Gabriel frowned: "I have a bad feeling..."

"Don't guess." Hua Ye said blankly, "It's Taplis."


Taplis is extremely aggrieved.

The first time I came to the human world where the long-awaited senior Gabriel studied was in September. That time, I was still wearing the protective clothing I bought with all my pocket money. I was so hot that I was sweating profusely, and I almost suffered from heat stroke. I have lingering fears about the heat of the human world , As a result, this time he came to the human world to receive the will of Master Jiaairu, only to find that the whole world has been frozen by severe cold, so cold that it makes people deformed!

"What, what should I do?"

"The money has not been returned to others, so I can't leave."

"The world is so cold, I want to go back to heaven."

"Yes, that's right." Taplis's eyes lit up, and he began to look for a pen and paper, "Hurry up and write the suicide note before you lose consciousness, and then please kind-hearted people to hand over the suicide note to Senior Gabriel... "

The cold wind suddenly disappeared.

Taplis blinked, and found that several figures blocked the cold wind from behind.

"Taplis?" A curious voice sounded.

"Taplis, what are you doing squatting here?" Then a familiar voice came into his ears, revealing a warm concern.

In the end, there was the voice of the senior who was silently looking forward to: "Taplis, hurry up and go home."


The idiot junior blinked her eyes, then suddenly sniffled, with tears welling up in the corners of her eyes: "Woo...senior!"

Chapter 1418

"Senior Gabriel! Senior Vinay!"

Taplis, who was squatting on the ground trembling, raised his face, and after confirming the identities of Hua Ye and the others, his eyes suddenly opened, and the expression of surprise on his face was exactly the same as when a lost dog found its owner. He got up and rushed over .

But probably because of squatting for a long time, the idiot school girl couldn't stand up after trying her best, but fell backwards unsteadily.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand silently, grabbed Taplis's shoulder, and picked up the idiot junior.

"Thank you, senior."

Tapless patted his chest and thanked happily.

He has already done head-touching and killing, so of course he would not be shy about similar physical contact.

"Tapless." Vinai asked with concern, "Why are you wearing so little?"

"Because, because..." Taplis sniffled, and said aggrievedly, "I didn't know the world would be so cold, it was so warm when I came down."


Wei Nai slightly twitched the corner of her mouth, unable to complain, this situation is like someone who is used to living in the south, suddenly arrives in the north, and only after getting off the car does he know what 'the wind is as cold as a knife'!

"It's not the coldest time yet." Liuhua said, "In another month, the weather will be even colder than it is now."

"Okay, so scary."

Gabriel said, "It's so cold, why don't you go home, what are you doing here? I've given you a spare key, right?"

The crippled angel looked down and couldn't help complaining, "Are you begging in the street?"

There was a white tray in front of Taplis. Inside the tray were some odds and ends of money, including coins and banknotes. Although the denominations were not large, the total amount was quite a lot.

"Hey, what is begging?" Taplis blinked, with a cute expression on his face.

"I know, I know." Liuhua raised his hand, and the dumb hair on the top of his head swayed from side to side, and replied solemnly, "It is a common skill of the beggar gang in the game. After using this skill, there is a great chance to get money from others... …For example, when Xiao Jia opens her mouth to beg, the brave man will hand over fried shrimp tempura dipped in sauce.”

"Wow." Taplis's eyes lit up, and he covered his face with his hands, "Senior Gabriel is so powerful 0v0."

"Ahem!" Gabriel coughed, "I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Unmoved, Vinay explained to Taplis:

"Begging is an act of pity and sympathy. If it's not really desperate, it's better not to do this kind of thing... Taplis, why is there so much money on your plate?"

Taplis blinked: "When I was squatting here, an office worker in a suit passed by and gave me a [-] yen bill, and then a few uncles and grandpas gave it to me money."

"Why did they give you money?"

"I don't know either." The idiot school girl looked up at the sky with a puzzled expression and said, "At first I thought it was their money that had been lost, and I asked them to take it back, but they all shook their heads and said, 'You're welcome'. Saying 'it's nice to be able to help people in need'."

Wei Nai and Gabriel looked at each other, "I always feel that... something is wrong with the situation."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "That plate is a Frisbee."

"Eh? Frisbee?" Wei Nai was taken aback, looked down carefully, only to find that the tray Taplis used for begging was indeed a common Frisbee used to play with dogs, and she couldn't help saying, "Tapp Lis, where did you get the frisbee from?"

"It was brought by a dog." Taplis replied truthfully, "When I was walking near the park, suddenly a dog walked up to me wagging its tail and holding this plastic plate in its mouth."

"I reached out and touched the dog's head. The dog was very happy. It opened its mouth and spat out the plate. When I picked it up, it turned around and ran away. I hurried to catch up..."

Gabriel squinted and complained: "That dog wants you to throw the Frisbee out, and play a game of catching the Frisbee! It's not like you are a big living person chasing it behind!"

"Dogs like to play." Wei Nai explained, "Throw this Frisbee out, and the dog will catch up and bite the Frisbee, and then bite you."

"Hey, that's how it is." Taplis folded his arms and said aggrievedly, "I don't know."

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