia bit her lip, her expression was also a little ugly, "My people are chasing her."

"Tiantian is self-righteous and thinks he is very smart, why can't he even find out that others have betrayed you?" Igarashi snorted, walked over to Huaye and sat down.


Hoshino Xia bit her lip, speechless.

Everything in the world can be forgiven, only betrayal cannot be forgiven.

No matter what the maid's reasons were, whether she was coerced or had other reasons, the betrayal was a certainty and could not be justified. When encountering such a thing, she could only say that Xia Xingye had bad eyesight and didn't know people well.

"I have asked someone to buy you new underwear and skirts, and they will be here soon." Hoshino Xia was not interested in arguing at the moment, "You should blow your hair clean first."

The star with small breasts looked up at Hua Ye with a small face: "I want to blow my hair."

Hua Ye said, "Blow it yourself."


Igarashi stared over with wide eyes.

I have already done such an exaggerated thing just now, so what if I order you around?

Hua Ye was speechless, got up and brought over the hair dryer, turned it on, and helped dry his hair.

Probably because of the warm wind blowing and the smooth fur feeling very comfortable, Igarashi's eyes narrowed quickly, showing the happy expression of a cat being scratched by someone's chin, and even rubbed its small head against Hua Ye's palm lightly.

The star with small breasts reacted quickly, with a serious expression on his face, and put away his intimacy: "I want to eat fruit."

Hua Ye glanced at her, took a banana, peeled it and handed it over.

"Banana?" Igarashi reached out to take the banana, his eyes puzzled, "Why did this fat pervert choose bananas as a fruit?"

"Is it implying that I will practice more in the future?"

"Bah! Who would practice that kind of thing!"

The star with poor breasts glared at Hua Ye, opened its small mouth ferociously, and then "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the banana, and started to eat it with its cheeks bulging.

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