Tapless said: "The dog ran faster and faster, chased it for a street, and then disappeared..."

Nonsense, being chased by a stranger for three streets, even a dog would be afraid!Maybe you thought you were going to bite it!

The cause and effect have been clarified.

"So..." Wei Nai stretched out a pale jade finger, and made a simple deduction, "You are waiting for that dog at the gate of the park and want to return the tray to it?"

Taplis nodded: "Senior Vinay is so smart."

"However, the dog never showed up. You just waited for it here. Because it was very cold, you squatted down and hugged your knees to keep warm." Gabriel continued, "And then, someone passed by you When you put money on your plate?"

"That's right, that's it." Taplis was full of admiration, "Senior Vinay and Gabriel are both so powerful, I didn't even mention it, and they all hit 0v0."


"Brave, what do you think?" Liuhua crossed her arms and looked at Hua Ye.

What do you think?

Of course it's because of the face!

Facts once again prove that this is a world of faces. A cute girl can beg successfully even with a frisbee. Fifty-six tragic words, no one will give alms, they will only call the patrolling police to drive him away for the crime of disturbing the city appearance!

"It's okay, Taplis." Wei Nai shook her head and said, "Shall we go back to the apartment?"

The idiot junior hesitated and said, "But the tray hasn't been returned to the dog yet..."

"Is that the dog you're talking about?" Hua Ye pointed to a corner of the park, where a white stray dog ​​was standing behind the bushes, looking over with vigilance.

"That's the dog." Taplis turned his head to look, his eyes lit up quickly.

Look at that stray dog ​​again... turned around and ran away with its tail curled up.

"Ah, why doesn't it want a Frisbee!"

Of course it is afraid that you will catch up and bite it!

"Student Hua Ye?" Wei Nai looked over.

Hua Ye responded, "Give me the Frisbee."


Taplis hurriedly handed the Frisbee to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye looked at the waste angel: "Take the money away."

Gabriel responded and took the money on the frisbee away.

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the white stray dog, threw the frisbee in his hand, and the frisbee flew hundreds of meters in the air, and finally appeared in front of the stray dog.

The white stray dog ​​subconsciously opened its mouth, and the frisbee flew directly into its mouth... The dog's face was bewildered.

"Okay, a lot of money!" The useless angel opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief, "It's actually a total of [-] yen..."

Gabriel turned to look at the idiot junior: "Taplis, how long have you been begging here?"

"I don't know." Taplis blinked, "About ten minutes?"

"Damn it!" Gabriel said brokenly, "You can earn more than [-] yen in just ten minutes of begging. I sincerely apologize to those hard-working social animals!"

"Vina works hard in a coffee shop, and it only costs [-] yen an hour, which is not as much as what Tapless earns in ten minutes."

Wei Nai said with black lines all over her face, "I'm really sorry for making so little money!"

"Rounding up, assuming that Taplis earns [-] yen in half an hour, then [-] yen an hour, eight hours a day, that is..."

The useless angel looked at Taplis with shining eyes.

"Senior Gabriel is so scary." Sensing the danger, the idiot junior girl approached Hua Ye timidly.

"Hmm, Taplis." Gabriel clasped her hands together, and suddenly switched from a lazy salted fish to a cherub of holy light, with a gentle voice and a warm smile, "I have something to discuss with you..."

Discuss your sister!You just want to fool the idiot school girl to help you make money!The fox tail doesn't hide it at all!

"Xiao Jia." Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead and said, "Don't bully Taplis."

Gabriel said solemnly: "It's not bullying, it's obviously a win-win proposal."

Your so-called win-win is to sit and count the money by yourself, and then let Taplis go begging on the street!

"Xiaojia." Wei Nai looked disgusted, and couldn't help complaining, "Won't your conscience hurt?"

"Conscience." Gabriel looked up at the sky and whistled, "I was already abandoned when I was rubbed against the ground by those krypton gold bosses."


Wei Nai gently pulled the corner of her mouth: "Xiao Jia, why did you become so thick-skinned?"

Gabriel is confident and confident: "Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black."

"It has nothing to do with me." Hua Ye didn't take the blame, "Ever since you cultivated immortality diligently, your face has become thicker and thicker."

"Tch." Gabriel curled her lips, "Come here, I'll give you a shut up buff..."


Tapless rubbed his nose and sneezed.

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