The female stewardess silently made up her mind, "I'll find someone to come over and check it carefully."

While talking, the door of the bathroom was opened, and Machiko walked out from inside.

"Eh?" Seeing the flaxen-haired flight attendant outside the door, Machiko was startled, subconsciously shrank back, her pretty face flushed suddenly, and a sense of guilt suddenly surged up when she was caught on the spot.

This expression falls on the eyesight of the stewardess, which is another explanation

A tearful, flushed, frail girl who looks like a frightened bunny is alone with a boy in the women's bathroom... No matter how you look at it, it's some terrible plot of the book!

A weak girl who was flying alone on a plane accidentally sat with a terrible demon. First, she sneaked her legs while others were not paying attention. Seeing that the girl did not dare to resist because of her face, the evil in her heart suddenly grew into a towering tree, and she was no longer satisfied with the ordinary Instead, he directly dragged the silently patient girl into the women's restroom...

The slightly red eyes of the girl with long black and straight hair is clearly the proof of the humiliation when she was brutally raped and dared not resist!


The female stewardess took a deep breath, and the professional smile on her face finally disappeared. She turned her head to look at Machiko who had opened the bathroom door into a gap, and said in a serious voice, "This passenger, please come with me to the staff rest room."

"No, no need..."

Machiko glanced at Hua Ye quietly, then blushed and shook her head.

(Oh my God!)

(How cruel and inhumane was this girl treated in the bathroom that she dared not even answer her own helping hand?)

(No, this girl must be rescued from the fire pit!)

"Your body seems to be a little uncomfortable." The female stewardess smiled and said, "Please come with me to the rest room for a simple treatment."

Machiko turned her eyes and looked at Hua Ye, obviously hoping that Hua Ye would break the embarrassment.

Hua Ye said directly, "No."

"Sir." The stewardess gritted her teeth and said, "Please respect yourself."

Self-respect for what?

Whether the squad leader is healthy or not, I know better than you!Except for Machiko who was a little nervous and sweating when the air was pressurized just now, and her eardrums buzzing, she is quite healthy in other aspects. On the contrary, you have bloodshot eyes, lethargy, dull eyes, and lack of breath. Tune!

Machiko finally found out that there was something wrong with the female flight attendant's reaction. It stands to reason that catching a man and a woman having an affair in the bathroom should be disgust and contempt, not vigilance and seriousness.

"That... I misunderstood." The squad leader pursed his lips and spoke in a low voice.

"You don't have to worry." The female flight attendant looked over and said vigilantly, "I'll call the flight attendant..."

"You really misunderstood." Machiko couldn't laugh or cry, and said through the door, "Hua Ye and I know each other."

"Do you know each other?" The stewardess was dubious, "What is the relationship between the two of you?"

The squad leader's pretty face flushed: "Well, we are classmates..."

Even classmates can't go into the women's bathroom together!

"Currently, are dating..." Machiko lowered her head, the embarrassment in her voice was almost overflowing.


"Are you dating?" The female stewardess frowned, "I remember that the silver-haired girl who was sitting with you before hugged this gentleman's arm."

Machiko bit her pink lips, feeling even more ashamed: "Well, let's go out together..."


The female stewardess was silent, and looked at Hua Ye with surprise and shock. In modern society, being able to date two girls at the same time, and getting along at the same time, must have some specialties far beyond ordinary people. ?

Fortunately, this flight attendant didn't know that other than the monitor and Lafite, there were several other people she dated with, otherwise she would definitely be amazed and amazed!

"I'm sorry." The female flight attendant bowed and apologized to Hua Ye, "I have caused you trouble."

Hua Ye didn't take it seriously at all, "Squad leader, go back."


Machiko responded, and walked out with a pretty face flushed, stretched out her hand to hold Hua Ye's sleeve, lowered her head and pretended to be an ostrich, although she didn't do anything in the bathroom, but no one knew it!If this kind of thing is explained, it will appear to be a cover-up!


Returning to his seat, Lafite had already woken up under the pressure of the air just now.

"Hmm, class monitor, classmate Hua Ye." Lafite tilted his head and looked over, his hair flowing down like mercury, flowing gently on his shoulders, "Where did you go just now?"

Hua Ye said, "The bathroom."

"Why is the monitor's face so red?" Lafite blinked and asked.

"That, that, I was a little scared just now, so I asked Hua Ye to go to the bathroom with me." Machiko hurriedly explained, "I met the flight attendant from before on the way, that's why I blushed..."

As he said that, he cast a begging look at Hua Ye: "Student Hua Ye, please don't say anything." If everyone knew that he had done such a shameful thing in the bathroom, he would never have the face to face anyone again!

"Eh." Lafite stretched out a finger, his eyes rolling, "I thought the squad leader would say that the heating is too high."

Machiko: "..."

(PS: I kindly recommend a book, "The Dragon King of the Void", interested friends can bookmark it.)

Chapter 1426 Goodbye Toka

"Phew, it's finally here..."

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